Obama to Flint: Shut Up & Drink the Water

Black Radical

Rising Star

Obama to Flint: Shut up and drink the water
By Shannon Jones
5 May 2016

President Barack Obama’s remarks Wednesday in Flint, Michigan before an audience of about 1,000 people at Northwestern High School displayed the arrogance and contempt of his administration and the corporate elite toward working people suffering from the devastating effects of lead in their drinking water.

Flanked by a host of state and federal officials who oversaw the disaster in Flint, including Environmental Protection Agency chief Gina McCarthy, Michigan Governor Rick Snyder and Democratic Congressmen and Senators, the president offered a series of false promises and platitudes. He blandly noted certain symptoms of the social crisis in America—crumbling roads and bridges, aging water pipelines, failing public schools—without acknowledging the role of his administration in presiding over this disaster.

In his trademark folksy and patronizing manner, Obama urged the people of Flint to resume drinking the city’s water, despite test results showing the persistence of dangerous amounts of lead. At the same time, he dismissed the serious short and long-term effects of the poisoning of Flint children by lead-tainted water. “The kids will be just fine,” he said.

To back up this assertion, Obama cited the spurious example of children accidentally chewing on lead flakes from paint. He noted that perhaps he had ingested lead as a child.

Obama also urged Flint residents to begin drinking the water again, which in many areas is brown and still contains high levels of lead. At one point in his remarks he asked for and drank a glass of filtered water, while proclaiming, “This is not a stunt.”

LeeAnne Walters, an activist whose actions played a pivotal role in exposing the lead poisoning of Flint’s water, told the World Socialist Web Site, that she and her husband walked out of the event. “Obama’s speech was a complete atrocity. To sit there and tell a city of 100,000 that lead poisoning from drinking water compares to Obama eating paint chips as a kid is incredible. To compare drinking lead poisoned water to paint chips is like comparing apples to toxic waste. We were devastated. We were told our kids don’t matter—not just my kids, but all the children here. We’re talking about the long-term effects.

“He told us to drink the water. That means the programs for filters and bottled water will stop.”

Obama’s visit to Flint coincides with an explosive development of the class struggle in Michigan. It came in the wake of two days of angry protests by teachers in nearby Detroit, Michigan over intolerable conditions in the classrooms and attempts by authorities to rob them of pay. It also coincided with the start of mass water shutoffs in Detroit for households with delinquent bills.

Hundreds of people lined up along the route of Obama’s motorcade in Flint, some holding up signs calling for federal help for the city. Many expressed frustration and anger that work on repairing Flint’s water system has barely begun.

Estimates of the cost of repairing Flint’s antiquated piping run as high as $1.5 billion. Democrats in Congress have advanced penny-pinching proposals amounting to only a few hundred million at most. Obama himself in his remarks made only vague promises of fixing Flint’s pipes, specifying no concrete dollar figure. Instead he touted the work of non-profits, charities and philanthropists in providing assistance to Flint residents. He even cited approvingly the $2,500 raised by a group of prisoners in Indiana.

A central aim of Obama’s remarks was to perpetuate the cover-up of the criminal responsibility of government officials at all levels for the disaster. He made a point at the beginning of the speech of noting the presence of Michigan Governor Rick Snyder and chastising those who responded by booing. “We’re doing business here,” Obama said.

Obama blamed the crisis on “poor decisions,” claiming that no one “consciously wanted to hurt the people of Flint.” Instead, officials simply “weren’t attentive to potential problems” when acting under budgetary pressures. “This is not to sort out every screw-up that resulted in contaminated water.”

In fact, officials did not merely make “poor decisions,” they actively conspired to ensure that the water source was switched to the Flint River despite ample warnings of the consequences. Documents show that state environmental officials altered reports in order to minimize the dangers of lead in Flint’s drinking water. When residents began to complain of the contaminated water, local, state and federal officials worked to discredit these complaints and cover-up their responsibility.

Obama wants to avoid an analysis of the “screw-ups” because his administration is itself culpable. The federal Environmental Protection Agency moved to isolate and silence Miguel Del Toral, an EPA officials who warned of elevated lead levels and said that the city was not using corrosion control. The agency regularly allows cities throughout the country to violate the government’s own standards.

Both Democratic and Republican officials were involved in the decision to shift Flint’s water supply to the polluted Flint River. This included former Democratic State Treasurer Andy Dillon who signed off on the decision to shift the Flint water supply.

