Savage and Night Sisters are dead - deadNot sure if you cats remember, but a great surprise cameo would be Ventress as live action.
Ol’ Gurl handled Anakin and Kenobi many times and gave them some good battles. I can see her coming back and helping Kenobi and going against Reva.
We have yet to see a live action female to female lightsaber fight.
Ventress turned away from the Darkside after Dooku kicked her to the curb and returned to the NightSisters. They also would make a good cameo also in live action.
Also, with Star Wars making it routine to bring back dead characters, another cat who might be alive somehow at this point is Darth Maul’s brother Savage Oppress.
That cat was a beast in Clone Wars. He took on Dooku and Ventress and kicked their ass There was one battle with Kenobi and Anakin where Savage/Maul kicked their ass and Anakin and Obi had to make a run for it.
He never fully turned to the Darkside, he could be lurking out there if alive and possibly come to Kenobi’s aid.
Ventress with the dual lightsabers and Savage with the double blade going against Inquisitor’s…..I don’t know… that might be too much for folks to handle.
It’s obvious somebody is gonna come in and help Kenobi. He can’t take on Vader and the Inquisitor’s alone with him being distracted over Luke and Leila’s safety.
Tyranus & Sidious confirm their kills