NYC's stupid ass gun laws (((nyc permit holders only)))


༺ S❤️PER❤️ ᗰOD ༻
Super Moderator
NYC's stupid ass gun laws
(((nyc permit holders only)))

Lifestyles of the rich and packin': High-profile celebrities seeking gun permits on the rise


J.Lo and her 2-year-old twins can rest easy at night: Daddy is packing heat.

Singer Marc Anthony is one of dozens of celebs, millionaires and high-profile athletes authorized to carry a concealed weapon in the city, records show.

And the number of A-listers who have guns is growing.

"We have seen an increase in celebs seeking their own permits," said John Skylar Chambers, a lawyer who has helped New Yorkers get gun permits for more than 20 years.

"They can get their own security, but with the Internet, it is much easier to find people. They don't want to find someone on their lawn at 5 in the morning."

Other big names licensed to carry a gun include actor Robert De Niro, shock jock Howard Stern and supermarket mogul John Catsimatidis. Billionaire Donald Trump and his son, Donald Jr.; celebrity lawyer David Breitbart, and artificial-heart inventor Robert Jarvik can also carry steel, police records reveal.

Mets third-baseman David Wright has a permit to keep a gun in his city penthouse. Martha Stewart's daughter, radio host Alexis Stewart, also has a permit.

Not everyone scores. Bernie Madoff's son Andrew couldn't persuade the NYPD to issue him a gun permit - not even to keep a firearm in his home.

Anthony's special carry permit allows him to tote a loaded weapon. He got it under his real name, Marco Antonio Muniz, and has an application for a similar permit in Nassau County.

Anthony and his superstar wife, Jennifer Lopez, are raising twins Emme and Max in their $2million home in Brookville, Nassau County.

It's unclear why Anthony wanted the permit; the 42-year-old singer's lawyer didn't respond to requests for comment. To get a permit, applicants have to prove a documented threat or that they routinely carry large amounts of cash or valuables.

While experts say the number of celebs allowed to carry guns is on the rise, the number of overall permits issued in the city this year is down from last year. There were 2,145 carry permits issued last year compared with 2,093 this year - a dip of about 2.4%.

The NYPD charges a nonrefundable $340 to file an application for a gun permit and between $94 and $106 for the collection of fingerprints, even before a background check is begun.

Gun permits aren't easy to get.

"The NYPD is extremely thorough in their investigation," said divorce lawyer to the stars Raoul Felder, who also has a permit to carry. "In other states, you fill out a form, swear you are not a lunatic, and you get it."

Some learn the value of a carry permit the hard way.

Former Giants receiver Plaxico Burress was sentenced to two years in prison after shooting himself in a Manhattan nightclub in 2008. The gun wasn't licensed in New York.

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BGOL Investor
In NYC the NYPD wants control of everything well fugg em I can carry in 2 states.. they can't carry in NJ :lol:

Either way its b.s because who the fuck is bothering Marc Anthony and his wife? Fuck out of here its easier to get that permit in Nassau county. I suspect they used their latino political connects in the city so Mar Anthony can carry concealed in the city limits...

In a city of some 13 million only 2 thousand permits issued? :hmm:


Rising Star
Why are they applying in NYC?

You apply for a New York State CCW and that will cover all counties, cities, and jurisdictions within the state including New York City.

New York City gun law cannot trump State law.


BGOL Investor
Why are they applying in NYC?

You apply for a New York State CCW and that will cover all counties, cities, and jurisdictions within the state including New York City.

New York City gun law cannot trump State law.

Fam NYC is the sole bread winner for the entire state, the city with the highest tax base in the state..... NYC is like its own state... shit is ridiculous. Anywhere outsite of nyc u can get a permit barring you don't have no felonies.


Rising Star
Fam NYC is the sole bread winner for the entire state, the city with the highest tax base in the state..... NYC is like its own state... shit is ridiculous. Anywhere outsite of nyc u can get a permit barring you don't have no felonies.

Oh, I hear you. But are you telling me in NY you have to apply for two CCWs?
One specifically for NYC and the other for the rest of the State?

If so, that's crazy. There's no way a city should be able to able to trump state law or a state issue certificate.


Oh, I hear you. But are you telling me in NY you have to apply for two CCWs?
One specifically for NYC and the other for the rest of the State?

If so, that's crazy. There's no way a city should be able to able to trump state law or a state issue certificate.

Fam, NYC does this with a lot of permits and licenses, all across the board.

It seems like it's more about collecting their share of loot more than anything else.