The crisis in Flint is part of a generalized crisis produced by decades of deindustrialization, budget cuts, the elimination of regulations on corporations and growing social inequality. Basic social services are being starved for funds while the Obama administration lavishes countless billions on the Pentagon war machine and handouts to America’s wealthy elite.

Obama’s remarks on Wednesday were a declaration to the people of Flint and throughout the country that nothing will change, no serious assistance will be provided and that workers should simply stop complaining and be quiet.
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Flawless One
BGOL Investor
Good boy



Support BGOL
where was the water he drank from and what neighborhood, say drink the water after you've been to a house whose water was brow, on this Obama is wrong.

Black Radical

Rising Star
Where r all the Obamabots?

He's just a politician like everyone else. This is yall hero?

A majority black town faced with a disaster worse by orders of magnitude, than any of the school shootings and this is his response?
Drink the water its safe. Gov Snyder right up there with him and aint been brought up on ne'er a charge?

How Sway?

Now all you Obamabots hugging his nuts, blaming the republicans/racists for all of his soft shoe ass liberalism:

Is yall finish or yall done?
Where r all the Obamabots?

He's just a politician like everyone else. This is yall hero?

A majority black town faced with a disaster worse by orders of magnitude, than any of the school shootings and this is his response?
Drink the water its safe. Gov Snyder right up there with him and aint been brought up on ne'er a charge?

How Sway?

Now all you Obamabots hugging his nuts, blaming the republicans/racists for all of his soft shoe ass liberalism:

Is yall finish or yall done?
He is the president of usa not of black people. Besides this is a state issue not a federal issue


Occasional Superstar **
Over the course of his 2 terms, Obama has proven the thing I already knew when I voted for him....the office is bigger than him. Some shit he has to play ball on. I knew that....but it still sucks when I see it. This is one of those things where I just smh and can offer no cover on....its just wrong.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Over the course of his 2 terms, Obama has proven the thing I already knew when I voted for him....the office is bigger than him. Some shit he has to play ball on. I knew that....but it still sucks when I see it. This is one of those things where I just smh and can offer no cover on....its just wrong.

Why did he even go to Flint this late ? Bush responded to Katrina faster and we know he didn't.

Some of the boxes Obama has been in was he own doing.....


The R&B Master
OG Investor
Obama doesn't want Flint to become our version of Chernobyl. But the US should be screening the residents there for contamination.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
If that was Israel we would lose billions for emergency help. They rushed to spend billions to kill Muammar Gaddafi. Obama seem like he was trying to prop up rick. There maybe a lot to this we do not know. The quality of water in a lot of places seem to be tampered with. And which bottled water is bpa free?
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Rising Star
Platinum Member
Saw Michael Moore on CNN after Obama spoke in Flint. He was irate. Foaming at the mouth and near tears in disappointment. Shit woulda been hilarious if it wasn't so sad.

Obama told them people now wasnt the time to "point fingers". :smh:

gene cisco

Not A BGOL Eunuch
BGOL Investor
For the last fucking time...Obama is the President of ALL OF AMERICA. :eek: ......:hmm: .... :smh: Can't believe all the times I've heard that dumb shit over the years.

Sadly, this is how people who are satisfied with figureheads instead of results get treated.
For the last fucking time...Obama is the President of ALL OF AMERICA. :eek: ......:hmm: .... :smh: Can't believe all the times I've heard that dumb shit over the years.

Sadly, this is how people who are satisfied with figureheads instead of results get treated.
Obama is thats true bruh. He not just the president of blacks
Isn't Flint part of America?
Thats not a federal issue it is a state issue. Problem with blacks is they want obama to do stuff they could do for themselves? Why they not out marching on lansing and also making petitions calling their city representatives.

Same thing in ferguson. Need more black council members in flint they have to vote


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
I see some of his quote was left out.. 'Drinkable' is debatable though

But Obama reassured Flint residents that the water is safe now — as long as it's properly filtered.

"I really did need a glass of water. This is not a stunt," he said as he asked for water during a bout of coughing. "If you’re using a filter, if you’re installing it, then Flint water at this point is drinkable."




Platinum Member
Where r all the Obamabots?

He's just a politician like everyone else. This is yall hero?

A majority black town faced with a disaster worse by orders of magnitude, than any of the school shootings and this is his response?
Drink the water its safe. Gov Snyder right up there with him and aint been brought up on ne'er a charge?

How Sway?

Now all you Obamabots hugging his nuts, blaming the republicans/racists for all of his soft shoe ass liberalism:

Is yall finish or yall done?
I was wondering if anyone was going to post a thread about this sucker drinking the Flint water. The Obamabots will still lick up his nut but on this one the lights will have to be off. One thing I will say though he doesn’t have a paid poster on this board like the Clintons who WATCH (yea MF) to deflect everything.

