Official BGOL Crypto Currency Thread ★★★★★


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Please watch the first 4 minutes
He had me laughing hard sending subliminals.
Wink wink. hahahah


Its fuckin disgusting how the irs wants to be all in YOUR shit,

but when we want to know what they are doing with

OUR money, in terms of US auditing THEM,

they literally tell us shut the fuck up, no and get over it,

and we let them just roam through our pockets..

say what you want about the orange chimp,

but he was the only muthafuckin politrickan,

brave enough to even utter the words,

get rid of the IRS...

of course he said it because he was in tax trouble,


but that fool is crazy enough to try and do it......



Autodidact / Polymath
Platinum Member
Its fuckin disgusting how the irs wants to be all in YOUR shit,

but when we want to know what they are doing with

OUR money, in terms of US auditing THEM,

they literally tell us shut the fuck up, no and get over it,

and we let them just roam through our pockets..

say what you want about the orange chimp,

but he was the only muthafuckin politrickan,

brave enough to even utter the words,

get rid of the IRS...

of course he said it because he was in tax trouble,


but that fool is crazy enough to try and do it......


The day we audit the IRS and the FED is the day we solve ALL of our debt and spending issues.
Sadly, may never happen...


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
The day we audit the IRS and the FED is the day we solve ALL of our debt and spending issues.
Sadly, may never happen...

Lets think positive my bruh, there was a time wed never think anyone would storm

the capital....

Hey I stand with anyone willing to get those octopus arms out of our pockets..

ITS LITERALLY FUCKING CRIMINAL what the IRS is getting away with bruh....

the crazy shit is,

there is NO law that even says we have to pay income taxes.....


and we just sit by and allow that to happen..

I thought this was America

I thought Americans didnt take that shit!!!!


Autodidact / Polymath
Platinum Member
there is NO law that even says we have to pay income taxes.....

Say that again!!!
This was a temporary WW2 measure made permanent due to greed.

And you're correct about the capital.
Once you have stripped a man of all of his possessions, he will fight tooth and nail to protect what little he has remaining.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Say that again!!!
This was a temporary WW2 measure made permanent due to greed.

And you're correct about the capital.
Once you have stripped a man of all of his possessions, he will fight tooth and nail to protect what little he has remaining.

no doubt, the irs seems to have the upper hand because they perfected the divide and conquer game so well..

the wealthy who have the knowledge of the mindfuckery and how unconstitutional it is, and also the means to spark

major changes.. are giving little loopholes, to tax breaks, to make the irs fuckin them up the ass a little easier,

they can always say, hey at least I dont get fucked over like the little guys...

instead of saying lets stand together, so we can STOP THE RAPE!!

folks are waking up, its just not televised...!!!

gene cisco

Not A BGOL Eunuch
BGOL Investor
Crypto and tax is a new vacuum to get into for any accountants right now.

I was talking to accountants last year and a lot of those snobs didn't know shit about crypto. Fools leaving all kinds of money on the table.
Its fuckin disgusting how the irs wants to be all in YOUR shit,

but when we want to know what they are doing with

OUR money, in terms of US auditing THEM,

they literally tell us shut the fuck up, no and get over it,

and we let them just roam through our pockets..

say what you want about the orange chimp,

but he was the only muthafuckin politrickan,

brave enough to even utter the words,

get rid of the IRS...

of course he said it because he was in tax trouble,


but that fool is crazy enough to try and do it......

Yeah man, it's sickening that most the creatures walking around are oblivious to how fucked up the IRS is. How draconian the tax laws are. But why would the average creature know that? All they do is wage until 65 and die. Even the ones making six figures are usually employees who never really earn 'make it' money. They ain't even going to play the capital gains tax game big time. Ain't ever going to play business tax game big time.

I keep saying this crooked ass government ain't going to allow us to hold private keys for long without registering them bitches. What asset do our overlords allow us to possess that they can't readily confiscate? Real estate, stocks, and bank accounts can all be easily seized. Crypto can't -- currently.

It's cool though. We know we are in a criminal enterprise and play the game accordingly. Give Uncle Paulie his money and he'll let us 'earn' just like we're in the mob. :smh: When I see 8 figures after exit taxes, ya'll can have gangster ass Sam. I'm out and not looking back.

I still don't believe some of these crooked ass governments want to try to say taking a crypto loan is a taxable event because the wrapped crypto is a new crypto. Imagine the balls on these bitches. It's like if I make a deposit at an ATM and go across town and then take out the money. They treat that as the same because of the value and intent. Same should be for wrapped crypto. Period.


Curry Is My God
BGOL Patreon Investor
Coinbase hit me with the kyc when I tried to move some funds last night. Had me taking selfies and shit 3 o clock in the morning.

They didn't do that when I moved funds in the summer, so I wonder if it went into effect when the bill was signed.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
I was talking to accountants last year and a lot of those snobs didn't know shit about crypto. Fools leaving all kinds of money on the table.

Yeah man, it's sickening that most the creatures walking around are oblivious to how fucked up the IRS is. How draconian the tax laws are. But why would the average creature know that? All they do is wage until 65 and die. Even the ones making six figures are usually employees who never really earn 'make it' money. They ain't even going to play the capital gains tax game big time. Ain't ever going to play business tax game big time.

I keep saying this crooked ass government ain't going to allow us to hold private keys for long without registering them bitches. What asset do our overlords allow us to possess that they can't readily confiscate? Real estate, stocks, and bank accounts can all be easily seized. Crypto can't -- currently.

It's cool though. We know we are in a criminal enterprise and play the game accordingly. Give Uncle Paulie his money and he'll let us 'earn' just like we're in the mob. :smh: When I see 8 figures after exit taxes, ya'll can have gangster ass Sam. I'm out and not looking back.

I still don't believe some of these crooked ass governments want to try to say taking a crypto loan is a taxable event because the wrapped crypto is a new crypto. Imagine the balls on these bitches. It's like if I make a deposit at an ATM and go across town and then take out the money. They treat that as the same because of the value and intent. Same should be for wrapped crypto. Period.

what are the top five places you are looking at....

central america was looking good, but right now crime is running wild, since covid

fucked up a lot of tourism areas....

Well If you gonna keep your citizenship when you cash out and dip.. remember we are dealing with the most gluttonous

demonically insane with greed IRS...

keep in mind all them bastard fucktards do is watch OUR POCKETS.... so if you jetting you bes not lookback..

In the past, IRS rarely audited US Citizens who filed tax returns from abroad.

This may, however, soon change due to a recently authorized increase in funding and staff in the IRS international tax department [ and].

We have been recently provided with the document used by the IRS to conduct audits of Form 2555, which is filed to claim the Foreign Earned Income Exclusion (FEIE). This audit is normally conducted by post and



Rising Star
BGOL Patreon Investor
Its fuckin disgusting how the irs wants to be all in YOUR shit,

but when we want to know what they are doing with

OUR money, in terms of US auditing THEM,

they literally tell us shut the fuck up, no and get over it,

and we let them just roam through our pockets..

say what you want about the orange chimp,

but he was the only muthafuckin politrickan,

brave enough to even utter the words,

get rid of the IRS...

of course he said it because he was in tax trouble,


but that fool is crazy enough to try and do it......

i'm willing to bet most businessmen feel that way


BGOL Investor
Please watch the first 4 minutes
He had me laughing hard sending subliminals.
Wink wink. hahahah




Rising Star
BGOL Investor
i'm willing to bet most businessmen feel that way

most folks dont know, but when they on the phone pleading

and yelling at the irs, they fuckin laugh at that shit,

those agents get a kickback for selling out their fellow,

citizens.. not realizing they are being fucked too...

but chea,

anybody who truly understands what the irs..

feels that way...

Imagine a bully going in your pockets everyday taking your money,

and when you ask, why do you take my money everyday,

he says, shut the fuck up and puts his hands in your pocket..

the bully is the irs,

the victim is the usa citizens, who are paying unconstitutional income taxes...

sure I pay every fuckin year, but I know the day is approaching,

when all the people will say, fuck you irs..

enough is enough...

and kick them back to england, and take all the fuckin

agents with you..unless they repent..

Now ask me if Im gonna pay my taxes this year... LOL....


for now.........

gene cisco

Not A BGOL Eunuch
BGOL Investor
what are the top five places you are looking at....

central america was looking good, but right now crime is running wild, since covid

fucked up a lot of tourism areas....

Well If you gonna keep your citizenship when you cash out and dip.. remember we are dealing with the most gluttonous

demonically insane with greed IRS...

keep in mind all them bastard fucktards do is watch OUR POCKETS.... so if you jetting you bes not lookback..

In the past, IRS rarely audited US Citizens who filed tax returns from abroad.

This may, however, soon change due to a recently authorized increase in funding and staff in the IRS international tax department [ and].

We have been recently provided with the document used by the IRS to conduct audits of Form 2555, which is filed to claim the Foreign Earned Income Exclusion (FEIE). This audit is normally conducted by post and

That's why I mentioned the exit tax. We have to pay these bloodsuckers to give up citizenship. I'm still conducting research on where I'd live.

Now there is a way that I stay. If this piece of shit country becomes a lot more crypto friendly and it's easier to borrow against our digital assets(no taxes), I'll be staying. But if they keep up all this hostility, fuck them. These emotional hipsters and :eek: "crypto hurts my environment" and then the :eek: "we cant' censor crypto platforms" might make it tough.

Those of us lucky enough in this game should be planning for an exit strategy if we need one. Fuck this apple pie bullshit, the right wing nuts, and the radical left hipsters. I just care about crypto and my family.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
since the saitamask wasnt ready
That's why I mentioned the exit tax. We have to pay these bloodsuckers to give up citizenship. I'm still conducting research on where I'd live.

Now there is a way that I stay. If this piece of shit country becomes a lot more crypto friendly and it's easier to borrow against our digital assets(no taxes), I'll be staying. But if they keep up all this hostility, fuck them. These emotional hipsters and :eek: "crypto hurts my environment" and then the :eek: "we cant' censor crypto platforms" might make it tough.

Those of us lucky enough in this game should be planning for an exit strategy if we need one. Fuck this apple pie bullshit, the right wing nuts, and the radical left hipsters. I just care about crypto and my family.

Facts but just caring about crypto and your family is how they win,

shit will change yesterday, when we all start seeing all children as ours

and each other as family...

Thats true Christ Consciousness..

that will burn the demons straight to whence the spawned from..

Hey in the meantime.. I heard you dont have to give up your citizenship

if you move to puerto rico, you just have to live there for six months of the year...

and dont have to worry about capital gains tax.... EVER...

or paying an exit tax... which is really a FREEDOM tax

and proof citizens are slaves with benefits... not RIGHTs just


better have yo slave papers when you travel.. yea they call it a passport/visa/REAL ID bullshit...

Hey dont be so quick to leave, things are changing for the good.. and fast..

its just they are trying to cover shit up with this plandemic bullshit, aka biological warfare,

they started by producing genetcially modified foods and planes spraying aerosols on us

like roachs..

then they blame some bats in fuckin china... and people fall for it, instead of just looking up

and seeing this shit...

Notice the date, 2018,

and what YEAR did COVID start.. cmon son.. shit is so fuckin obvious..

and genetically modified foods, we been eating that shit for years before they even

admitted that shit, how can we be so sure, these frakenfoods arent having a negative

effect on our physical and emotional well being...

I digress as always.. lol

Dont be too quick to give up your citizenship tho, whereever you decide to go,

Live there for five to ten years first... I know of folks that couldnt wait to leave,

left and realized they just needed to get away for awhile...

and wasnt used to not having electricity being the norm.. lol

despite all this countrys faults..

Its still a fuckn great and beautiful country..

despite the temporary cancer cells tryin to run shit into the ground..


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
whew, that was close, that saitama dip from last night is more than halfway eaten. Thinkin we should be good

Yeah I mean bruh... even I Knew along with millions of others, that there was a great chance the security clearance wouldnt be ready...

the team shouldve been more clear that this was more like a rally than an event....

they kind of put themselves on the spot again by saying it will be ready in two weeks they shouldnt make any statements

untill the actual roll out is IN their hands...

I have a feeling they are very excited about the project and Im in it for the long haul...

the selling doesnt bother me because I know the risk side of this game is to

hold strong when others arent... I knew the even was really more about

them feeling good about the project and it would be more like a

RALLY then an actual LAUNCH.....

Muthafuckas was expecting an APPLE type event...

then didnt expect a fuckin Molly Party,

bruh you KNOW half them muthafuckas was

high off that MOLLY.... !!

but this is the time when folks who sold,

too early maybe riding that regret train....

and its showing the pattern of many top crypto,

there is always a lil fud and sell off before it


but IF and when saitamask drops its going to be a

game changer... folks can purchase crypto directly with

USD without having to go through all the fuckin red tape...



Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Yeah I mean bruh... even I Knew along with millions of others, that there was a great chance the security clearance wouldnt be ready...

the team shouldve been more clear that this was more like a rally than an event....

they kind of put themselves on the spot again by saying it will be ready in two weeks they shouldnt make any statements

untill the actual roll out is IN their hands...

I have a feeling they are very excited about the project and Im in it for the long haul...

the selling doesnt bother me because I know the risk side of this game is to

hold strong when others arent... I knew the even was really more about

them feeling good about the project and it would be more like a

RALLY then an actual LAUNCH.....

Muthafuckas was expecting an APPLE type event...

then didnt expect a fuckin Molly Party,

bruh you KNOW half them muthafuckas was

high off that MOLLY.... !!

but this is the time when folks who sold,

too early maybe riding that regret train....

and its showing the pattern of many top crypto,

there is always a lil fud and sell off before it


but IF and when saitamask drops its going to be a

game changer... folks can purchase crypto directly with

USD without having to go through all the fuckin red tape...

I caught on to the certik audit thing a few days ago when Russ mentioned it on Jake Gagains AMA. Kinda knew they wouldn't be ready, but didn't expect the sell-off to be this massive. I bought a little more last night. Caught some great gas fees all of a sudden too


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
I caught on to the certik audit thing a few days ago when Russ mentioned it on Jake Gagains AMA. Kinda knew they wouldn't be ready, but didn't expect the sell-off to be this massive. I bought a little more last night. Caught some great gas fees all of a sudden too

Yea it thats whats cool about this coin, when people buy you win, when people SELL

you win!!

and coins get burned in the process..


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
I caught on to the certik audit thing a few days ago when Russ mentioned it on Jake Gagains AMA. Kinda knew they wouldn't be ready, but didn't expect the sell-off to be this massive. I bought a little more last night. Caught some great gas fees all of a sudden too

LOL bruh I just checked, I made about two million in reflections because of all the trading

going on....


Rising Star
Platinum Member
Who was the bgol member who gave us Saitama...smh

They set up an event and gave bad news. What do you think would happen after that.

They delayed the audit which didnt help the price action.
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Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Who was the bgol member who gave us Saitama...smh

They set up an event and gave bad news. What do you think would happen after that.

They delayed the audit which didnt help the price action.

They didnt delay anything, they didnt anticipate security clearance backlog,

From Certik Security, and when they didnt see a listing.. like you are doing now

they panic..


Its finally listed and looks like its over ninety five percent clear.

Either way folks didnt really pay attention to the frat fest they had over

in vegas..

Not only is this coin going to get its own website..

its getting its OWN COLD STORAGE HARDWARE......

and with all the trading going on, you should be picking up some

nice retributions.. hey everythings a risk,

this whole game is risky... and you can lose everything overnight,

or you can cash out big,

this is one of the few meme coins with real world value,

not to mention they arent even on a major exchange yet...

Im just saying Im holding an hoping folks keep selling

so I can save up and get another chunk...

not many coins look as promising as this..

again.. if you got paper hands this is NOT the token for you..

Update for the FUDDERS...



Autodidact / Polymath
Platinum Member
I may take a small position in SAITAMA due to the long term growth potential.
I have no free cash right now --all locked in positions I have strong conviction in.
I like the tokenomics despite this bloodbath.

RNDR has done some amazing things. I've been watching this coin for the past 2 weeks go from sub $2 to near $5 today.
Worst yet, I've been watching and wanting to get in this coin ever since it was .10 cents. :(

PBR has been my greatest investment in crypto thus far.
I got in at .06 cents and it it now trading for $3.50 :) Near 50X return!!!
What a year I'm having!!

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Rising Star
BGOL Investor
I may take a small position in SAITAMA due to the long term growth potential.
I have no free cash right now --all locked in positions I have strong conviction in.
I like the tokenomics despite this bloodbath.

RNDR has done some amazing things. I've been watching this coin for the past 2 weeks go from sub $2 to near $5 today.
Worst yet, I've been watching and wanting to get in this coin ever since it was .10 cents. :(

PBR has been my greatest investment in crypto thus far.
I got in at .06 cents and it it now trading for $3.50 :) Near 50X return!!!
What a year I'm having!!


small positive out of this weekend was that I was able to add to my bag. These people selling off are idiots. Feel like Saitama, despite last weekend, still has lots of real world usage and will bounce back just fine


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
small positive out of this weekend was that I was able to add to my bag. These people selling off are idiots. Feel like Saitama, despite last weekend, still has lots of real world usage and will bounce back just fine

Bruh Im like gatdam, my stash of saitama is growing from all this selling and buying..

Im well over fifty million in kickback coins...

since the event..... the funny shit is everybody was expecting some

fuckin high tech 8k apple steve jobs type presentation..

they got fuckin 1980 home movies instead....LOL

but rumour has it, MGM wouldnt let them bring in

professionals with their equipment... so they counted

on youtubers to fill in that gap.. and them muthafuckas

was waaaay too high off that molly they forget, the power

of vegas that just makes you feel, like going ALL out,

ESPECIALLY when you get that bag...


Nevertheless bruh staking your saitama coins may be some nice

side money...

OH and NOBODY talking about them actually working
on their OWN BLOCKCHAIN...

they going after that number 2 coin spot for real

I write all that to say..

sell on whales sell on paper hands... I thank you for your gifts..
