Official Midterms 2022 Thread... GA pulled it off again... congrats Sen Warnock!


Rising Star
Platinum Member
25 pages is a lot to go through tho for anyone who hasn't been following that thread. It's over a year old. Most people are just now tuning in. I honestly didn't think of that thread as the midterm thread tho.

This is a much better thread for midterm election news, including voter turnout numbers, intimidation attempt tactics, candidate updates, etc. Real news on the on the ground. That other thread from a year ago had too much baggage.


Kitchen Wench #TeamQuaid
Staff member


Kitchen Wench #TeamQuaid
Staff member


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
What are you looking for? Early voting numbers or chances to win?
Early voting numbers.

I used to follow this dude from Texas that spat a whole lot of early voting stats in 2020 but I can’t find his social media anymore:(

Politic Negro

Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Early voting numbers.

I used to follow this dude from Texas that spat a whole lot of early voting stats in 2020 but I can’t find his social media anymore:(
CountyRegistered Voters# In Person On 11/02/2022Cumulative In-Person VotersCumulative % In-PersonCumulative By Mail VotersCumulative In-Person And Mail VotersCumulative Percent Early VotingVoter Details Report
HARRIS2,568,46358,861513,55419.99%50,910564,46421.98%Click Here
DALLAS1,420,22333,244293,30120.65%15,297308,59821.73%Click Here
TARRANT1,260,87033,125297,52823.6%17,996315,52425.02%Click Here
BEXAR1,230,66229,761274,66422.32%25,569300,23324.4%Click Here
TRAVIS886,48028,017225,51725.44%16,676242,19327.32%Click Here
COLLIN693,75320,824194,05427.97%10,057204,11129.42%Click Here
DENTON606,27517,828168,44927.78%8,895177,34429.25%Click Here
FORT BEND521,61113,728133,85525.66%8,487142,34227.29%Click Here
EL PASO506,5548,23870,56913.93%4,05374,62214.73%Click Here


Kitchen Wench #TeamQuaid
Staff member
Early voting numbers.

I used to follow this dude from Texas that spat a whole lot of early voting stats in 2020 but I can’t find his social media anymore:(

I haven't been able to find good information this year, either. This might help tho.

I don't trust the polls. A lot are republican leaning and they miss a lot of voters. Plus there are too many variables this year, you don't know what people are listening to, what messages are breaking through. My brother wasn't going to vote, but we have the possibility of getting JD Vance and some state supreme court justices that could impact abortion access and gerrymandering, so I am going to try to drag him with me when I go Sunday. He's been keeping a cold tho, so I don't really want to ride in a car with

Pundits are all over the place. Red wave, blue wave, too close to call. I'm going to assume everything is too close to call and hope everyone gets out to vote and that dems win in large enough numbers that they can say they have a mandate for their agenda, just like the GOP does even if they win by only one vote.


Rising Star

Politic Negro

Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Kareem Abdul-Jabbar

"I spent close to four hours this week on my mail-in ballot. I researched every candidate, proposition, and judicial nominee. Even on propositions I was certain about, I did a deep dive just to make sure I hadn’t missed some nuance in the fine print. Even after all that research and filling in my ballot, I wasn’t a hundred percent sure about everything. You never can be in life. All you can do is use reason, logic, and facts to come to the best conclusion.
Laziness is what is threatening democracy. It’s easier for people to join a political party and regurgitate their policies than go through the effort of researching, agonizing, and deciding. Political ads are a joke, usually twisting the facts into some half-truth clothed in an emotional appeal meant to bypass critical thinking. The theory behind political ads is to make you vote for something that makes you feel good about yourself the way dogs are rewarded with a treat when they do what we ask.

From what I can tell, many people use midterm elections to punish rather than forge a better future. For example, there are issues with the economy right now and polls show voters want to blame Democrats. But the facts about the economy show the exact opposite. The deficit has been reduced, even though it had ballooned under the previous Republican presidents. Yes, there’s inflation, but that inflation is worldwide. Do you seriously think that a Republican Congress will do anything vastly different concerning the economy than the Democrats? The real issues are about domestic freedoms and protecting the rights of the marginalized."


Rising Star
BGOL Investor

looks like Democrats are gonna get the doors blown off them

Looking like 225-230 Republican House, 48-52 Republican Senate