Official BGOL Crypto Currency Thread ★★★★★


Comandante en Jefe
BGOL Investor
True story. If you didn't buy ripple before its kinda pointless now. That's the summary
:lol:WELL DAMN *edit I was laughing at the bluntness at first. Now I read your other posts after this one and your math is on point. It may not be too late but you gotta have some long bread to see a substantial stake. The ground floor has risen significantly.

Moving Target

Rising Star
BGOL Investor
its not too late fellas for ripple (XRP). its a waiting game now. its still a god time to buy. its just that if you are buying now, you missed the 5 times flip on ripple when it was .006 cents. now its at .03 cents per ripple. that's ok.
if you invest 1 usd now to buy 33 ripple, then when the xrp price goes to 1USD, you will net 33 USD. expand this to whatever size of investment you plan to make.
its still very early in the game. the absolute best time to get into any crypto currency is during the ICO but after that....the next best time is when the cost is .000X bc you can make a huge come up from .000X to just .01 cent.
as it stand we are all at the .03 cent mark awaiting the crypto currency to go main stream...we are a lucky few bc anything could kick this thing into orbit from an economic downturn to war to the technology that the banks are adopting or the simple fact that btc, ltc, and dash all cut out the middlemen when it comes to purchases.
also check out the proposed ETFs if you are holding btc or eth/etc bc I have feeling these sly bastards will approve the etfs sooner or later bc the other so called third world nations are moving ahead in adopting btc as a legitimate currency......btc in india is a godsend for a overpopulated country that screwed its people by discarding the 100 and 500 rupie over night...enter btc stage left to save the its a waiting game....actually the hardest part is the waiting.
I'm still trying to find more money to invest. I'm actually thinking about selling my old work truck. I'm trng to come up hard in the next 5 years and now is the time to strike before the rest of the world gets wise to what is taking place.


Comandante en Jefe
BGOL Investor
It's not worth it to spend $1,000 to get $23K-69K? you must be #balling

Nah just look at what he is saying for what it is. Let's talk round numbers... When it was 0.00000602 1BTC would net you 166112 XRP NOW the same bitcoin will net you 38925 XRP. That's 100k difference. So yeah it isn't like it was.

Moving Target

Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Before that march pump $100 bought like 23k xrp. Now, to get 23k you have to spend close to a $1000. Not worth it. Now if you would of read, you'd see that the projected high is $1-3.

Nah just look at what he is saying for what it is. Let's talk round numbers... When it was 0.00000602 1BTC would net you 166112 XRP NOW the same bitcoin will net you 38925 XRP. That's 100k difference. So yeah it isn't like it was.

you are dead right GJ, it isn't like it was but there is so much more that its going to be. the ROI isnt as high but at this stage in the game, it will be more than enough to satisfy "us" small time investors. I mean even if you invest 1k and get 2300 xrp, then they go to a dollar and your return is 23k USD....that's still damn good and better than the stock market right now..... one of the key reason I am seeking capital from other sources. ...allegedly like that one guy who sold his house to buy BTC or LTC. I mean that's commitment and a hell of ROI when/if its comes through.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Whats good to make a quick 500 -1000? I have tier 3 at kraken and ready to do something

I dont have an answer for you because Im not a veteran but I think you have the wrong idea about this. You could sit in front of the computer all day and daytrade to catch all the upswings, but I tried that and kept losing money.

What you are asking is the equivalent of sitting down at a Blackjack or a Roulette table and asking the person next to you, how you can make a quick $500-1000. Their answer would most likely be, "Play the game." Because there is no answer to that question.

So when you ask for a quick way to double your money,

My answer would be, "find a coin that is going to double in value and cash out on top."

Then you would ask, "well which coin is that?"

My answer would be "if we all knew the answer to that question, we would all be rich."

BTC, ETC, and LTC are moving up quickly and any one of them could accelerate to an astronomical level for any reason.. They could also all drop on a minutes notice with some negative news. But at some point they will all pretty much go up. But probably not quickly. Youll have to read through other people suggestions and twitter and as LegalMoney said, research it for yourself. You have to be responsible for your own gains and losses.


Rising Star
I got in early, but I'm still buying as much as I can afford to loose. Ya'll that are a little late to the game are tripping if you think 3 cents is too high to buy in. I look at this like a stock tip, if you miss this train you will be kicking urself in the ass later. BUY WHAT YOU CAN AFFORD TO LOSE!!!


