New York is A different world


Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster

I mentioned this several months ago when nigs started posting his vids on here and thinking it was worthy knowledge. I said he went from real estate agent until Mr propaganda cause he started getting millions of views for his propaganda vids. Like I say 3-10,000 bucks per million views, he started seeing way more money and changed his whole channel around. Got a newborn plus his first child and was like he probably was on some time to feed my kids


Rising Star
BGOL Investor

dik cashmere

Freaky Tah gettin high that's my brother
BGOL Investor


Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster
@Gemini @playahaitian @tallblacknyc

I got a speeding ticket once in Staten Island and got 9 points on my license and a $400 fine. I was 11 miles over the speed limit
