If that's what counts as a "win" in your book, that's a pretty weak win.
I get wanting more callouts of Trump's bullshit, but the truth there are not enough hours in the day to do that. If Biden had spent the entire debate doing that, he wouldn't have gotten any substantive points of his own across. Hillary tried calling Trump out on his falsehood 4 years ago, and that's exactly what happened to her (well, it's more complicated, but my point stands).
To beat Trump's buffoonery, you have to call out a direct lie in the moment and then parse out the rest between the points that you yourself want to make. You will lose a battle of muckslinging with Trump because it's what he's good at. Hell, it's all that he is.
IMO, Trump "lost" this debate because the only positive energy he gained is the kind that drives his base. He played to them like he always does, but they alone will not win him this election. He has to have the support of both borderline Republicans and middle-of-the-road, "undecideds". Even then, he'd probably still need some Democratic support, and he's literally abandoned them by making sure that he shits all over blue states.
Look at everything that Trump has abandoned to get to where he was last night. He no longer cares if people find him divisive party-wise. He blindly accused his most popular scientific advisor of being a Democrat (as if that alone is an insult of some kind). He literally implied that immigrants following the law when they show up for a hearing are "low I.Q." (which is one of his derogatory dog whistles). He literally thinks that he's the best thing ever for black people, which is a clear indicator that he has not seriously talked to black people.
As the one guy on CNN said, he lied more last night than he did in the first debate, most likely because he spent less time trying to interrupt things. The only metric in which Trump won is that he was a quieter, more polite lying asshole than he was last time, and that's a pretty piss poor metric to gauge by. Mind you, I'm sure there will be plenty of people that will use it, but again, those are people Trump already had in his corner. I don't see people that he hadn't already convinced seeing his performance last night and saying, "Well, I could put up with that for another four years...."