Hell, I remember back when I got my driver's license I had to know the differences between NYC rules and NYS rules, two of them being no left on red in NYC and a permit becomes a license @ 17 in NYS but not until 18 in NYC.

@ Beatdown Records, the Tri-state area may boast 13 million peeps fam, but NYC itself which consists of the 5 boros has 8 million people.


BGOL Investor
Fam, NYC does this with a lot of permits and licenses, all across the board.

It seems like it's more about collecting their share of loot more than anything else.

Hell, I remember back when I got my driver's license I had to know the differences between NYC rules and NYS rules, two of them being no left on red in NYC and a permit becomes a license @ 17 in NYS but not until 18 in NYC.

@ Beatdown Records, the Tri-state area may boast 13 million peeps fam, but NYC itself which consists of the 5 boros has 8 million people.

I consider the tri state area NYC, hell all them ninjas in the tri state work in NYC lol


Rising Star
Platinum Member
Thanks to our Mayor Bloomberg who open his mouth and fuck it up for everyone in the city
back in the days i heard motherfuckers only did a 8 months in the island for non register gun now look at lil wayne he's lucky look at Prodigy i think he is still doing his time


༺ S❤️PER❤️ ᗰOD ༻
Super Moderator
nys permit
NYS Gun Laws
New York State Gun Laws
Rifles and Shotguns Handguns
Permit to Purchase No* Yes
Registration of Firearms No* Yes
Licensing of Owners No* Yes
Permit to Carry No* Yes
* Except in New York City

State Constitutional Provision

None. However, Article 2, Section 4 of the New York Civil Rights Law provides: “A well regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms cannot be infringed.”


No permit is required for the purchase of a rifle or shotgun (except in New York City).

A license to carry or posses a pistol or revolver is required to purchase a handgun. (See HANDGUNSPOSSESSION and CARRY) Elsewhere than the City of New York, a person licensed to carry or possess a pistol or revolver may apply at any time to the licensing officer in the county of their residence for amendment of his or her license to include one or more such handguns or to cancel a handgun held under the license.

No person, firm or corporation engaged in the retail business of selling rifles, shotguns or handguns, shall sell, deliver or transfer any such gun to another person unless the transferee is provided with a gun locking device and a label on safe storage.

Any business selling firearms must post a sign where the firearms are displayed or sold stating in bold print: “The use of a locking device or safety lock is only one aspect of responsible firearm storage. For increased safety firearms should be stored unloaded and locked in a location that is both separate from their ammunition and inaccessible to children and any other unauthorized person.”

Any manufacturer that ships, transports or delivers a handgun to any person in this state shall include in the container a separate sealed container that encloses: a shell casing of a bullet or projectile discharged from such handgun, and any additional information that identifies such handgun. A gunsmith or dealer in firearms licensed in this state shall, within ten days of delivering to any person a handgun received by such gunsmith or dealer, forward to the division of state police, along with the original transaction report, the sealed container enclosing the shell casing from such handgun received from the

Upon receipt of the sealed container, the division of state police shall cause to be entered in an automated electronic data-bank pertinent data and other ballistic information relevant to identification of the shell casing and to the handgun from which it was discharged. All firearm exhibitors must conduct a national instant criminal background check prior to all firearm sales or transfers, including sales or transfers of rifles or shotguns at a gun show.

It is lawful for NY residents to purchase or obtain rifles or shotguns in a contiguous state and to receive and transport said rifle and shotguns into the state, provided the person is otherwise eligible to possess a rifle or shotgun under NY law.

Possession – Rifles and Shotguns

There is no state license requirement for the possession of a rifle or shotgun, so long as the rifle has barrel(s) at least 16 inches in length and the shotgun has barrel(s) at least 18 inches in length.

It is unlawful for any person convicted of a felony, other serious offense, or who been certified as not suitable to possess a rifle or shotgun (mentally incompetent) to possess a firearm.

Generally, it is unlawful for anyone under the age of 16 to possess any firearm; however, a rifle or shotgun may be possessed by a person between 12 and 16 who is engaged in target shooting on a range supervised by a military officer, certified instructor, or a parent, guardian or a person over the age of eighteen designated in writing by such parent or guardian provided the adult has a hunter safety certificate.

It is unlawful to possess 20 or more firearms as defined under NY law outside one’s home or business.

Possession – Handguns

A license is needed to possess a handgun in one’s home or place of business. Application is made to the licensing officer of the city or county where the applicant resides, is principally employed, or where his principal place of business as a merchant or storekeeper is located. An alien may obtain a pistol license if he or she meets these requirements. The determination whether to grant the license is completely within the discretion of the licensing officer. However, the licensing officer must state specifically and concisely in writing the reasons for a denial. A denial can only be overturned in court if the denial is shown to be arbitrary and capricious.