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
I got in early, but I'm still buying as much as I can afford to loose. Ya'll that are a little late to the game are tripping if you think 3 cents is too high to buy in. I look at this like a stock tip, if you miss this train you will be kicking urself in the ass later. BUY WHAT YOU CAN AFFORD TO LOSE!!!

if you dont mind me askin how much do you have so far..


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
I got in early, but I'm still buying as much as I can afford to loose. Ya'll that are a little late to the game are tripping if you think 3 cents is too high to buy in. I look at this like a stock tip, if you miss this train you will be kicking urself in the ass later. BUY WHAT YOU CAN AFFORD TO LOSE!!!


Saying that XRP isnt worth getting into is like saying that youre going to turn down $25000 because you cant make the $1 million that you could have made. Im still buying XRP as well. It still has a lot of growth potential at the moment. Look at how many of us are kicking ourselves when we could have bought BTC at 6 cents. Looking back on it, would anyone look back to when it was 25 cent and say that it wasnt worth it because they didnt get in at 6 cents? Never know what could happen. But yeah, dont risk money youre not willing to lose.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
I'm in around 10k, but thats small change compared to some folks.

yea Im in your range a lil over 10k... Im so pissed tho, I had a some money on litecoin when it was in the four dollar range.. I knew it was going to go up because it rides with bitcoin...

I got tired of waiting and sold when it was in the mid four dollar range... now the shit looks like it may hit twenty dollars in a few weeks...

Im just gonna stack some ripple for now and wait for my next educated hunch...

Im gonna try to move some money around to invest more...

in this crypto currency game...


Comandante en Jefe
BGOL Investor
you are dead right GJ, it isn't like it was but there is so much more that its going to be. the ROI isnt as high but at this stage in the game, it will be more than enough to satisfy "us" small time investors. I mean even if you invest 1k and get 2300 xrp, then they go to a dollar and your return is 23k USD....that's still damn good and better than the stock market right now..... one of the key reason I am seeking capital from other sources. ...allegedly like that one guy who sold his house to buy BTC or LTC. I mean that's commitment and a hell of ROI when/if its comes through.

Very true, the ROI is there no doubt about it. Like LSN said XRP is just too sexy of a gamble to pass up.


Phat booty lover.
BGOL Investor
Nah just look at what he is saying for what it is. Let's talk round numbers... When it was 0.00000602 1BTC would net you 166112 XRP NOW the same bitcoin will net you 38925 XRP. That's 100k difference. So yeah it isn't like it was.

there's a difference between saying it isn't like it was (which is pretty obvious) and saying it's worthless (which is pretty much what he said)

Moving Target

Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Society for Worldwide International Financial Telecommunication (SWIFT) vs RIPPLE

if you read between the lines, the only reason swift is coming out with any new fintech is bc they are pissing in their pants that they will get cut out of the game....LOL.

best quote in the article:
“What we hear from customers is they want a better system,” Garlinghouse said. “I don’t think you can make a horse and buggy keep up with a race car. You can whip the horse faster to make the buggy go faster, but meanwhile a technology shift has occurred.”

Moving Target

Rising Star
BGOL Investor
I read that if 1% of the stock market cap rolls into crypto...we all may be retiring sooner than later.

I believe the following are the best in long term holds:

BTC - obvious market cap, name recognition, limited supply, potential value as a store of value in worst case scenario, decentralized
LTC - growth, segregated witness test for btc, silver to btc's gold, possibly take a chunk of market cap from btc. huge growth potential even if it reaches half btc's value
XRP - beat to death, growth potential is huge esp once the banks start buying in. huge threat to status quo incumbent SWIFT
ETH/ETC - Ethereum is ridiculous when it comes to how many ventures are looking to utilize this crypto. check GITHUB. IF you don't know GITHUB, get up on it.
ZEC - only bc it is a untraceable coin and criminals will always need a way to move money. Apple has adopted it into it IOS as a form of payment. Apple's commitment to
security/privacy is well documented in the lore's of the IT industry.
DASH - ETHs partner in crime. usually these 2 grow together. so I cant leave it out. DASH has a actual team supporting it that is great at business. but they still have to take that
market share from BTC and LTC. don't get me wrong, at this stage, the market is still vastly huge.

