NY Legal: MTA is using AI to track fare evasion on the subway UPDATE: Fare Enforcement Teams mobilized


Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster

It's gonna be tough out here when summer is over.
15 cents increase one way.. $1 more for weekly.. $5 more for monthly… technically 1 of the lowest increases in decades.. will generate hundreds of millions more for the Mta but overall we’ve seen way higher, way worst increases.. plus more people been hopping and finding other ways to get around( electric bikes/scooters) lately.. hell I don’t think I even paid ummm I may found options of somehow riding Mta for free this yr


Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster
15 cents increase one way.. $1 more for weekly.. $5 more for monthly… technically 1 of the lowest increases in decades.. will generate hundreds of millions more for the Mta but overall we’ve seen way higher, way worst increases.. plus more people been hopping and finding other ways to get around( electric bikes/scooters) lately.. hell I don’t think I even paid ummm I may found options of somehow riding Mta for free this yr

But bro cents to you?

Is a big deal for others you know that.

And I got a bad feeling about all this hopping... I think especially if Adams is reelected? You gonna see a serious crackdown.


Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster
15 cents increase one way.. $1 more for weekly.. $5 more for monthly… technically 1 of the lowest increases in decades.. will generate hundreds of millions more for the Mta but overall we’ve seen way higher, way worst increases.. plus more people been hopping and finding other ways to get around( electric bikes/scooters) lately.. hell I don’t think I even paid ummm I may found options of somehow riding Mta for free this yr

I know better than to even ask...

You undefeated bro.


Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster
15 cents increase one way.. $1 more for weekly.. $5 more for monthly… technically 1 of the lowest increases in decades.. will generate hundreds of millions more for the Mta but overall we’ve seen way higher, way worst increases.. plus more people been hopping and finding other ways to get around( electric bikes/scooters) lately.. hell I don’t think I even paid ummm I may found options of somehow riding Mta for free this yr

And they ALWAYS completely mismanaged those funds.


Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster
But bro cents to you?

Is a big deal for others you know that.

And I got a bad feeling about all this hopping... I think especially if Adams is reelected? You gonna see a serious crackdown.
15 cent extra one way.. 30 cent extra 2 ways.. if you take 10 trips it increases by $1.50 more… weekly up $1.. like I said when you do the math breakdown you dislike the increase but there’s way more things that have jumped in prices in comparison.. also I think certain people can get discounts if they in a certain financial bracket( low income to no income).. also I think a lot of people kinda fed up with Mta as a whole and on some hey I paid you for yrs it’s time I get some reward points as I like to call it and use frequent free riding miles .. like I paid for decades I think I deserve a yr or more of free rides


Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster
I know better than to even ask...

You undefeated bro.
Hey there’s certain buses that you can take at certain times risk free and get around the city for free, that’s all I have to say about that.. also they made an announcement that a few bus lines will be free starting mid September for 6 months maybe a yr..1 bus line for each borough.. I already mapped out that the Manhattan bus line is the crosstown bus on 116 that goes from west side of Harlem to the east side aka Spanish Harlem .. that bus can take you to the east side where Costco is basically one avenue away.. so now you can go to Costco grab some groceries than hop on the bus and go crosstown for free, to catch either another bus or train on the west side if you don’t live within walking distance from that line.. that opens up a whole new free99 avenue.. can even hit up the supermarket lidl that’s located on 119 st and st nick( near that 116 line).. Amy Ruth’s on that line, Harlem tavern, etc.. definitely gonna take advantage of that free line


Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster
Hey there’s certain buses that you can take at certain times risk free and get around the city for free, that’s all I have to say about that.. also they made an announcement that a few bus lines will be free starting mid September for 6 months maybe a yr..1 bus line for each borough.. I already mapped out that the Manhattan bus line is the crosstown bus on 116 that goes from west side of Harlem to the east side aka Spanish Harlem .. that bus can take you to the east side where Costco is basically one avenue away.. so now you can go to Costco grab some groceries than hop on the bus and go crosstown for free, to catch either another bus or train on the west side if you don’t live within walking distance from that line.. that opens up a whole new free99 avenue.. can even hit up the supermarket lidl that’s located on 119 st and st nick( near that 116 line).. Amy Ruth’s on that line, Harlem tavern, etc.. definitely gonna take advantage of that free line



Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster
15 cent extra one way.. 30 cent extra 2 ways.. if you take 10 trips it increases by $1.50 more… weekly up $1.. like I said when you do the math breakdown you dislike the increase but there’s way more things that have jumped in prices in comparison.. also I think certain people can get discounts if they in a certain financial bracket( low income to no income).. also I think a lot of people kinda fed up with Mta as a whole and on some hey I paid you for yrs it’s time I get some reward points as I like to call it and use frequent free riding miles .. like I paid for decades I think I deserve a yr or more of free rides


I'm torn on this

cause I know WAY to many people and I mean folk the outside would NEVER EVER suspect of living paycheck to paycheck in NY

and little increases things like that?

Actually do damage.

Honestly even the fare skipping.

I used to NEVER care in fact when I worked with at risk populations the managers HATED me cause I kept giving out free metro cards like it was candy.

But NOW?

When I see certain folk hop the train of bus I feel a little a different. I can't call it.

Maybe cause I make sure my kids don't do it?

Or because I seen some fake ass wanna be super cops really harass kids on the trains lately to tears for hopping?

Maybe because I see people who really scrambling STILL make sure to pay while folk who APPEAR to be capable just walk by with an attitude to boot?

I can't call it.


American fruit, Afrikan root.
BGOL Investor
There are few corporations as graft-filled and mismanaged as the MTA. After over 100 years of operation, you'd think they'd have figured out a better way, unless...


Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster

I'm torn on this

cause I know WAY to many people and I mean folk the outside would NEVER EVER suspect of living paycheck to paycheck in NY

and little increases things like that?

Actually do damage.

Honestly even the fare skipping.

I used to NEVER care in fact when I worked with at risk populations the managers HATED me cause I kept giving out free metro cards like it was candy.

But NOW?

When I see certain folk hop the train of bus I feel a little a different. I can't call it.

Maybe cause I make sure my kids don't do it?

Or because I seen some fake ass wanna be super cops really harass kids on the trains lately to tears for hopping?

Maybe because I see people who really scrambling STILL make sure to pay while folk who APPEAR to be capable just walk by with an attitude to boot?

I can't call it.
I’m reverse.. I hated seemingly like I was the only guy paying for the bus… grabbing up mad coins to fill those machines riding around the city if I didn’t have a week pass or monthly pass… I tend to clothes shop downtown Manhattan and it seemed like everyone was hopping.. especially young people and chicks… paying 5.50 round trip got on my nerves… so the libra in me that believes in fairness aka the scales was like if everyone else riding for free why am I gonna be the only guy continuing to fund this bizz.. and free99 beginned


Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster
Like many things people don’t accept an idea or situation at first but than overtime those same people do a 180 and make it part of their life.. mta use to act like bitches towards some performers but decades later have now learned those people are part of the ny experience. Of course it’s been gentrified and more acceptable once black people don’t have the stronghold of that game no more. Remember when hip hop was looked down upon, graffiti, weed, gambling, etc.. notice all the things that were look as a black eye is now looked at as the new cure


Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster
Like many things people don’t accept an idea or situation at first but than overtime those same people do a 180 and make it part of their life.. mta use to act like bitches towards some performers but decades later have now learned those people are part of the ny experience. Of course it’s been gentrified and more acceptable once black people don’t have the stronghold of that game no more. Remember when hip hop was looked down upon, graffiti, weed, gambling, etc.. notice all the things that were look as a black eye is now looked at as the new cure


100% uncut truth


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
I see 30 to 50 jump the turnstyle or walk right through the gate every week. The MTA president says he's going to do this or that to stop it but it never comes to fruition. People jump right in front of the cops.


Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster
I see 30 to 50 jump the turnstyle or walk right through the gate every week. The MTA president says he's going to do this or that to stop it but it never comes to fruition. People jump right in front of the cops.


I don't like this at all how the subway cops PICK AND CHOOSE who to flag down

Seems to me its always black kids or black mothers with kids.
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