Westchester County may require the applicant to successfully complete a firearms safety course and test in addition to meeting the other requirements. Other counties also require a safety course for license issuance.

A license may be granted to an applicant who is of good moral character, who is over 21 years of age, who has not been convicted of a serious offense, who states if and when he has ever been treated for mental illness, who is not subject to a protective court order and to whom no good cause exists for the denial of the license. The age requirement shall not apply to persons honorably discharged from the military. (Persons between age 18 and 21 may possess a handgun at an indoor or outdoor pistol range located in or on premises owned or occupied by a duly incorporated organization organized for conservation purposes or to foster proficiency in small arms. A person between the ages of 18 and 21 may also possess a handgun at a target pistol shooting competition under the auspices of or approved by the NRA and while under immediate supervision).

An investigation will be conducted regarding all statements required in the application. This includes taking the fingerprints and physical descriptive data of the applicant. One copy of the fingerprints will be forwarded to the FBI for a search of the applicant’s criminal records. The failure or refusal of the FBI to make the fingerprint check shall not constitute the sole basis for refusal to issue a permit.

The licensing officer may, in his discretion, add restrictions to the license, limiting the places where the handgun may be kept or carried. No demonstration of need to possess is required to obtain an “on premises only,” license valid for one’s home or place of business. A demonstration of need must be shown, however, for a license not restricted to one of those locations. An “on premises only” license authorizes the possession of a handgun only at the location written on the license. It does not authorize the holder to take such handgun to any other place. (It should be noted further that an “on premises only” license technically does not authorize the holder even to transport the handgun from its place of purchase to the location stated on the license.)

Applications for licenses must be acted upon within 6 months after presentment. If there is a delay, there must be written notice to the applicant stating the reasons. Such delay may be excused for good cause only.

If issued, a license is valid until revoked, except in New York City where a license shall expire not more than 3 years after the date of issuance, and in Nassau, Suffolk and Westchester Counties where a license shall expire not more than 5 years after the date of issuance.

A license fee is fixed by the board of supervisors in each county, with a $10.00 limit prescribed by state law. The Division of Criminal Justice Services sets the fingerprinting fee. The fee for each amendment to the license is $3.00 ($5.00 in Suffolk County). In New York City and Nassau County, the City Council and Board of Supervisors, respectively, set the license fees without regard to the state law limitation.

Each handgun possessed must be listed on the license by make, model, caliber and serial number. The only exception is possession of a properly licensed handgun by another licensee or license applicant at a target range.

The name and address submitted by an applicant to obtain the license becomes a matter of public record.

A licensee who moves his residence to another licensing jurisdiction within the state shall provide notification of the change in writing within ten days after such change occurs, and a record of such change shall be inscribed by such licensee on the reverse side of his license. Failure to notify of the change of residence may result in an inability to obtain amendments, and possible revocation of the license.


A license to possess a handgun serves also as a license to carry unless restricted.

A license to carry or possess a pistol or revolver, not otherwise limited as to place or time of possession, shall be effective throughout the state, except that the license shall not be valid within the city of New York unless a special permit granting validity is issued by the police commissioner of that city.

An applicant for a license to carry outside the home must be required to show, in addition to the requirement for possession, that proper cause exists for the issuance of a carry license, including, for example, target shooting, hunting, or self-defense.

The license can be amended to include one or more additional or different handguns. The licensee is required to carry the license on his person at all times when carrying a handgun.

A loaded handgun may be carried in a vehicle by a properly licensed individual. (Loaded means a firearm with ammunition loaded in magazine or chamber or any firearm which is possessed by one who at the same time possesses a quantity of ammunition which may be used to discharge such a firearm.) Possession of any loaded rifle or shotgun in a vehicle is illegal.


It is unlawful for any person to carry, possess or transport a handgun in or through the state unless he has a valid New York license. (A provision of federal law provides a defense to state or local laws which would prohibit the passage of persons with firearms in interstate travel if the person is traveling from any place where he may lawfully possess and transport a firearm to any other place where he may lawfully possess and transport such firearm and the firearm is unloaded and in the trunk. In vehicles without a trunk, the unloaded firearm shall be in a locked container other than the glove compartment or console).

A member or coach of an accredited college or university target pistol team may transport a handgun into or through New York to participate in a collegiate, Olympic or target pistol shooting competition provided that the handgun is unloaded and carried in a locked carrying case and the ammunition is carried in a separate locked container.