MAID and FCT a little lesser. bc both are growing in the largest crypto currency market but we will have to see how they develop bc they are being challenged by several versions of the same concept. BUT as any business person knows, the first to market and the first to garner the market will win.

twitter tip:
keep an eye out for the following moves in crypto:
1) the SEC review of the winklevoss' ETF proposal
2) the SEC review of the ETHEREUM ETF review.
3) $ZEC | Possibly the next Investment Fund at Grayscale. --> caused the bump in ETC and ETH prices today.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
^ Thats all the coins that I have money in as well. Along with MAID and FCT. Ive been hearing a lot about PIVX(Found on Cryptopia) lately as well but am not in it. I keep a $100 that I shift from coin to coin to chase around pump and dumps when I have time. Ive only gained about $5 profit so far(got as high as $20 for a while.) I just did it to see how hard it would be to move serious money around and try to make bigger profits by trying to chart for myself and do predictions. Can honestly say that I have no skill in doing that :D But you do get a sense of how volitile some of these coins can be and the patterns they seem to have that was mentioned in some of those videos posted earlier in the thread.


Comandante en Jefe
BGOL Investor
there's a difference between saying it isn't like it was (which is pretty obvious) and saying it's worthless (which is pretty much what he said)
Yeah but I didn't look at what he was saying as him saying it was worthless. The window for early adopters is closed that's what I interpreted. The early adopters stand to make a significant windfall profit due to the early buy-in. The reason I couldn't see him saying buying any at all is worthless is because people buy crypto at pumped prices all the time and some lose but most make a minimal profit. EITHER way I am locked and loaded and sitting good. If you let the words of another man cloud your vision or desire to leap on an investment :dunno:that's on you. Like LegalMoney said do your own research too. :cheers:


Support BGOL

The origin of this thread was to buy in early and hold. In that sense yes buying now is worthless. Xrp is not the end all be all cryptocurrency. And this thread has shown that. The $1000 you'd invest to buy whatever XRP would buy you now will most likely not net you as much as a gain as other cryptos on the market. Case in point, if we would of all invested in litecoin back when this thread started, wouldn't our gains of been higher then XRP's last pump?

The point being is yes, to START buying XRP doesn't have the same merit and its kinda worthless unless you've already purchased from The jump.


Phat booty lover.
BGOL Investor
The origin of this thread was to buy in early and hold. In that sense yes buying now is worthless. Xrp is not the end all be all cryptocurrency. And this thread has shown that. The $1000 you'd invest to buy whatever XRP would buy you now will most likely not net you as much as a gain as other cryptos on the market. Case in point, if we would of all invested in litecoin back when this thread started, wouldn't our gains of been higher then XRP's last pump?

The point being is yes, to START buying XRP doesn't have the same merit and its kinda worthless unless you've already purchased from The jump.

I already knew your stance on the matter and you're wrong about LTC can do the math yourself tho

Litecoin $229,695,266 $4.67 49,155,704 LTC $14,052,000

Ripple $229,438,791 $0.006314 36,337,298,649 XRP * $1,057,540


Ripple $1,242,504,322 $0.032797 37,884,925,434 XRP * $11,921,700

Litecoin $754,472,466 $14.84 50,828,132 LTC $68,419,000


actually here's the math...I'm doing it more so for newbies than you...if you think it's "worthless" that's fine...just hope others ignore you on that tho smh

from then to now ripple has increased more than 5x...LTC in comparison has "only" increased a bit more than 3x
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Support BGOL
I already knew your stance on the matter and you're wrong about LTC can do the math yourself tho



Ripple $1,242,504,322 $0.032797 37,884,925,434 XRP * $11,921,700

Litecoin $754,472,466 $14.84 50,828,132 LTC $68,419,000


actually here's the math...I'm doing it more so for newbies than you...if you think it's "worthless" that's fine...just hope others ignore you on that tho smh

from then to now ripple has increased more than 5x...LTC in comparison has "only" increased a bit more than 3x

Again, you making me out as saying XRP is worthless when I'm not. I'm saying investing now is worthless. And are you kidding me with that math? Litecoib in the same time frame has gone from $4-$14 with a potential to reach $100 or better. Ripple in almost 3 years has not even hit a dollar with a long term potential of $3-5. Do tthst math


