Official Midterms 2022 Thread... GA pulled it off again... congrats Sen Warnock!


Rising Star
Platinum Member
She was offered positions she didn't want them because she wanted to focus on increasing the voter rolls in Georgia and run against Kemp again.
False. She wanted the VP spot. This ‘she was offered other positions’ narrative is bullshit. I watched her damn near tear up on MTP when asked about being considered for the VP. They owe that lady a gig.


Rising Star
OG Investor
If Black American decendent of slaves as a voting block go to Trump with a legitimate plan for reparartions and a plan for him to be reelected I gurantee you Trump will push for it and get it done. We have to stand as a voting block of millions to get this done once and for all and Trump is just the type of politican to get it done if it would help him get elected cause he doesnt give a fuck about other peoples racist bullshit. We can get him.