Non-resident target shooters may enter or pass through New York State with handguns for the purposes of any NRA approved competition or IHMSA sanctioned match, within 48 hours of the competition, if the competitor has in his possession a copy of the match program, proof of entry and a pistol license from his state of residence. The handgun must be unloaded and transported in a locked opaque container. This provision does not apply in NY cities not wholly contained within a single county or to people with felony convictions.

Possession of firearms by a person who is a nonresident of this state is lawful while attending or traveling to or from an organized convention or exhibition approved by the NRA, and in which the nonresident is a registered participant within forty-eight hours of such event, provided that the nonresident has not been previously convicted of a felony and further provided that the firearms are transported unloaded in a locked opaque container together with a copy of the convention or exhibition program, convention or exhibition schedule or convention or exhibition registration card. This provision does not apply in NY cities not wholly contained within a single county.

A non-immigrant alien may possess a rifle or shotgun for use while hunting provided he has a valid hunting license issued by New York State and an approved gun import form from the BATFE.


The New York definition of a firearm does not include an antique firearm. An antique firearm is any unloaded muzzle loading pistol or revolver with a matchlock, flintlock, percussion cap, or similar type of ignition system, or a pistol or revolver that uses fixed cartridges that are no longer available in the ordinary channels of commercial trade. A license is not required to possess, collect or carry an unloaded antique firearm.

However, a license is required to possess, collect and carry antique pistols. The licensing statute defines an antique pistol as: any single shot, muzzle loading pistol with a matchlock, flintlock, percussion cap, or similar type of ignition system manufactured in or before l898, which is not designed for using rim-fire or conventional center-fire fixed ammunition; and any replica if such replica is not designed or redesigned for using rim-fire or conventional center-fire fixed ammunition, or uses rim-fire or conventional center-fire fixed ammunition which is no longer manufactured in the United States and which is not readily available in the ordinary channels of commercial trade. To the extent that an “antique pistol” is not also an “antique firearm,” a license would be required for lawful possession.

NY Law has interpreted this to mean antique rifles, shotguns, handguns, and replicas thereof, are generally exempt from the above restrictions and can be bought and possessed without a permit. (Persons who shoot muzzleloading handguns must be properly licensed.) However, to fall within the exemption, antique handguns must be unloaded and possessed without the materials required for loading.

Machine Guns

It is a felony for any person to manufacture, transport or dispose of a machine gun. It is a felony to buy, receive, dispose or conceal a machine gun that has been defaced for the purpose of concealment.

The presence in any room, dwelling, structure or vehicle of any machine gun is presumptive evidence of unlawful possession by all persons occupying the place where the machine gun is found.

A machine gun is defined as any weapon from which a number of shots or bullets may be rapidly or automatically discharged from a magazine with one continuous pull of the trigger and includes a submachine gun.

Assault Weapons

It shall be unlawful to possess any “assault weapon” or “large capacity ammunition feeding device.” So called assault weapons lawfully possessed prior to September 14, 1994 and large capacity ammunition feeding devices manufactured prior to such date can continue to be lawfully possessed..

“Assault weapon” is defined as:

A semiautomatic rifle that has an ability to accept a detachable magazine and has at least two of the following characteristics:

•a folding or telescoping stock
•a pistol grip that protrudes conspicuously beneath the actionof the weapon
•a bayonet mount
•a flash suppressor or threaded barrel designed to accommodate a flash suppressor
•a grenade launcher
•A semiautomatic shotgun that has at least two of the following characteristics
•a folding or telescoping stock
•a pistol grip that protrudes conspicuously beneath the action of the weapon
•a fixed magazine capacity in excess of five rounds
•an ability to accept a detachable magazine
•A semiautomatic pistol that has an ability to accept a detachable magazine and has at least two of the following characteristics
•an ammunition magazine that attaches to the pistol outside of the pistol grip
•a threaded barrel capable of accepting a barrel extender, flash suppressor, forward handgrip, or silencer
•shroud that is attached to, or partially or completely encircles, the barrel and that permits the shooter to hold the firearm with the nontrigger hand without being burned
•manufactured weight of fifty ounces or more when the pistol is unloaded
•A semiautomatic version of an automatic rifle, shotgun or firearm
•Any of the weapons, or functioning frames or receivers of such weapons, or copies or duplicates of such weapons, in any caliber, known as:
•Norinco, Mitchell, and Poly Technologies Avtomat Kalashnikovs (All Models)
•Action Arms Israeli Military Industries UZI and Galil
•Beretta Ar70 (SC-70)
•Colt AR-15
•Fabrique National FN/FAL, FN/LAR, and FNC
•SWD M-10, M-11, M-11/9, and M-12
•Steyr AUG
•revolving cylinder shotguns, such as (or similar to) the Street Sweeper and Striker
•Assault weapons does not include:
•any rifle, shotgun or pistol that: is manually operated by bolt, pump, lever or slide action; or has been rendered permanently inoperable
•An antique firearm as defined under federal law
•A semiautomatic rifle that cannot accept a detachable magazine that holds more than five rounds of ammunition
•A semiautomatic shotgun that cannot hold more than five rounds of ammunition in a fixed or detachable magazine
•A rifle, shotgun or pistol, or a replica or a duplicate thereof, specifically exempted from the federal assault weapon ban list as such weapon was manufactured on October 1, 1993
•“Large capacity ammunition feeding device” means a magazine, belt, drum, feed strip, or similar device, manufactured after September 13, 1994, that has a capacity of, or that can be readily restored or converted to accept, more than ten rounds of ammunition. There is an exception for an attached tubular device designed to accept, and capable of operating only with, .22 caliber rimfire ammunition.
Miscellaneous Provisions