Phat booty lover.
BGOL Investor
Again, you making me out as saying XRP is worthless when I'm not. I'm saying investing now is worthless. And are you kidding me with that math? Litecoib in the same time frame has gone from $4-$14 with a potential to reach $100 or better. Ripple in almost 3 years has not even hit a dollar with a long term potential of $3-5. Do tthst math

I will do the math cuz you just don't get it man

even IF LTC reaches $100 from where it's @ you know how much XRP needs to yield a higher profit from where it's @ NOW???

just $0.22 smh...but I get's "worthless" lol

from where XRP is @ now to $3 is approximately a 100x increase...LTC would have to hit roughly $1400 to match think that'll happen overnight if ever??

there's some math for your ass...your simple ass is looking @ the whole $ amount not the increase rate...the math I did is not a fucking joke...I just showed you that XRP has increased @ a higher rate than LTC in the same amount of time...I completely understand tho why you feel it's "worthless"'s cuz you can't do the math...I was gonna chill but I hate when niggas wanna be "wrong and strong"
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Support BGOL
I will do the math cuz you just don't get it man

even IF LTC reaches $100 from where it's @ you know how much XRP needs to yield a higher profit from where it's @ NOW???

just $0.22 smh...but I get's "worthless" lol

from where XRP is @ now to $3 is approximately a 100x increase...LTC would have to hit roughly $1400 to match think that'll happen overnight if ever??

there's some math for your ass...your simple ass is looking @ the whole $ amount not the increase rate...the math I did is not a fucking joke...I just showed you that XRP has increased @ a higher rate than LTC in the same amount of time...I completely understand tho why you feel it's "worthless"'s cuz you can't do the math...I was gonna chill but I hate when niggas wanna be "wrong and strong"

Lol. You're delusional but it's cool to be hopeful.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Society for Worldwide International Financial Telecommunication (SWIFT) vs RIPPLE

if you read between the lines, the only reason swift is coming out with any new fintech is bc they are pissing in their pants that they will get cut out of the game....LOL.

best quote in the article:
“What we hear from customers is they want a better system,” Garlinghouse said. “I don’t think you can make a horse and buggy keep up with a race car. You can whip the horse faster to make the buggy go faster, but meanwhile a technology shift has occurred.”
I read this earlier at work. Was going to post it when I got home...glad you beat me to it. Here is what struck me the most:

"Another big-bank executive, who asked not to be identified, said he doubts blockchain technology will ever make sense for international payments because you could never get 11,000 banks to agree on something, as distributed consensus mechanisms require."

This right here tells me that XRP is truly a long term play. I'm interpreting this as in order for an investor to see some real movements in XRP is when at least 1,000 banks get on board providing that 11,000 is the benchmark:dunno:

I like Treacher's rebuttal to that statement though,
But according to Treacher, now global head of strategic accounts at Ripple, the company worked through that issue 18 months ago. The solution it came up with was the Interledger Protocol.

“We’re not forcing every bank onto one blockchain. The banks can keep their classic ledgers,” Treacher said. “Ripple interconnects. It’s focusing on the job of exchanging value really quickly, really efficiently without failure. And by interconnecting ledgers that are already there using cryptography and not forcing people onto these superledgers, our thesis is you can use blockchain tech to join up any ledger anywhere in the world.”

Now this passage here was interesting:

“We’re both seeking to make banks more successful,” he said. “In that context, I think there can and should be opportunities to partner.”
But then the claws come back out.

“We’ve reached out to them many times and they’ve been closed minded to the benefits of blockchain solution and instead remain focused on the correspondent banking paradigm,” Garlinghouse said. “Blockchain disrupts that paradigm. You can’t put the genie back in the bottle. You can’t hold on to technology and solutions from decades ago, you need to listen and respond to new customer needs.”

For me, this kills the whole Ripple/Swift merger people have been contemplating about. All imho of course :cool:


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Transition to the project system of 'consolidation of domestic and foreign exchange' - Working group and block chains for commercialization - New working group on advanced experiments of virtual currency -


April 27, 2017
SBI Holdings, Inc.
SBI Ripple Asia Co., Ltd.

