OKC Thunder vs San Antonio Spurs WCF


Rising Star

Man, Westbrook looks salty when he's eating at a restaurant. That nigga wasn't mad at Ernie. That's just him. Dude is actually cool, but is a little version of Perk when it's game time.

Mad @ himself especially
He A Mad Man
:roflmao2: @ the arguments & tantrums he throws with himself to get himself in the right gear every game:lol:
Shoots & acts like his nickname should be Nut

I put my sig up after game 2...they havent lost since lol

I won't be taking it down
:cool: as it often reigns true as fuck



Rising Star
glad Spurs lost....I wanted my prediction of OKC vs Boston to come true. This is going to be a good finals :dance::dance:


BGOL Investor
glad Spurs lost....I wanted my prediction of OKC vs Boston to come true. This is going to be a good finals :dance::dance:


I know Boston looking good right now (especially at home)....and Im a KG supporter (Not Celtics supporter)...but after seeing how the Spurs were HOT for like 20+ games (including the playoffs)..then lost 4 straight in the WCF.....for some strange reason I think Bosh wil play major mins in the next game....and the Heat wil force a game 7.....then go home and close out. I hope not...but even with the Celtics up 3-2.....the series is far from over. Closing out is the hardest thing to do in the playoffs.

So that means it wil be Heat vs OKC in the Finals (like the league and many others want it)..........then OKC will win in 6....with King Durant leading the way. Miami wouldve had a better shot vs the Spurs.

With all that being typed...I also wouldnt be surprised if Boston closed out later today. KG is in Beast mode! ....like I predicted....and usually the no names perform better at home. I actually think Boston could beat OKC in the Finals. Either way....Boston vs OKC or Miami vs OKC would be an interesting Finals.
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Rock'Em Sock'Em Jones

Congrats to OKC!!! Durant is the future (and the new Tim Duncan as far as his image...lol). Dude just wants to ball and fuck all the other bullshit.

Also congrats to Scott Brooks!!! I commend him for keeping a level head b/c he was getting BLASTED in the media after going down 2-0. But he didn't panic and you can tell it transferred to his team and they pulled it out.

Les W

Bosh messin up my pick for MIA v OKC > MIA

But I'll take boston vs OKC .. being wrong pays off too :thumbsup:

Did anyone point out the spurs shot damn near 60% 3-PFG and Parker shot damn near 80% FG?

Not much you can do to stop that... This will be an easy 5th ring for Timmy if they keep this up... Might sweep the playoffs lol

Otherwise OKC will be fine if they keep their composure IMO :thumbsup:
^^ said this after they went down 0-2 :yes:

Nagging injuries and old legs get ignored during a big win streak... HOWEVER If sas win the next game they are pretty much a lock for the title though ....especially if Parker adjust to sefelosha... This win margin was right for the double attack OKC unleashed... Durant is going to have to do something special in this series to get past the spurs tho

not really special, just consistent he had 22 points and they blew them out

the key is westbrook...when he plays under control they win when he doesn't its simple as that

entire game..or just quarters
whenever he's played well they've been up, and competitive and winning at times

when he hasn't they lost...he's the point guard

ur right but Ibaka went ham ... so he stepped up... didn't think SAS would fold this badly...


Les W

Congrats to OKC!!! Durant is the future (and the new Tim Duncan as far as his image...lol). Dude just wants to ball and fuck all the other bullshit.

Also congrats to Scott Brooks!!! I commend him for keeping a level head b/c he was getting BLASTED in the media after going down 2-0. But he didn't panic and you can tell it transferred to his team and they pulled it out.

Nah he's right now.. just in a small market and quiet... he really remind me of jordan as a closer... almost more than Kobe did/does

If he could get some defense and/or even better ball handling... the world is his... no scarface

Also he could improve his post play and move better without the ball... but that might be pressin it


Rising Star
Portland Missed a franchise player in Durant & drafted Sam Bowie part deux. I thought Oden was a cant miss player too, cant lie.

OKC did they thang. WC Champs & Durant the real MVP.

I just saw an article on ESPN saying for the first time since 1998 the west will not be represented by the Lakers(7), Spurs(4) or Mavs(2). All the teams OKC beat to get to conference finals. Fresh fish & maybe the beginning to a new era.


8 vs 80
OG Investor
a message to all the miami heat fans: do you notice durant's HUNGER at the end of games... to get the ball, to drive the ball, to shoot/score the ball? do you see that his aggression and posting leads to FT attempts?

think about that the next time lebron has the ball and kicks it out to chalmers or battier or jacks-up a 3 pt shot at the end of the game.

tapatalk: Samsung Tablet


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
xfactor immediately after Game 4 of WCF said:
Every game is a must win but the Spurs are done and won't win another game this season.