Any person lawfully in possession of a firearm who suffers the loss or theft of said weapon shall report the facts and circumstances of the loss or theft to a police department or sheriff ’s office within twenty-four hours of the discovery of the loss or theft.

Illegal possession of a loaded firearm is a class C violent felony, punishable by a minimum mandatory term of three and a half years and a maximum of fifteen years.

It is unlawful to discharge a firearm so as the load passes over any part of a public highway. It is a crime to possess any rifle, shotgun or handgun in or upon a building or grounds, used for educational purposes, of any school, college or university. It is lawful, however, to possess a rifle, shotgun or handgun in or upon the forestry lands, wherever located, owned and maintained by the State University of New York College of environmental science and forestry, without the written authorization of such educational institution.

It is unlawful to discharge a firearm within five hundred feet from a dwelling house, farm building or farm structure actually occupied or used, school building, school playground, or occupied factory or church.

It is unlawful to willfully discharge any firearm either in a public place, or in any place where there is any person to be endangered thereby.

It is a crime to intentionally point or discharge any firearm toward another person (except in self-defense), even if no malice or injury is involved.

It is a crime to deface or alter the serial number or any other distinguishing number or identification mark on any handgun, rifle or shotgun, or to buy, receive, or dispose of a defaced firearm. Possession of any firearm that has been defaced creates a legal presumption that the possessor committed the offense.

The presence of a firearm in a vehicle is presumptive evidence of its possession by all persons occupying the vehicle except if:

•the firearm is found upon the person of one of the occupants
•if the firearm is found in a vehicle operated for hire by a duly licensed driver, then the presumption will not apply to the driver
•the firearm found is a handgun and one of the occupants has in his possession a valid license to have and carry concealed.
It is unlawful to possess a bullet containing an explosive substance designed to detonate upon impact or possess any armor piercing ammunition with intent to use unlawfully against another.

Note: Unless otherwise noted, the word firearm in this digest is used in its general sense, as any rifle, shotgun, or handgun. However, readers of the New York law should be aware that the term “firearm” when it appears in the text of the statutes, means only handguns and other firearms of a size which may be concealed upon the person.

CAUTION: Firearm laws are subject to frequent change and court interpretation. This summary is not intended as legal advice or restatement of law. This summary does not include federal or local laws, ordinances or regulations. For any particular situation, a licensed local attorney must be consulted for an accurate interpretation. YOU MUST ABIDE WITH ALL LAWS: STATE, FEDERAL AND LOCAL.
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༺ S❤️PER❤️ ᗰOD ༻
Super Moderator
Permits | Handgun Licensing Information

nyc permit

Applicants must arrive at 1 Police Plaza or the Rifle/Shotgun Section , 120-55 Queens Boulevard, Kew Gardens, early enough for processing to be completed by 8:00 PM. The amount of time needed to process an application varies by situation, but averages approximately 45 minutes. Please review instructions for items needed before submitting your application.

The License Division
Types of Licenses
Handgun License Consulting Firms
Instructions to all Handgun License Applicants
Fees Note: License Division is now accepting credit card payments for NEW applications and fingerprint fees.

Download Instructions to All Handgun License Applicants (PDF)

The License Division

The License Division receives many inquiries from the public regarding the procedures involved in obtaining a permit for a handgun. Because of the serious safety concerns inherent in the possession of handguns, it is recommended that the decision to obtain a handgun license be carefully considered and that a licensee receive training in the safety and use of a handgun. Licensees must become familiar with all laws and regulations relating to handgun ownership. The following sections provide information in order to assist persons who wish to apply for a handgun license. They do not in any way imply that a license application will be approved.

