Our owner could fuck up a wet dream. They completely fucked this up. Baalke should have been gone SEASONS ago, and at the very least, shown the door along with Doug Pederson. Khan doesn't understand the nuances and dynamics of American football and thinks it's like running any other business. It's not.
The dumb-ass refuses(or I guess it's refused now) to listen to people telling him Baalke is not very good, a snake, and a hindrance to hiring top HC casndidates. The Doug Pederson HC coach was a shitshow as well.
He was intent on keeping Baalke until a relatively unkonwn(albeit well regarded) assistant(in Cohen) with not much experience, left him standing at the alter by declining the second interview. It took him getting EMBARRASED in front of the world today to finally come to his fucking senses. Not to mention Ben Johnson also told us to kick rocks cause he wanted no part of the current front office structure.
We have now lost out on two candidates, do not have a GM, and are be left to resort to standby canddiates, though I'm not sure I would have a problem with Salaeh. Joe Brady is another name being thrown out there.