Title: "Rainy Days and Basketball Frenzy"
The classroom is filled with students excitedly chatting as they prepare for Career Day. The kids, including STAN, KYLE, and CARTMAN, sit at their desks waiting for the guest speaker.
CARTMAN (agitated) Alright, listen up, you guys! I've been thinking about it, and I've realized that the reason you all hate LeBron is that you're secretly Michael Jordan fanboys!
STAN (irritated) Cartman, we've told you a thousand times we didn't even watch Jordan play. We weren't even born yet when he was playing.
CARTMAN (dismissive) Yeah, right. I bet you're all crying inside because you missed the "glory days" of Michael Jordan.
KYLE (frustrated) Cartman, for the last time, we were not even born a decade after Jordan played. We're not living in the '90s!
The classroom door opens, and KEENAN WILLIAMS, the local weatherman, enters with an umbrella in hand.
KEENAN (smiling) Hey, everyone! I'm Keenan Williams, your local weatherman. Ready to talk about the fascinating world of meteorology!
CARTMAN (excited) Oh, great! A weatherman! Finally, someone who can prove my point about Michael Jordan haters!
STAN (rolls eyes) Cartman, just let it go.
KEENAN (looking puzzled) What's this about Michael Jordan?
CARTMAN (grinning) You see, these guys are LeBron haters because they secretly love Michael Jordan. They can't stand that LeBron's the new king.
KEENAN (confused) I'm here to talk about weather, not basketball.
CARTMAN (smirking) Well, Mr. Weatherman, did you know that most weathermen are secretly Michael Jordan fanatics? They manipulate the weather to ruin LeBron's games!
KEENAN (laughing) That's a new one. I don't even watch pro basketball, Cartman. I'm more into college games.
CARTMAN (angry) You're just covering for your fellow Jordan lovers! Admit it!
KEENAN (shaking head) Okay, kids, let's focus on weather forecasting. Rain is expected later today, so don't forget your umbrellas.
CARTMAN (pointing at Kyle) Aha! The Jordan lovers are trying to sabotage attendance at LeBron's game! Rain is their secret weapon!
KYLE (frustrated) Cartman, you're insane.
KEENAN (trying to wrap up) Well, I hope you all stay dry today. Remember, weather patterns have nothing to do with basketball rivalries.
As Keenan exits the classroom, the kids exchange bewildered looks.
STAN (mutters) I can't believe we have to deal with this every day.
CARTMAN (whispering to himself) The Jordan conspiracy is real!
The bell rings, ending Career Day, and the kids leave the classroom, leaving Cartman still ranting about the supposed Jordan conspiracy.