FTX founder holed-up in Bahamas resort as his crypto empire crumbles
The founder and former CEO of collapsing crypto trader Sam Bankman-Fried is said to be holed up with members of his inner circle in the Bahamas while his empire collapses around him.www.dailymail.co.uk
Sam Bankman-Fried is ‘under supervision’ in Bahamas, looking to flee to Dubai
FTX former CEO Sam Bankman-Fried and two others are reportedly currently being detained by Bahamanian authorities.cointelegraph.com
$2BN of clients' money is MISSING from collapsed crypto exchange FTX
FTX founder Sam Bankman-Fried allegedly shuffled $10billion in funds to his trading firm Alameda Research, with about $2billion now missing as both companies filed for bankruptcy.www.dailymail.co.uk
Why Albany In The Bahamas Is One Of The Most Exclusive Resorts In The World
With its cutting-edge architecture, first-class facilities and dreamy destination in the Bahamas, Albany is one of the world's most exclusive resorts.www.forbes.com
FTX Investigating Possible Hack Hours After Bankruptcy Filing (Published 2022)
Researchers documented $515 million in suspicious transfers from the cryptocurrency exchange.www.nytimes.com
IMO this is really the ripple effect from Terra Luna…It's gonna get a lot worse once the ripple effect kicks in.
A WHOLE BUNCH of companies had their portfolios invested
in FTX and other companies with them and the pins will start to fall one by one.
Gonna takes months to see the totality of the situation
Did you take your money out of AXRP before the debacle?It's gonna get a lot worse once the ripple effect kicks in.
A WHOLE BUNCH of companies had their portfolios invested
in FTX and other companies with them and the pins will start to fall one by one.
Gonna takes months to see the totality of the situation
What is AXRP?Did you take your money out of AXRP before the debacle?
Ehhh maybe.IMO this is really the ripple effect from Terra Luna…
Axpire. Now called Moola.What is AXRP?
Axpire. Now called Moola.
It's gonna get a lot worse once the ripple effect kicks in.
A WHOLE BUNCH of companies had their portfolios invested
in FTX and other companies with them and the pins will start to fall one by one.
Gonna takes months to see the totality of the situation
Nah, short selling caused them to go into margin call and they didn’t have the capital to pay even if nobody withdrew. Their main asset was their shit coin which lost its value. It was a shell corporation and was likely set up to be from the jump. The missing money is the money that was embezzled and laundered back to the DNC and SBF and his sponsors.Ehhh maybe.
I think it's different. CZ sparked this whole thing off
After the smoke cleared a bank run did FTX in and they just didn't have the funds to cover it
Did you keep up with the turn of events???Nah, short selling caused them to go into margin call and they didn’t have the capital to pay even if nobody withdrew. Their main asset was their shit coin which lost its value. It was a shell corporation and was likely set up to be from the jump. The missing money is the money that was embezzled and laundered back to the DNC and SBF and his sponsors.
Bank runs occurred in the past and likely will occur soon with other exchanges the way things are headed.
Did you keep up with the turn of events???
Apparently not.....
CZ started the spiral
He's the one that DUMPED $FTT
and everybody followed.
That's why he tweeted this to him
"Sparring partner......well played....you won"
Brotha, you said “dumped” = selling aka shorting (using credit or margin)
A bank run would imply withdrawal of funds from the institution or in this case the exchange which from what I see is HALTED.
The price decline hurt him because they were over leveraged on credit / margin and are now insolvent because they cannot cover their liabilities (deposits or creditors).
You should take a look at this thread:
Principles of Economics: The Banking System and Money Creation (run by the international banking cartels)
24.2 The Banking System and Money Creation Learning Objectives Explain what banks are, what their balance sheets look like, and what is meant by a fractional reserve banking system. Describe the process of money creation (destruction), using the concept of the deposit multiplier. Describe how...www.bgol.us
Didn't OBJ take the majority of his Rams contract in cryto?Lmbaooo Stocks are backed by actual businesses that make money. These crypto idiots are delusional
Didn't OBJ take the majority of his Rams contract in cryto?