Obama can only do so much
You can stop trying to be funny now we all get your satire.
Over the course of his 2 terms, Obama has proven the thing I already knew when I voted for him....the office is bigger than him. Some shit he has to play ball on. I knew that....but it still sucks when I see it. This is one of those things where I just smh and can offer no cover on....its just wrong.
If the office is bigger than one person then why do people make the fuss over Trump getting in office. They can take him out like those of past years.


BGOL Legend
is that "Shut up and drink the water" a quote from the president or is it the words of the article writer?

if he said those words, then yeah, i'll have a problem with that.


Duppy Maker
BGOL Investor
BS website... Here's Wall St Journal

Obama’s Got Flint’s Back

Good question: Why is government failing at so many levels?

President Obama at Flint Northwestern High School in Michigan on May 4. Photo: Zuma Press

May 5, 2016 7:15 p.m. ET

The Flint, Michigan, water crisis began in April 2014. This week, two years later, President Obama stood before a crowd of Flint residents and said: “I’ve come here to tell you that I’ve got your back, that we’re paying attention.”

And people wonder why Bernie Sanders is doing so well.

This being Barack Obama, he went on, embellishing his commitment to the people of Flint: “I will not rest, and I’m going to make sure that the leaders at every level of government don’t rest until every drop of water that flows to your home is safe to drink and safe to cook with and safe to bathe in, because that’s part of the basic responsibilities of a government in the United States of America.”

It’s worth parsing that last sentence about clean water being a basic responsibility “of a government in the United States of America.”

A government? Which government? Flint’s, or Michigan’s, or Barack Obama’s government in Washington?

After two years, what we know about this water crisis is that governments indeed failed at the local, state and federal level. That may have something to do with why the presidential campaign is overflowing, from right to left, with the idea that government is “failing” in virtually every imaginable respect. So maybe Mr. Obama has touched on something important, to wit: Why is it that government, whether in Flint or Washington, is in a failed state?

It looks to us as if Mr. Obama sensed that the narrative of the Flint failure was turning against his view of government, so he decided it was necessary to reframe the problem. He told the Flint residents that their crisis was the result of “a larger issue,” which was a certain mindset toward government. “It’s a mindset,” Mr. Obama said, “that believes that less government is the highest good no matter what.”

No matter what? No one believes that. The anger coursing through the electorate now is over a government that doesn’t seem to be able to do its job—no matter what.

The Flint water crisis is a case study in government that has become a morass of conflicting regulations and authorities, which in turn ensures that instead of responsibility or accountability—at any level—the agents of government spend their time buck-passing.

At congressional hearings in March, EPA Administrator Gina McCarthy bucked it over to the state of Michigan, which had given her people “confusing, incomplete and incorrect information.” And so EPA staff was “unable to understand the problem” until it was too late.

But the EPA Region 5 administrator who later resigned, Susan Hedman, told Congress at that hearing she didn’t intervene in September 2015 for fear the Michigan Attorney General might sue her agency.

Worth noting here is the Clean Water Rule that Mr. Obama waved into existence in May, and with which the EPA now claims federal dominion over ditches and prairie potholes. But for Flint’s purposes, the more relevant directive is the 1991 federal Lead and Copper Rule, which gave EPA authority to control lead and copper in drinking water. Scientists have been urging a clarifying revision of that rule for the last decade. The update isn’t expected until sometime in 2017.

As to Ms. Hedman’s fear of being sued by Michigan, maybe she had a point. Another recent Obama directive, the Clean Power Plan, is creating tension with the states and has made state officials defensive about their turf.

In Mr. Obama’s telling, Flints happen because of a “corrosive attitude” that forces us to “underinvest” in pipes, bridges and roads. That is, any government failure is due to a lack of funding. And the opposite: Spend more and government failure goes away.

A counter-view would be that “we” underinvest in better infrastructure because entitlement spending has first claim on so much of the revenue taxpayers send government, at every level. In Flint, pensions and retiree health benefits consumed one-third of the city’s budget.

The default solution, for Mr. Obama, is that Washington’s rainbow pot can be expanded to pay for Flints everywhere. This is what he means by, “I’ve got your back.” The prudent might slip a hand around to their back pocket.



Rising Star
Peace FAM,

I'm not surprised.

And believe me the bullshit has not even begun yet.

The shit coming down the road will make this appear very minor!