I like that Memphis city edition, it definitely reminds me of the Southern rap album covers I grew up with and brings back happy memories of fun and simpler times. Generally I've liked Memphis' looks over the years.
Overall these city editions feel like cash grabs and are starting to look like something from a PS2-era, create a team mode.
Classic NBA franchises do not need their looks tweaked, Teams such as the Knicks, Bulls, Lakers, Celtics, and 76ers.
The Rockets mixing different eras looks creative.
The Pelicans look lazy because we will always have a Mardi Gras alternative for carnival time.
The Nets need to go back to the red, white, and blue, the Spurs do the dark look better.
The rest of these jerseys deviate too far from the teams' normal looks and it looks awkward.
but cash is king.