Chianti Means, 33, stepped over the guardrail Monday night at Luna Island — a popular overlook above the falls’ with a nearly 200-foot drop, according to New York State Police.
"While it's technically illegal to have a pet squirrel in NY, Mark says he wasn't hiding Peanut -- the squirrel has 532,000 followers on IG and over 1,400 posts -- and he says anonymous complaints about Peanut led state agencies to get a search warrant to rip the animal from his home and kill it."
The owners of a pet squirrel with a massive social media following are going nuclear on government officials in New York ... accusing the state of abusing power and wasting taxpayer funds to seize and kill Peanut, all because of some anonymous claims.
"Animals showing signs of rabies should be immediately euthanized by a professional and specimens submitted to a qualified rabies laboratory for testing. A diagnosis of rabies can be made after detection of rabies virus from any part of the affected brain, but to rule out rabies, the test must include a full cross-section of tissue from both the brain stem and cerebellum. Rabies testing requires that the animal be euthanized. There are no approved methods for ante-mortem rabies testing of animals."