SBI Ripple Asia Co., Ltd. (Headquarters: Minato-ku, Tokyo, President: Yoshitaka Kitao), a subsidiary of SBI Holdings Co., Ltd. (Head office: Minato-ku, Tokyo; Director: Takafumi Okita) has concluded the construction of a new remittance infrastructure and its commercialization in the project under the umbrella of "consortium of domestic and foreign exchange consortium" ("Consortium", secretariat: SBI Holdings / SBI Ripple Asia) We are pleased to inform you that we have established a specialized working group ("WG") to promote the study.

【Newly established working group】
1. IT · System WG
2. Commercialization within WG
3. Foreign exchange commercial WG
4. Virtual Currency · Block Chain Tip Experiment WG

This organizational change is aimed at conducting more practical discussion and environment as well as advanced experiments on virtual currency and block chain in parallel with the start of commercialization by participating financial institutions during the current fiscal year is.
The consortium aims to unify the domestic currency exchange and foreign exchange, utilizing new technology such as block chain / distributed ledger technology (DLT: Distributed Ledger Technology), and to construct a remittance infrastructure in 24 hours real time. Last October it was launched with 42 banks including regional financial institutions and Internet specialized banks and has reached 50 rows on April 3, but this time the Iwate Bank, Shiga Bank and Bank of Tokyo-Mitsubishi UFJ participated , And the participating financial institutions as of April 27 are 56 rows (see Attachment 1).

This consortium is accepting applications for participation by financial institutions on an ongoing basis, and participating financial institutions are expected to increase in the future.

Moving Target

Rising Star
BGOL Investor
I read this earlier at work. Was going to post it when I got home...glad you beat me to it. Here is what struck me the most:

"Another big-bank executive, who asked not to be identified, said he doubts blockchain technology will ever make sense for international payments because you could never get 11,000 banks to agree on something, as distributed consensus mechanisms require."

This right here tells me that XRP is truly a long term play. I'm interpreting this as in order for an investor to see some real movements in XRP is when at least 1,000 banks get on board providing that 11,000 is the benchmark:dunno:

I like Treacher's rebuttal to that statement though,
But according to Treacher, now global head of strategic accounts at Ripple, the company worked through that issue 18 months ago. The solution it came up with was the Interledger Protocol.

“We’re not forcing every bank onto one blockchain. The banks can keep their classic ledgers,” Treacher said. “Ripple interconnects. It’s focusing on the job of exchanging value really quickly, really efficiently without failure. And by interconnecting ledgers that are already there using cryptography and not forcing people onto these superledgers, our thesis is you can use blockchain tech to join up any ledger anywhere in the world.”

Now this passage here was interesting:

“We’re both seeking to make banks more successful,” he said. “In that context, I think there can and should be opportunities to partner.”
But then the claws come back out.

“We’ve reached out to them many times and they’ve been closed minded to the benefits of blockchain solution and instead remain focused on the correspondent banking paradigm,” Garlinghouse said. “Blockchain disrupts that paradigm. You can’t put the genie back in the bottle. You can’t hold on to technology and solutions from decades ago, you need to listen and respond to new customer needs.”

For me, this kills the whole Ripple/Swift merger people have been contemplating about. All imho of course :cool:

EXCEPTIONAL ANALYSIS HEATHCLIFF!!! I KNOW THAT SWIFT IS VERY CONCERNED ABOUT GETTING REPLACE WITH THIS NEW FINTECH. it is a real threat to their existence much as btc is to middle men like visa or transaction based businesses like synovus/totalsystems. I am going to try and get at least 500k ripple. even at 50 cent on the dollar, it is still 250k USD.
plus I know the ripple staff are looking to come up with xrp. they see the writing on the wall if/when this fintech is successful. its a huge risk with a huge reward....but hey this type of thing happens in technology all the time. its a matter of withstanding the risk for the reward.

Moving Target

Rising Star
BGOL Investor
GENTLEMEN, Follow Heathcliffs lead. this is the type of info and analysis that is needed. people always say black people cant work together to accomplish shit...but I'm willing to prove them wrong. there are more than 40 active contributors to this thread and probably another 40-50 actively reading/watching the thread.
between all that brainpower, knowledge, innovation, intuitive thinking, and situational awareness, we can come up together. no hating ...everybody eating, everybody getting money...this was the essence of the organization formerly known as the BMF. Big Meech has a philosophy of cutting through the BS bickering, beefing, and violent conflict and ran his organization like a business. although we are not in the same business, I propose that we utilize his philosophy of keeping a watchful eye on the crypto market, making tips, and helping each other when pumps and documented news comes through. that's how we make smart decision. smart decision + situational awareness = mo money.



