@DC_Dude @kdogg3270
Yeah Kinlaw was drafted into a bad situation
The cheapass 49ers didn't want to pay DeForest Buckner
So we traded him to the Colts, then drafted Kinlaw to be his replacement
Dude had knee problems in college, but Lynch & Shanny still drafted him
It took years before Kinlaw finally got right enough to be productive on the football field
He had to lose weight to take the stress off of his knees
But most 49er fans & some reporters hated the pick & bad mouthed Kinlaw
(Similar to how Steve Young had the pressure of following Joe Montana)
But check out this youtube clip of Kinlaw, on a 49er reporters youtube channel, LOL
DC Native too....He graduated high school from a school down in South Carolina though.....
"Put some respect on my name"!!!! LOL
I hear the Geechie in his voice too a little bit.......
This was hillarious lol