Hey yall not gonna believe this shit... Crypto focused banks SHUT DOWN in NYC
just because the traditional bullshit banking is SHITTING BRICKS because their demise is inevitable..
so they just shut DOWN a crypto focused bank because they pussy..
an never have they played fair,
U.S. regulators on Sunday shut down New York-based
Signature Bank, a big lender in the crypto industry, in a bid to prevent the spreading banking crisis.
“We are also announcing a similar systemic risk exception for Signature Bank, New York, New York, which was closed today by its state chartering authority,” Treasury, Federal Reserve, and FDIC said in a joint statement Sunday evening.
U.S. regulators on Sunday shut down New York-based Signature Bank in a bid to prevent the spreading banking crisis.
they are doing a whole lot of sneaky shit too... they are literally taking people money.. be careful how you move
and trade.. in fact for the next six months Ill trade and move only as needed..
U.S. regulators on Sunday shut down New York-based Signature Bank in a bid to prevent the spreading banking crisis.