Rising Star
Lol. You're delusional but it's cool to be hopeful.
man he broke down the simple math. Its all about percent increase.
If you have $100 of coin A, and coin A is $25 per coin
If you have $100 of coin B, and coin B is $0.25 per coin

If both coin A and coin B go up 100%, You make exponentially more if you had invested in Coin B

simple math man, simple math...


Rising Star
BGOL Investor

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From the Ripple web site
Why banks are gravitating to Ripple

Ripple’s value proposition to banking clients is cheaper rates and faster transfer times for international payments. The bank’s customers don’t have to know or care that they’re using Ripple (it isn’t like you’d tell your bank, “I want to send this money using Ripple”), but would certainly notice the faster transaction time than they’re used to." data-reactid="41" style="margin-bottom: 1em; color: rgb(38, 40, 42); font-family: "Helvetica Neue", Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; font-size: 15px; background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255);">Ripple’s value proposition to banking clients is cheaper rates and faster transfer times for international payments. The bank’s customers don’t have to know or care that they’re using Ripple (it isn’t like you’d tell your bank, “I want to send this money using Ripple”), but would certainly notice the faster transaction time than they’re used to.

Garlinghouse gives the pitch to banks this way: “If your customer wants to send yen to Japan, you are captive to the correspondent banking network and your customer has a bad experience and you, as a bank, have to endure cost to transmit that money.” " data-reactid="42" style="margin-bottom: 1em; color: rgb(38, 40, 42); font-family: "Helvetica Neue", Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; font-size: 15px; background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255);">Garlinghouse gives the pitch to banks this way: “If your customer wants to send yen to Japan, you are captive to the correspondent banking network and your customer has a bad experience and you, as a bank, have to endure cost to transmit that money.”

Ripple’s Consensus Ledger can process 1,000 transactions per second, and settles an international payment in three seconds on average. (He compares that to the bitcoin blockchain, which has slowed recently to two hours per transaction, creating a debate over block size; to be fair, both speeds are much faster than sending money with a traditional clearinghouse like Western Union.)" data-reactid="43" style="margin-bottom: 1em; color: rgb(38, 40, 42); font-family: "Helvetica Neue", Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; font-size: 15px; background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255);">Ripple’s Consensus Ledger can process 1,000 transactions per second, and settles an international payment in three seconds on average. (He compares that to the bitcoin blockchain, which has slowed recently to two hours per transaction, creating a debate over block size; to be fair, both speeds are much faster than sending money with a traditional clearinghouse like Western Union.)

Ripple can also be used for in-country payments; many of the banks in Japan are using Ripple for domestic payments due to the sluggishness of the local payments network there. But for the most part, Ripple is focusing on cross-border payments because that’s the biggest pain point for banks and banking customers.

That’s tough talk, and true only to an extent. Chain has partnered with heavy-hitters like Visa, Citi, and Nasdaq, but for now the results have been experiments, trial runs, or “previews” like Visa B2B Connect.

All the experimentation has led critics to say that the Wall Street interest in blockchain is all just talk, or as IBM blockchain exec Jerry Cuomo puts it, “blockchain tourism.” Ripple CTO Stefan Thomas acknowledges that the term itself has become a “classic technology buzzword.”

But Garlinghouse is confident that blockchain tech and its many applications will bring about the “Internet of value.” Many have applied that phrase to bitcoin (causing some contention over who owns the phrase), but Garlinghouse says it hasn’t lived up to that promise.

“We feel like to enable an Internet of value, you have to connect through repositories of value, and those are the banks,” he says. “Where many in the bitcoin community have espoused a view of, ‘Down with the banks, down with fiat currency,’ Ripple has taken the opposite: we think the banks are critical to the future of an Internet of value.”" data-reactid="53" style="margin-bottom: 1em;">“We feel like to enable an Internet of value, you have to connect through repositories of value, and those are the banks,” he says. “Where many in the bitcoin community have espoused a view of, ‘Down with the banks, down with fiat currency,’ Ripple has taken the opposite: we think the banks are critical to the future of an Internet of value.”

What about bitcoin?

