since the saitamask wasnt ready
That's why I mentioned the exit tax. We have to pay these bloodsuckers to give up citizenship. I'm still conducting research on where I'd live.
Now there is a way that I stay. If this piece of shit country becomes a lot more crypto friendly and it's easier to borrow against our digital assets(no taxes), I'll be staying. But if they keep up all this hostility, fuck them. These emotional hipsters and

"crypto hurts my environment" and then the

"we cant' censor crypto platforms" might make it tough.
Those of us lucky enough in this game should be planning for an exit strategy if we need one. Fuck this apple pie bullshit, the right wing nuts, and the radical left hipsters. I just care about crypto and my family.
Facts but just caring about crypto and your family is how they win,
shit will change yesterday, when we all start seeing all children as ours
and each other as family...
Thats true Christ Consciousness..
that will burn the demons straight to whence the spawned from..
Hey in the meantime.. I heard you dont have to give up your citizenship
if you move to puerto rico, you just have to live there for six months of the year...
and dont have to worry about capital gains tax.... EVER...
or paying an exit tax... which is really a FREEDOM tax
and proof citizens are slaves with benefits... not RIGHTs just
better have yo slave papers when you travel.. yea they call it a passport/visa/REAL ID bullshit...
Hey dont be so quick to leave, things are changing for the good.. and fast..
its just they are trying to cover shit up with this plandemic bullshit, aka biological warfare,
they started by producing genetcially modified foods and planes spraying aerosols on us
like roachs..
then they blame some bats in fuckin china... and people fall for it, instead of just looking up
and seeing this shit...
Planes spraying tiny sulphate particulates into the lower stratosphere could help shield Earth from just enough sunlight to help keep temperatures low
Notice the date, 2018,
and what YEAR did COVID start.. cmon son.. shit is so fuckin obvious..
and genetically modified foods, we been eating that shit for years before they even
admitted that shit, how can we be so sure, these frakenfoods arent having a negative
effect on our physical and emotional well being...
I digress as always.. lol
Dont be too quick to give up your citizenship tho, whereever you decide to go,
Live there for five to ten years first... I know of folks that couldnt wait to leave,
left and realized they just needed to get away for awhile...
and wasnt used to not having electricity being the norm.. lol
despite all this countrys faults..
Its still a fuckn great and beautiful country..
despite the temporary cancer cells tryin to run shit into the ground..