I have seen many complain about the XFL. Th only show that hasnt has been Undisputed since its on FOX and Jenny is a sideline announcer for the games. So that would look bad. Bomani and WIlbon have called it trash, saying its too much football. Its not there to replace the NFL its like the minor league. I have yet to hear anyone complain about MLB or NBA summer leagues. Preseason NFL and training camps gets more coverage than the XFL and have yet to hear anyone say stop covering it wait for the season to start. ESPN has multiple talking head shows so after the first one was created should we call the rest trash and not watch or care about them since its just more talking head shows. There is no money coming out of your pocket if you say no thanks i just watch college and the NFL. Ok, cool but dont call it trash if you havent put an effort in to see where the players are coming from. They are trying their best like any other job, besides McGloin he is trash.
Players love football and this is still there dream to throw on pads and get paid to play a game they have played most of their lives. Yes its not the same amount buts its not college life. Most were selling cars and in construction after being cut from a team. Now they need to eat more, hit the weights and building back that endurance. So its going to take time. Curious how the first practice was, cats were probably passed out.
Some of these coaches have not been thought about in years. More younger, retired players as coaches or college level would help also. It could help them get a coaching job elsewhere.
Attendance look at Jacksonville and SD(LA) no one goes to their games and they still have a team. People love football and would rather pay $30 for a game vs $90+ for a game with less of a crowd getting in and out of the stadium.