
Rising Star
BGOL Investor

November 17

Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Veronica been to your home several times, but it seem like you're stuck in the "friend zone," but not for the reasons you think.

She tells you that she entertain the idea of "getting with you," but she's a bit intimidated.
You look at her with disbelief and she goes on to explain that most of the women she's seen you with in the past are basically "Amazons." She 5'3, and petite compared to what you used to.

It appears Veronica ain't as small as she thinks.

November 17

Rising Star
BGOL Investor
You don't mind looking out for Sienna (your next door neighbor) because she's nice to you. If she orders take out from time to time she'll ask you if you want something and treat you.

So when she asked you to help her change the lightbulbs in the kitchen (it's a special circular lightbulb) you didn't mind. Ironically, you had to go to Home Depot and pick it up for her (she paid for it and gave you a nice tip too).

She called Saturday afternoon and asked if you could come over and change the bulbs. So around 4 pm, you showed up and started working on it. Sienna said she was going to clean up in the bathroom, but if you needed her just tap on the bathroom door.

You removed the first bulb, which can be tricky because of the clamps and as you started on the 2nd you heard a scream. Then Sienna calls you, but you stopped at the door and asked her if she is ok? She's telling you to come in, but you're reluctant because you believe she is in the bathtub. She tells you to come in anyway because she thinks she saw a mouse underneath the toilet.

You look around, but don't see anything. Then Sienna says..."Maybe, it jumped in the tub with me, you better check."

Side note: Although, Sienna appears white she's actually Moroccan and her first language is French. Sometimes she speaks to you in French and you may not know what's she saying , but it's sexy.
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Rising Star
BGOL Investor
You don't mind looking out for Sienna (your next door neighbor) because she's nice to you. If she orders take out from time to time she'll ask you if you want something and treat you.

So when you asked you to help her change the lightbulbs in the kitchen (it's a special circular lightbulb) you didn't mind. Ironically, you had to go to Home Depot and pick it up for her (she paid for it and gave you a nice tip too).

She called this afternoon and asked if you could come over and change the bulbs. So around 4 pm, you showed up and started working on it. Sienna said she was going to clean up in the bathroom, but if you needed her just tap on the bathroom door.

You remove the first bulb, which can be tricky because of the clamps and as you start on the 2nd you hear a scream. Then Sienna calls you, but you stop at the door and ask her if she is ok? She's telling you to come in, but you're reluctant because you believe she is in the bath tub. She tells you to come in anyway because she thinks she saw a mouse underneath the toilet.

You look around, but don't see anything. Then Sienna says..."Maybe, it jumped in the tub with me, you better check."

She got a really nice ass.