Yeah, saw this yesterday. Folks heads about to explode trying to talk about helping people in oppressed regimes and the unbanked and trying to claim that crypto funds extremists.![]()
Exclusive: Large bitcoin payments to right-wing activists a month before Capitol riot linked to foreign account
On Dec. 8, someone made a simultaneous transfer of 28.15 bitcoins — worth more than $500,000 at the time — to 22 different virtual wallets, most of them belonging to prominent right-wing organizations and personalities. U.S. law enforcement is investigating whether the donations were linked
The FUD will be very political in 2021. Fortunately, Biden is centrist and cooler heads should prevail.
Ethereum is the shit. With the staking, defi, and everything else, shit is a sleeping giant and more and more people realizing it. Shit is like the COVID vaccine of the crypto world. Great minds the world over are working on all of Ethereum's problems. No other crypto has that many minds behind it. Not even close.![]()
Exchanges running out of ETH with reserves plunging 27% in 48 hours
With more than one-quarter of Ether reserves leaving centralized exchanges, ETH may be on the cusp of an explosive rally as demand overtakes