Official Boxing Thread


Rising Star
BGOL Legend

Christy wasn't known for her excellent titties though ...


Rising Star
BGOL Legend



Rising Star
BGOL Legend


Rising Star
BGOL Legend



Rising Star
BGOL Legend



Rising Star
Platinum Member

Boxing is a dangerous sport. Most times its the weight loss that gets people. You lose all that weight and then bloom back up after the weigh-ins. They need to have boxers weigh-in the same day of the fight like they used too. Most you would lose if five pounds. Mofo gaining 20 pounds after the weigh-in is crazy.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Bruh, Blair barely knows how to fight. Deep.
My bet is really not on Blair though, I don't even like his ass truth be told. Its against Adrien Bronner's inability to stay active and throw his hands. Additionally my calculus in Kevin Cunningham leaving AB in the middle of training camp is spelling disaster imho.

I hope Blair comes in at least a +400 :hellyea:


Rising Star
Platinum Member
My bet is really not on Blair though, I don't even like his ass truth be told. Its against Adrien Bronner's inability to stay active and throw his hands. Additionally my calculus in Kevin Cunningham leaving AB in the middle of training camp is spelling disaster imho.

I hope Blair comes in at least a +400 :hellyea:
I feel you about bruh Cunningham. However, I think bruh is overbearing. He's a fucking dictator. Yet, Bronner's have had some bad times but I think Tank's trainer will have him ready for the fight. Plus, Blair talks all that shit but he can't fucking box for shit. If Bronner comes in, in shape, Blair will lose. I need to go hustle so I can win some of this easy money too.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Navarate’s bad boxing ass finally caught up with his bitch ass. I almost put Berenichick in my parlay.

Damn the Ukranians cleaned up nicely today :lol:



Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Goddamn! Pro box Tv is live. Cardoso vs Lopez was a goddamn banger!!! Find that fucking replay when you can.
Here’s the main event