You are on the money,
@Day_Carver. The ones who dissuaded us from voting did not introduce any comprehensive plan to run our own candidate in 2020, coalesce with other minorities to back a candidate repping both our interests, lobby to limit campaign financing, organize against the electoral college. None of that.
Two things:
#1 Talk is cheap.
Conscious rappers in the late 80s - early 90s were watched and surveilled. In the end, those surveilling them saw all it was was talk. No one was mobilizing from that talk. No threat. It's not words - whether they are being used to complain, whether they are angry or not - that threaten the status quo.
It is action that threatens it. Along those lines:
#2 A new Civil Rights Movement led by the Black Lives Matter organization has been in effect for 3 years now around the issue of unjust deaths of Black folks by police and the issue of the assailants not being prosecuted. It is a matter of verifiable fact that things have been changing for the better across the nation as a result of their efforts. In several places around the U.S.: grand juries system to seek indictment of cops has been discontinued, reform in police training is taking place, body cams have been ordered, police are beginning to be prosecuted for killing Black folks, laws are starting to change. It's not a sudden cataclysmic change. But that's not how change as a result of protest works. It must be sustained and it takes time. The first Civil Rights Movement was going on for 10 years before the first Civil Rights Bill was enacted - 11 years before the Voting Rights Act.
The same so-called pro-Black prominent figures that you see on the internet telling Black folks not to vote are the ones repeating to us (debunked) white supremacist talking points (George Soros) AGAINST Black Lives Matter and declaring them to be anti-Black Man and having a secret gay agenda. This, in spite of the fact that all along BLM has been campaigning for justice mostly for Black males murdered. These prominent Black internet talking heads misclassify protest as being about "marching, praying and begging the white man".
But when it comes to direct action, they are not doing a damn thing themselves - but talking. Not mobilizing, but talking. They're not even out there on the streets leading boycotts of Korean and Arab stores in our neighborhoods and redirecting people to Black owned stores. They're just talking. Criticizing those who ARE out there doing things and getting results.
They are telling people not to vote and in effect telling them not to protest, as well.
Criticizing and sideline quarterbacking. And since these personalities wear the mantle of pro-Black, many of their listeners perceive themselves to be pro-Black purely because they follow them and can repeat what they say. These are tens of thousands of Black people - mostly men - who are being told about how we got to put our monies together and build shit, by folks who are not out there in the community implementing it and mobilizing folks.
Tens of thousands of Black people being led into inactivity through the costume of pro-Blackness.
How fucked up is that? Which side are these folks really on?