“We might end up finding that bitcoin is the Napster of digital assets,” Garlinghouse says. “Napster lived in a world devoid of trademark law, and royalties, and tried to live outside of the rules, and you could say the same about bitcoin. I’m not predicting that bitcoin will go the way of Napster, but I would point out that bitcoin has demonstrated some very cool capabilities that, in the end, bitcoin may not be the best tool for.”" data-reactid="56" style="margin-bottom: 1em;">“We might end up finding that bitcoin is the Napster of digital assets,” Garlinghouse says. “Napster lived in a world devoid of trademark law, and royalties, and tried to live outside of the rules, and you could say the same about bitcoin. I’m not predicting that bitcoin will go the way of Napster, but I would point out that bitcoin has demonstrated some very cool capabilities that, in the end, bitcoin may not be the best tool for.”

Ripple’s digital currency

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Ripple price over the past 3 months (via CoinMarketCap)
Ripple has its own digital token, XRP, and it is often billed by tech press as a bitcoin competitor, but that’s not quite right. Ripple uses it as a settlement token, and banking clients don’t have to use it or touch it at all. It is more of an institutional digital asset than a public investment vehicle like bitcoin, though anyone could buy some XRP if they wish. (Its value has risen 345% in the past year, but in dollars it is worth just 3 cents; again, its trading price is not the point.)" data-reactid="78" style="margin-bottom: 1em;">Ripple has its own digital token, XRP, and it is often billed by tech press as a bitcoin competitor, but that’s not quite right. Ripple uses it as a settlement token, and banking clients don’t have to use it or touch it at all. It is more of an institutional digital asset than a public investment vehicle like bitcoin, though anyone could buy some XRP if they wish. (Its value has risen 345% in the past year, but in dollars it is worth just 3 cents; again, its trading price is not the point.)

Ripple’s XRP coin is “about reducing the cost for banks to fund liquidity around the world,” says Garlinghouse. That can double as a statement of Ripple’s purpose, too. And if its banking clients, over time, decide that Ripple’s rail has reduced friction and made customers happier, expect Ripple to continue adding banks and financial clients, who are itching to show their innovativeness by saying they’re in the blockchain tech space." data-reactid="79" style="margin-bottom: 1em;">Ripple’s XRP coin is “about reducing the cost for banks to fund liquidity around the world,” says Garlinghouse. That can double as a statement of Ripple’s purpose, too. And if its banking clients, over time, decide that Ripple’s rail has reduced friction and made customers happier, expect Ripple to continue adding banks and financial clients, who are itching to show their innovativeness by saying they’re in the blockchain tech space.

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Daniel Roberts is a writer at Yahoo Finance, covering technology and sports business. Follow him on Twitter at @readDanwrite.


Support BGOL
GENTLEMEN, Follow Heathcliffs lead. this is the type of info and analysis that is needed. people always say black people cant work together to accomplish shit...but I'm willing to prove them wrong. there are more than 40 active contributors to this thread and probably another 40-50 actively reading/watching the thread.
between all that brainpower, knowledge, innovation, intuitive thinking, and situational awareness, we can come up together. no hating ...everybody eating, everybody getting money...this was the essence of the organization formerly known as the BMF. Big Meech has a philosophy of cutting through the BS bickering, beefing, and violent conflict and ran his organization like a business. although we are not in the same business, I propose that we utilize his philosophy of keeping a watchful eye on the crypto market, making tips, and helping each other when pumps and documented news comes through. that's how we make smart decision. smart decision + situational awareness = mo money.

Exactly couldnt have said it better.... im still picking up and learning things and the lingo, but if i see a pump or need clarification on some information ill come in here and share with my people FIRST... if we come together and really work together and stop with the bickering... difference of opinion is great to tackle this unpredictive market, just not the nonsense... we can start something big here, help each other with financial investments and get this money, start a real strong group... no need to be greedy, we all can eat!


Support BGOL
man he broke down the simple math. Its all about percent increase.
If you have $100 of coin A, and coin A is $25 per coin
If you have $100 of coin B, and coin B is $0.25 per coin

If both coin A and coin B go up 100%, You make exponentially more if you had invested in Coin B

simple math man, simple math...

Yeah. It's simple math based on the hope that xrp will be more profitable long term than litecoin if it was invested during the same timeframe.