Yeah, they supposed to fear once folks find out how banking/government works, shit will fuck up the system. I used to think that, but recent events over the last 2 years proves masses are hopeless and far too easy to manipulate. Bankers are safe as ever(as they build huge crypto positions themselves) and deep down, they know it. Any other way of talking is manipulation, as always.
I mentioned 'brute forcing' in the investor thread. The more money thrown at something, easier/better shit gets. So 'joe sixpack' needs a 100x on the $1000 he can afford to put into crypto after working in this corrupt ass system. Banker bro can double a billion on a punk ass 2x. Governments can make a killing on a 2x. Someone more well-off can make six figures of 100k going 2x. Meanwhile, the folks with less money(average American, not BGOL ballers) lose fucking hope and sell cheap. With more money, surviving downtrends is a walk in the park.
Humans ain't changing man. Masses been proven to be fucked up. Bankers/elites aren't stupid man. They usually have the best of the best working for/with them.
I'm encouraged more than ever before to be in crypto.

Some folks don't realize it, but we are riding with the bankers/elites and they always end up winning. They will herd the masses along with the right narratives(bad for environment, crypto is right wing, terrorism, it's hard to censor, etc) while they stack bags. Happening as we speak.
very true, but its NOT about them, they always made money, in fact they the super elite learn at an early age,
its not about money, it never was about money, its about people and the control of people, from their physical
actions and now more so controlling the thoughts they think... for example, tryin to make being a faggot
normal, the conforming mind thinks its about sexual choice and freedom,
the AWARE minds KNOW its about population control.
They dont care about making billions and we shouldnt give a fuck what they make,
the focus is not even about making billions, sure its nice if it comes, but its about
making enough so you can free yourself from this stressed out hamster wheel they got us on,
working nine to fives, watching bills pile up, then watching movies and tv PROGRAMMING
thinking we are relaxing, but not realizing the power of light and moving images has on the mind when its
in a relaxed state, plus a stressed out mind, just produces a nation of sheeps,
but with crypto you literally have the power to make enough to free yourself from the tentacles
of the parasitic elite..
Im just saying the time is now to get in on it.. its so early in the game its not even funny..
most people just heard of bitcoin, they have no idea its a whole fuckin universe or should
I say metaverse, and its where everything is headed..
I write all that to state, its NOT about billions its about making enough to free yourself
from the bullshit. and when you do that you realize you dont NEED billions...
when you have just enough, to do what you want when you want, you realize
that is ALL you need..
and THATS what scares the parasitic elite, losing that control they have over you,
they NEED us to NEED them, they literally feed off that energy, but their time is up,
the parasitic elite are waaay tooo late in the game...
here is what they dont realize, that any knee jerk reaction they make
to try and throw a monkey wrench in this program is going to really
bring them down, fuck all this staged tiki torch marches and blm marches..
when folks wake up, you going to see a whole NEW movement
one that is NOT controlled and by the parasitic elite..
and they do NOT want that, their best bet is to leave crypto alone,
tax it, and just accept the fact, they wont be the only ones
flying in private planes...
hey if they keep fuckin around, we are going to bring back the anti mason party...
yeah they thought we FORGOT about the ANTI MASON party...
sheeeet they fuck around, watch that shit rise from the dead...!!
its not about the billions, its about having enough to do what you want
to do in life, and you dont NEED billions..
it will be wise to purchase land and precious metals to pass down tho....
thats what really scares them moreso than making money..