OLD SCHOOL PORNSTAR MONIQUE IS A FITNESS MODEL…She still has those crazy eyes and making demon faces


Supreme Porn Poster - Ret
BGOL Investor
Cant be doing that with these porn girls turned bodybuilders (her,Ashlee Mane f.k.a Sophia Fiore,Kitten,etc) :lol:
Don't forget Green Eyes. It's like they enjoy being objectifiedby their bodies
Green Eyes/Ebony Green

Jasmine Lee
NPC Women's Physique Competitor Golds Gym Venice CA
My bad, y'all lol

Mello Mello

Ballz of Adamantium
BGOL Investor
Never really liked her super thin look and that competition body looks nasty.

She always been hella extra but her scenes always had hella gusto and go hard. She was just never my flavor.


Master Pussy Poster
BGOL Investor
Somehow one of her vids popped up on my IG and first thing I said was ”no way she still bucking those eyes and making crazy faces”

body looked better here

I was told that that was @Soul On Ice ....... be strutting her ass off .... literally on that stroll.... fugly bitch




Thinking of a Master Plan
BGOL Patreon Investor
she's one of the few I wouldn't fuck if I had the chance cause you just knew the pussy would be powerful and next thing you know you paying bills.
I love high energy, high effort women. She reminded me of a couple of track gulls I use to knock down.

Man if I was fucking a chick and she was acting like this broad I’d probably just stop fucking and be like “Really bitch” :hmm: