Official BGOL Crypto Currency Thread ★★★★★


Rising Star
BGOL Investor

Somebodys reading my postings and getting it,

I was saying this months ago...

when they start murdering muthafuckas

Thats a sign of them running out of time and answers...

and getting very desperate..

All they are doing is sealing their demise and having

it come faster and hit them harder than its supposed to,

The Karma for spilling innocent blood.

IS fuckin HUGE!!!

You can TELL they the central banksters are


their desperation is getting worse by the day..

but they could only get those that trust them

The REAL crypto movers and shakers are


waiting to strike...

Just know there is NOTHING to fear,

Here is a real VAMPIRE MOVIE analogy

to segue my point..

Herschel Walker take

Yall remember that movie..

The Lost Boys, about vampires..

and it tells you, how some vampires go

out when they die..

How some accept it, but others go down scratching

and screaming...

Well thats what we have here,

A group of vampires going out kickin and

screaming to their grave...

and tryin to take as many souls with them....

they tryin to control everyone through fear..

thats their only hope...

and their are those amongst them

that are NOT with their bullshit,

that will be their demise...

Its gonna get real interesting FOLKS...

dont focus too much on what they PUT

in front of us.

Its the NEWS TICKERS that tell the real story....

the game right now tho..


physical and mental.. you see while they trying to


they are losing the PHYSICAL and MENTAL health...

thats what you should be focusing most of your energy on..

Because when the money starts to REALLY flow backin,

you want to be in a position

to REALLY enjoy that bitch...

Keep your physical and mental health game UP,

FIRST, and slowly stash funds, to be ready

to make big crypto move to flip into

hard assets...

like commercial real estate... but be lowkey

as aint tryin to buy a lambo or

luxury boat right now...


Notice that, its only new money being murdered

out here...

because NEW money thought OLD money was

their friends, let their guards down...

got caught lacking...

that ftx dude is really old money..

or very much connected to it..

maybe his wife is..

if he wasnt, he wouldve been

bernie madoffed..


Rising Star
BGOL Investor

That one was crazy, because he was saying how, his girlfriend

was compromised and they are either going to frame him

or kill him..

He said he is completely innocent and NOT suicidal...

imagine you dating a bitch, come to find out,

she was the Opp all along....

the problem with all this new money getting got.

they thought

Old traditional money was just gonna sit by

and let them take over..

Notice its ONLY new money out here

dying all over the place..

warren buffet ol ass still huffin and puffin


gene cisco

Not A BGOL Eunuch
BGOL Investor

Got someone I did business with out in Africa that left saying folks were targeting. They were doing a lot for Bitcoin and were early adopters, but didn't want to get kidnapped for millions so they bounced to Dubai. But yeah, Bitcoin is spreading out there.

She mentions decentralization but folks still can get 'FTX'd' if they don't self-custody their bitcoin. And if they self-custody folks are targeting in certain areas. People who are promoting in areas that need it the most have to be careful.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor

the traditional banksters are starting to realize,

the bitcoin mafia was waaay ahead of them all this time..

unlike most of the big crypto players..

bitcoin mafia never trusted traditional banksters....

it like they KNEW this moment was coming,

and they prepared for it....

its why bitcoin is not below five thousand now...

the tradional banksters was hoping bitcoin

would fade away from FUD by years end...

This is Bitcoin going on the offense.. the traditional banksters

going to go hard after Texas in the coming months..

just watch and see...

might be another energy crisis or some shit...something tells me

Texas gonna be ready this time tho...

Database Error

You're right dawg
OG Investor



Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Why would someone do this? Especially at the high price in crypto. If anything he should've done this in 2020. He would've made out better.

Ppl be stupid with this investing shit. Only invest what you're willing to potentially lose.


when kniggas lose money

its because they didnt understand

the risk, they didnt do their homework,

we gotta suck it up and keep moving..

how come it aint the same energy

HERE tho?

Thats all Im sayin??

all of a sudden Investing in crypto

is not risky, and if you lose money

from YOUR choices..


yea somebody gonna have to

make this make sense,

to a thinkin ass knigga!!

I was told day fuckin ONE


the receipts right here in this fuckin thread bruh!!

gene cisco

Not A BGOL Eunuch
BGOL Investor

Fuck the U.S.

He created that bootlegg binance years ago and any U.S. citizens risked it upon themselves to use OG binance. U.S. needs to worry about its own crooks. And we all know money laundering is up there with conspiracy in terms of it can be damn near anything.

But on the real side, Binance going down would definitely clean up the market. I'll be the first to admit that. Just sick of the U.S. and its bullshit. There is a reason we are lumped in with citizens of north Korea and Iran when it comes to accessing international markets.

So after they made sure everyone important got their stories in order, they pick him up. :smh:


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
As biden administration enters lame duck status

the banksters are getting more and more

desperate ...

shit it going to get real interesting this winter..

the fact that the federal reserve who can print up

money willy fuckin nilly..

still cant take down bitcoin and eth..

is saying a fuckin lot about

Bitcoin and eth

and those that PREDICTED this DAY WILL COME...

So far early in this boxing match, all the offense

has been the banksters..

they swinging hard haymakers...

and from where I sit... it looks like

the banksters are getting..

Muhamed Ali ROPE A DOPED!!

Crypto with the knockout in the latter rounds..

dumbass banksters, gave away all the free central banksters coin

to their ilk..

dumb fucks were supposed to give it to early adopters..

at wholesale prices...

but they are too hopelessly gluttonous which clouds

their logic..

and too demonically soulless and selfish, to realize,

in order to receive you have to give..

they fucked up the central banking coin rollout,

and they think they could just bully their

way into correcting their mistakes...

Let this be a lesson..

You get a big crypto bag in the future..

STAY low key as possible...

diversify all your assets...

and keep the bulk of your digital assets

in your own wallet...if its not being traded

or staked.

ultimately the central banksters crypto coin,

will expose how corrupt the federal reserve and

those that run it are...
Crypto scene getting crazy, bottom is in

watch out for a holiday pump....tho...

time to get presents for the kiddies and

pay for that new years eve event...


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Another one bites the dust. SEC going after another stock manipulator.


He is just a wall street fall guy,

they were making it waaay too obvious they put

a hit on crypto.

so the banksters sent out their SEC whores to

give it that fair and balanced look...

the funny think is wallstreet been doing

the pump a stock up and dump thing for years..

so much so, it was ingrained in the system..

they just puttin on a dog and pony show....

they never go after the big old money boys..
