Last week, I probably spent $800 or close to it on gas fees because of ETH. I love ETH, but that experienced caused me to reevaluate things. Fuck if Cardano pumped, I had to get a nice size bag and start from there. It's still under the all-time high. And yeah, projects are already porting to it.
Even those of us who can afford the fees ain't going to be feeling this ETH shit as the bull continues. I literally pissed away shitcoin lotto money on fucking fees. No way 'joe sixpack' coming into the game can fuck with shit on ETH. And getting booked for failed transactions? Sheeeeit.
It came down to DOT vs ADA. Both got great tech, bent with ADA simply because it as an all-time high on record from over 3 years ago and has built a great community over the years. When a crypto has an all-time high on record, something 10 to 20 times up from that isn't shocking. So calls for a 10-20 dollar ADA don't surprise me. Just no telling with DOT.
But yeah, fuck the ETH fees. Charles talking about DEFI on deck. Don't see why ADA can't go at least 8x once it hits its old all-time high.
I swear it's like LINK is the only fucking crypto without competition. I mean it has competition, but ain't no fucking reason to use it. ETH so important to crypto, but the fucking fees man.