Somebodys reading my postings and getting it,
I was saying this months ago...
when they start murdering muthafuckas
Thats a sign of them running out of time and answers...
and getting very desperate..
All they are doing is sealing their demise and having
it come faster and hit them harder than its supposed to,
The Karma for spilling innocent blood.
IS fuckin HUGE!!!
You can TELL they the central banksters are
their desperation is getting worse by the day..
but they could only get those that trust them
The REAL crypto movers and shakers are
waiting to strike...
Just know there is NOTHING to fear,
Here is a real VAMPIRE MOVIE analogy
to segue my point..
Herschel Walker take
Yall remember that movie..
The Lost Boys, about vampires..
and it tells you, how some vampires go
out when they die..
How some accept it, but others go down scratching
and screaming...
Well thats what we have here,
A group of vampires going out kickin and
screaming to their grave...
and tryin to take as many souls with them....
they tryin to control everyone through fear..
thats their only hope...
and their are those amongst them
that are NOT with their bullshit,
that will be their demise...
Its gonna get real interesting FOLKS...
dont focus too much on what they PUT
in front of us.
Its the NEWS TICKERS that tell the real story....
the game right now tho..
physical and mental.. you see while they trying to
they are losing the PHYSICAL and MENTAL health...
thats what you should be focusing most of your energy on..
Because when the money starts to REALLY flow backin,
you want to be in a position
to REALLY enjoy that bitch...
Keep your physical and mental health game UP,
FIRST, and slowly stash funds, to be ready
to make big crypto move to flip into
hard assets...
like commercial real estate... but be lowkey
as aint tryin to buy a lambo or
luxury boat right now...
Notice that, its only new money being murdered
out here...
because NEW money thought OLD money was
their friends, let their guards down...
got caught lacking...
that ftx dude is really old money..
or very much connected to it..
maybe his wife is..
if he wasnt, he wouldve been
bernie madoffed..