The funny thing is that people were claiming they were unbeatable.

The same team that was #1 last year and got beat in the 1st round by the Memphis Grizzlies


Whats funny about people talking about them being unbeatable after seeing them sweep two playoff series and not losing a NBA game in nearly two months? And what does last years Memphis sweep of a injured, thin Spurs roster have to do with this years team? Dallas won the title last year, whats that have to do with this season?

You cats kill me with the "i told you so's" after this team finally loses two games of their last 22 contests. Trying way too hard. Observers cant compliment their great play during a 20game win streak but you cats can come talk smack after a two game lose streak?? :confused:

Can I say "I told you so" now? :rolleyes:

The difference between me and you is that you just start watching basketball once the playoffs start while I comment on a team I've seen all season.

:lol: at trying to hard making statements that are 100% accurate.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
xfactor immediately after game 4 of the WCF said:

salty spurs fan?

there is no I told you so from my end because I haven't even been commenting in the thread but any objective observer would admit that the worst defensive team left in the playoffs being unbeatable was laughable.

Memphis didn't even have their full starting lineup last year so the injury excuse is just that.

Your team had a good run but they were lucky that they ran into utah and the clippers. If okc didn't blow it in game 1, they'd be up 3-1.

Fact is, the thunder are just the better team in this series, especially when westbrook plays under control.

Not a spurs fan but it doesnt take one to know that this years team and last years team are different in make up, roster, starting lineup, and philosophy. And again, non of that has anything to do with this year and the fact that they were on a 20game win streak which was impressive regardless of what has happened since then.

Its also yet to be proven which team is better this series. They have both done the same thing, hold serve at home. The best team will be determined by series winner. As for Westbrook "playing under control", thats vague and subject to interpretation of the individual. I dont think he was necessarily under control tonight considering his atrocious shooting and mediocre assist to turnover ratio.... OKC disrupting SA's offense and limiting the shooting on the perimeter is just as important.

Look my man, my point is its lame for you to come in a 19page thread on page 19 talking shit after the fact. If you had such strong opinions and predictions why not share them before now? You said any objective viewer saw this coming then why are you JUST now saying so??

Cats jumping out of their trashcans after a 20 game win streak ends on some "i told you so" shit. :smh:

Another statement proven to be fact by one from the BGOL "i told you so" group :rolleyes:

I said any objective observer but I should've added "that actually pays attention to what happens in the NBA from the beginning of the year til the end"

But maybe I jinxed the spurs after game 4 and that's why they dropped 2 straight to push the Thunder to the NBA Finals.



BGOL Legend
Nah he's right now.. just in a small market and quiet... he really remind me of jordan as a closer... almost more than Kobe did/does

If he could get some defense and/or even better ball handling... the world is his... no scarface

Also he could improve his post play and move better without the ball... but that might be pressin it

he is the ultimate closer at this point. and his team is finally realizing what they have in him, when they defer to him he always makes the right play.

he has defense and he's accepting the challenge of guarding the other teams best player...he's learning.

he does post up smaller opponents and shoots a little fade away jumper but he doesn't have moves yet. and he moves good without the ball the problem is the passing getting to him.

he's the total package and he's 23 years old fam


BGOL Legend
Portland Missed a franchise player in Durant & drafted Sam Bowie part deux. I thought Oden was a cant miss player too, cant lie.

OKC did they thang. WC Champs & Durant the real MVP.

I just saw an article on ESPN saying for the first time since 1998 the west will not be represented by the Lakers(7), Spurs(4) or Mavs(2). All the teams OKC beat to get to conference finals. Fresh fish & maybe the beginning to a new era.

i knew they fucked up
oden couldn't even stay healthy through 1 season at ohio state. and durant was literally unstoppable in college and remains so to this day.

not that i think portland would have the same success because their gm stinks

but the west has to deal with this team for at minimum 2 more seasons after this as presently constructed...


Rising Star
Platinum Member
Can I say "I told you so" now? :rolleyes:

The difference between me and you is that you just start watching basketball once the playoffs start while I comment on a team I've seen all season.

:lol: at trying to hard making statements that are 100% accurate.
Yes, you can say i told you so but you still come off as a front running clown. Coming in at page 19 making post game predictions earns you no cred or props. And stop rolling your eyes like a bitch.