The following pages have been prepared as a guide to assist you in deciding which type of handgun license may be appropriate for you. If you decide to apply for a license you must APPEAR IN PERSON at the License Division with the completed application, the documents specified in the application instructions, the application fee, and the fingerprint fee. These are the only fees you are required to pay to have your application processed. The fees may be paid by credit card or in the form of two U.S. POSTAL OR BANK-DRAWN MONEY ORDERS, made payable to the New York City Police Department, CASH IS NOT ACCEPTED. Make sure that you save the receipt for your application fee given to you by the cashier. This receipt is proof of payment and contains your application number, which is required for any subsequent inquiries regarding the status of your application.

If you intend to apply for a license related to your employment, profession, or business, you may ask to speak to an application reviewer who will screen your application and documents, and will assist you in determining the type of license you appear to be eligible for. Whether or not you choose to have your application screened by a reviewer, you will have to provide the documentation specified in the application instructions at the time of application submission.

After you file your application you will be contacted for an interview and may be required to submit additional documentation. All documents will be examined and evaluated, and all factors will be considered in making the determination as to your qualification for an employment, profession, or business related license.

Regardless of the reviewer's recommendation, you may apply for whichever type of license you choose. The screening process is merely an attempt to assist you, and does not affect the final decision regarding your application. You must be twenty-one (21) years of age to apply for a handgun license or rifle/shotgun permit.

Types of Licenses

PREMISES LICENSE: IS A RESTRICTED TYPE OF LICENSE. It is issued for your RESIDENCE or BUSINESS. The Licensee may possess a handgun ONLY on the premises of the address indicated on the front of the license. Licensees may also transport their handguns and ammunition in SEPARATE LOCKED CONTAINERS, DIRECTLY to and from an authorized range, or hunting location. HANDGUNS MUST BE UNLOADED while being transported.

CARRY BUSINESS LICENSE: This is an unrestricted class of license which permits the carrying of a handgun concealed on the person. It is valid for the business name, address, and handguns listed on the front of the license. It is not transferable to any other person, business, occupation, or address, without the written approval of the commanding officer, license division.

LIMITED CARRY BUSINESS LICENSE: IS A RESTRICTED TYPE OF LICENSE. The licensee may only carry handguns indicated on the license in accordance with the specific limitations listed thereon. At all other times the weapon must be safeguarded within the confines of the business address listed on the front of the license either concealed on the licensee's person in a proper holster or stored unloaded in a locked safe.

SPECIAL CARRY LICENSE: Is valid for the business name, address and handguns listed on the front of this license, only while the licensee has in his possession a valid basic county license issued according to the provisions of article 400 of the N.Y.S. Penal law. Upon the revocation, suspension, or cancellation of the basic license, the special license is rendered void and must be immediately returned to the license division.

CARRY GUARD LICENSE: (SECURITY GUARDS, ETC.) Applications for this type of license must be made with the documentation provided by a company's Gun Custodian. It is issued only for the handgun listed on the license. The handgun may be carried only while the licensee is actively engaged in employment for the company whose name appears on the license, and/or while licensee is in transit directly to or from residence and place of employment. At all other times the handgun must be stored unloaded in a locked container, at either the address on the license, or at the employee's legal residence (within the State of New York).

Hangun License Consulting Firms

It has come to the attention of the License Division that certain consulting firms have advised licensees that renewals are no longer automatic and that the License Division has refused to renew hundreds of licensees. This is untrue. License renewals continue to be routinely processed and approved in the overwhelming majority of cases. Only in an extremely small number of cases in which the application indicates a substantial change in circumstances, e.g., different business, does the License Division require additional information in order to determine continued qualification for a carry permit. In such cases licenses are routinely extended for those individuals who need time to provide additional information. This is not the first time that the department has received complaints concerning misrepresentations and misleading information proffered by various persons or associations who indicate that they can assist applicants in receiving a handgun license or can expedite the process. These firms cannot obtain a handgun license or renewal for you if you do not qualify, nor can they expedite your application. The application instructions are self-explanatory, and the License Division screening and information process will provide assistance to applicants and licensees. If you have any questions, contact the License Division renewal section at (646) 610-5872 and someone will assist you.

Instructions to all Handgun License Applicants

The application form MUST be typewritten and signed by you, and your signature must be notarized. Only the original application form will be accepted. DO NOT SEND A PHOTOCOPY. The application form must be completely filled out and presented by you personally at the License Division. At the time you submit your application, you must furnish the items listed below that are applicable to you. All documents, certificates, licenses, etc., must be submitted in the original. (A copy certified by the issuing agency as true and complete is also acceptable). In addition, a legible photocopy of each item submitted must accompany the original or certified copy. Originals and certified copies will be returned. Your application will not be accepted without the required documents.

