Hes lying. Word is Robert was about to fire Hackett, Rogers boy and he wasn't having that. So if that's true (and I do believe that part) you figure out what happened next cuzzo. Media goes all out to protect that annoyin' crakkka Rogers.Schefter just when on the radio and said Aaron had nothing to do with this...
I was wondering what made them hire the pool guy but that explains it.You realize this is fake, right?
Any given Sunday, it's hard to predict teams.I think Week 7, but damn they have an easy schedule......that's also the Hock REVENGE GAME so who knows....
Hes lying. Word is Robert was about to fire Hackett, Rogers boy and he wasn't having that. So if that's true (and I do believe that part) you figure out what happened next cuzzo. Media goes all out to protect that annoyin' crakkka Rogers.