1. Photographs: Two (2) color photographs of you taken within the past thirty (30) days are required. They should measure 1½ x 1½ inches and show you from the chest up. The wearing of any article of clothing or adornment that obscures identification is not permitted.

2. Birth Certificate: In lieu of your birth certificate, some other proof of your birth date, e.g., a military record, U.S. passport or baptismal certificate must be submitted. You must be twenty-one (21) years of age to apply for a handgun license or rifle/shotgun permit.

3. Proof of Citizenship/Alien Registration: If you were born outside the United States, you must submit your naturalization papers or evidence of citizenship if derived from your parents. All other applicants born outside the United States must submit their Alien Registration Card. If you have lived in this country less than 7 years you must submit a good conduct certificate, or equivalent, from your country of origin and two (2) letters of reference that certify to your good character.

4. Military Discharge: If you served in the armed forces of the United States, you must submit your separation papers (DD 214) and your discharge.

5. Proof of Residence: You must submit proof of your present address. Proof may consist of, but is not limited to, a real estate tax bill, ownership shares in a cooperative or condominium, or a lease. You may also be requested to supply further documentation i.e., a New York State Driver's License, a New York State Income Tax Return, or a current utility bill.

6. Arrest Information: If you were ever arrested, indicted or summonsed for any reason, other than a parking violation, you must answer "Yes" to question #23 on the handgun license application and submit a certificate of disposition showing the offense and disposition. Also, you must submit a detailed, notarized statement describing the circumstances surrounding each arrest or summons. YOU MUST DO THIS EVEN IF: the case was dismissed, the record was sealed or the case was nullified by operation of law. The New York State Division of Criminal Justice Services will report to us every instance involving the criminal prosecution of an applicant. DO NOT rely on anyone's representation that you need not list a previous arrest or summons.

If you were ever convicted or pled guilty to a felony offense or a serious offense, as defined in Penal Law Section 265.00(17), an original Certificate of Relief of Disabilities, signed by a judge, must be submitted.

6a. Order of Protection: If you have ever had an Order of Protection issued against you, or issued on your behalf against anyone, you must list the following information: Court of Issuance, Date of Issuance, Complainant's name, address and phone number, Complainant's relationship to you, and reason for issuance of Order of Protection.

7. Proof of Business Ownership: If you are making application for a carry or premises license for use in connection with a business, you must submit proof of ownership for that business. Such proof must clearly state the names of the owner(s), or, if a corporation, the names of the corporate officers. A Corporation must submit its corporate book to include filing receipt, certificate of incorporation and minutes of the corporate meeting reflecting current corporate officers; others must provide their business certificate or partnership agreement, whichever is applicable. If the business requires a license or permit from any government agency, e.g., alcohol or firearms sales, gunsmith, private investigation and guard agencies, you must submit the license or permit or a certified copy thereof. You must also submit proof of address for the business. Proof may consist of a utility bill, not more than 60 days old, in the name of the business or a lease in the name of the business.

8. Letter of Necessity: All applicants for a carry license and those seeking a premises license for use in connection with their employment MUST complete the Letter of Necessity found on page 3 of the application. NO SUBSTITUTES WILL BE ACCEPTED.

9. Social Security Card: All persons filing applications must bring their original Social Security cards with them to the License Division when applying for a license.


The application fee is $340.00.

Please note that effective October 1, 2007, the fingerprint fee is $94.25 for all applicants who are fingerprinted on the Live Scan Machine only.

The fee for applicants who must submit inked fingerprints is $105.25.

These fees may be paid by credit card or by two separate money orders made payable to the New York City Police Department.


If you have any questions concerning your application, please call (646) 610-5560. Applications must submitted in person at the License Division, Room 110, Monday through Friday, 8:30 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.



NY is a police state for real. last time I was out there I must have seen like 50 cops inside of 3 blocks for no fucking reason.

Mr. Del

Rising Star
There's no fucking way I'd want to see these crazy motherfuckers in the city carry concealed weapons. 8 million people crammed in a small space? Where everybody has an attitude problem? Easily aggravated? Sheeeiiit.


Rising Star
Fuck it. I'd still bring my shit to NYC. Then if they fuck with me, I'd challenge it in court.

US Constitution > NYC Law.

I've been in DC long enough. I know some great constitutional rights lawyers.


Rising Star
Platinum Member
Oh, I hear you. But are you telling me in NY you have to apply for two CCWs?
One specifically for NYC and the other for the rest of the State?

If so, that's crazy. There's no way a city should be able to able to trump state law or a state issue certificate.

5 boroughs can and in many instances is stricter than state laws.

For example in NY State the landlord has power in many circumstances and can evict for many different reasons. In the 5 boroughs you have to prove that the tenant was smoking crack and selling they babies for the slave trade while running a drug den in they apartment after missing the rent before you can evict.

Gun laws are similar ... outside of nassau and the 5 boroughs, you can get a permit in a few months. In the 5 boroughs you better hire that celebrity lawyer.


Young OG
Platinum Member
There's no fucking way I'd want to see these crazy motherfuckers in the city carry concealed weapons. 8 million people crammed in a small space? Where everybody has an attitude problem? Easily aggravated? Sheeeiiit.

exaggerated "everybody has an attitude problem" stereotype aside, I pretty much agree. I'd hate to be in a crammed subway car during rush hour with a car full of strapped strap hangers, not everybody out here is a dick but there's pretty much always that ONE dude on the train that just needs ANY reason to go off... :smh:

Mr. Del

Rising Star
exaggerated "everybody has an attitude problem" stereotype aside, I pretty much agree. I'd hate to be in a crammed subway car during rush hour with a car full of strapped strap hangers, not everybody out here is a dick but there's pretty much always that ONE dude on the train that just needs ANY reason to go off... :smh:

You know good and goshdarn well what I'm trying to say.


Back up Modrator
exaggerated "everybody has an attitude problem" stereotype aside, I pretty much agree. I'd hate to be in a crammed subway car during rush hour with a car full of strapped strap hangers, not everybody out here is a dick but there's pretty much always that ONE dude on the train that just needs ANY reason to go off... :smh:




༺ S❤️PER❤️ ᗰOD ༻
Super Moderator
:angry:NYC's Stupid Ass Gun Laws 2:angry:

An update to my first video concerning stupid ass, treacherous, hazardous, out right dumb ass gun laws here in NYC. I discuss some 2A related news as well.
Last edited:


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Fuck it. I'd still bring my shit to NYC. Then if they fuck with me, I'd challenge it in court.

US Constitution > NYC Law.

I've been in DC long enough. I know some great constitutional rights lawyers.

And you would go to jail...



Rising Star
BGOL Investor
What I have been that most states with bigger populations of blacks and latinos.....limit giving out permits.....

White folks don t want blacks to have prevent uprising/riot/violence on them.....

..this idea is very old....and very real to this day....

which is why Illinois is so strict with guns...New York...Maryland...


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
What I have been that most states with bigger populations of blacks and latinos.....limit giving out permits.....

White folks don t want blacks to have prevent uprising/riot/violence on them.....

..this idea is very old....and very real to this day....

which is why Illinois is so strict with guns...New York...Maryland...

What about Florida, Arizona, Nevada??? Nuff Blacks and Latins there.....


༺ S❤️PER❤️ ᗰOD ༻
Super Moderator
And you would go to jail...

What I have been that most states with bigger populations of blacks and latinos.....limit giving out permits.....

White folks don t want blacks to have prevent uprising/riot/violence on them.....

..this idea is very old....and very real to this day....

which is why Illinois is so strict with guns...New York...Maryland...


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Another thing that backs up the notion of limiting guns to black populations....

in Upstate New York....many people get gun permits.....

but in New York City that is not the case.....

facts are just facts...

I just read that in Personal Defense magazine today...or was it concealed handgun magazine..

one of the two..

ETA: but in lily white don t even need a permit to carry....nor New Hamshire...they just give one out in NH so that you can carry in other states...
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Rising Star
BGOL Investor
"Gun control is really race control. People who embrace gun control are really racists in nature. All gun laws have been enacted to control certain classes of people, mainly black people, but the same laws used to control blacks are being used to disarm white people as well."

General Laney - founder of the National Black Sportsman's Association

You folks gotta recognize that states without large pops of blacks damn near are all shall issue states.....

Its almost everything is...

Hell Pennsylvania even tried to make Philadelphia (which is one of the major black cities in the US) as a class 2 which they wanted to limit permits for them....that didn t fly though it was struck down

And Pennsylvania has some of the most liberal gun laws in the country...
for everyone but black Philly....


I am applying for a premise permit in 2 weeks. Will allow me to purchase, keep in house for protection, and take to the range.


I am applying for a premise permit in 2 weeks. Will allow me to purchase, keep in house for protection, and take to the range.