Parents: Do you encourage your kids to follow the ARTS like Theater, Dance, etc.?

Upgrade Dave

Rising Star
so ARE multi-faceted then.

The point I was making that many for some reason think the arts beside music...things like dance literature etc. are "white"

Completely ignoring the many contributions we have made in these areas.

That's what I got from your OP.
That kind of thinking is bullshit and self defeating and exposes more the parent's ignorance than anything else.


Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster
That's what I got from your OP.
That kind of thinking is bullshit and self defeating and exposes more the parent's ignorance than anything else.

Whats makes you a great dad though...

is that you are open to things that may not necessarily be familiar with...and want your child to at least be KNOWLEDGEABLE about these things.

Because I remember as I got older and traveled outside my circle that was some embarrassing stuff. Hearing people talk about things and feeling left out and ignorant.

bogl at its best is like a renaissance man primer..

on the front page discussions on movies music woman sex fiance current events history and world news.

that is why I don't support the 'trolls' are a necessary argument.

Damn Right

Rising Star
Girls, yes. But boys, no. That kind of stuff will turn them gay.



Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster
damn I was looking on bringing the kids to see The Lion King on Broadway...

tix START at around $116 :eek::eek::eek:


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Great topic.

I don't have any children, but my mate does.

We both were into the arts as children. She was in the band and loves music.

I was in the band, drama, and a gotdamn bibliophile to boot.

The oldest of her sons really just might be a musical genius. ANY sound he hears, he can mimic it pitch perfect, no differentiation from the original sound to his sound.

He can dance like Michael Jackson and when he hears a song for the first time, it's damn near memorized by songs end.

Only problem is, he is completely aloof. Sh!t comes so natural to him, he doesn't even realize how it could change his life.

Now, his younger brother ain't even in kindergarten yet and already a hapless romantic. He plays the piano and the drums and sings ballads to the girl schoolmates at the pre-K school yard. Right now, John Legend's, All of Me is his jam.

The have both been to a puppetry arts center and the oldest just went to the Atlanta Symphony two weeks ago, so they are off to a pretty good start.

Oh, and the youngest likes to draw, and is such a good actor, I am getting his ass lessons this summer. He is not my blood kid, so I am not blinded by "that's my boy", but the ninja is a straight NATURAL. Can start/stop crying on a dime and already knows how to die in multiple situations.:lol:

Girls, yes. But boys, no. That kind of stuff will turn them gay.
Scientists especially need the arts for creativity.

I know that my exposure has allowed me to leapfrog my contemporaries in the sciences

So thinking it's on or the other is not good.

Back in the day Africans mastered the arts and science

A mofo would be an astronomer, surgeon, philosopher

These days, single career humans are the stupid way forward


Potential doesn't always immediately reveal itself. There are many careers opportunities in the arts besides being on stage or putting brush to canvas. Entertainment companies need lawyers, graphic designers, IT specialists and accountants just like any other business they aren't just limited to creative types. On the creative end of things, the arts also need more producers, curators and content developers from communities of color to keep pathways open for stories by communities of color.

A big part of parenting is reminding children to keep their minds open and to always be looking at the world as a place where they have many options to excel and express themselves. Taking the arts off the table removes a path that they can explore.

While I encourage my kids to follow the arts (music, theater, dance, etc) and make sure that they are exposed and knowledgeable, I do not encourage them to follow those things as a career. While they can make it their career if they choose, I will not be paying college tuition for them to study studio art or music or theater or any other artistic endeavor. Math, science or engineering will get me to open the wallet and my kids know that. They may not like that but, hey, life isn't fair.
If any of them have "the gift", trust me, you will at minimum consider shelling it over for them to do what they LOVE for a living.

I always take my 11yr old son to local art galleries. He's even painted some pictures and displayed them. People have actually purchased a few of them!! I also encourage him to play instruments as well. He plays the Violin, and Clarinet. Had no freakin clue how damn loud that Clarinet is by the way either. :yes: Wife took him to the music store to get the Clarinet and he sits down and starts playing the Piano. Wife was life :eek::eek: Said he sounds good too. Told me he just watches the music teacher play in between breaks from the violin. Encourage your kids to get into as many positive and productive things as possible.

Man, ain't it something to see they little minds just develop. The sh!t is AMAZING!

damn I was looking on bringing the kids to see The Lion King on Broadway...

tix START at around $116 :eek::eek::eek:

Then you better be prepared to build a lap stack in one seat and tell everybody to lean in opposite directions so all of you can see.:lol:


Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster
I am so surprised how so many of the better schools have incorporated the arts into their core curriculum. As many on the board will remember the pendulum has swung completely the other way to teaching ONLY to the test of abandoning the arts all together.

And if we as Black people keep having the attitude of learning instruments, music appreciation/theory, dance, art appreciation etc. is frivolous?

we are seriously going to fall even further behind.


Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster
wow...I talked to the parent coordinator before the break and she told me they aint even giving significant discounts for schools either.

I am actually going to write a letter and see if I can convince them to do something.


Aka Illegal Danny
BGOL Investor
I saw that my middle daughter had a talent for make up so I bought her a brush set and a 4 piece MAC eye shadow kit. I told her to use this one to practice on her friends and her mom's friends. The next kit I buy her will be to make some money.

Darth Furious

Platinum Member
ill be into whatever my kids are into..........even if they change their minds a few times


humans can't exist without the arts especially African people, imo of course. Not everyone will be a scientists, the only problem is whether WE support our artistic greats, so they can make a living off that talent

so yes I think we should introduce, art, dance, music, photography, video production etc, to the youth


Girls, yes. But boys, no. That kind of stuff will turn them gay.

What the fuck???


It depends on if that's where their creative strength is... If I see that they have the potential to excel in it I will obviously encourage them. If I see otherwise then I will encourage them to follow a different path that will be of benefit to them.

I agree.

Reminds me of I guy I used to work with. He said he never eats rice because it will turn his eyes "slanty".

:smh: I heard that same shit son. At work. White dude said that shit out loud in front of everybody. Chinese dude there just shook his head.

you should expose your kids to a variety of things then allow them to follow their hearts. sports the arts their culture different cultures etc

Potential doesn't always immediately reveal itself. There are many careers opportunities in the arts besides being on stage or putting brush to canvas. Entertainment companies need lawyers, graphic designers, IT specialists and accountants just like any other business they aren't just limited to creative types. On the creative end of things, the arts also need more producers, curators and content developers from communities of color to keep pathways open for stories by communities of color.

A big part of parenting is reminding children to keep their minds open and to always be looking at the world as a place where they have many options to excel and express themselves. Taking the arts off the table removes a path that they can explore.


I had NO idea I could even write until a friend, fresh outta jail, put a book in my hand and said - nigga, use your imagination like this. Meanwhile, my family was on some other shit like if it aint about school or white Jesus - why bother. I remember Grams saying that's jail stuff, you cant make any money from that anyway... years later - she had to apologize for those words.

Sometimes, its just not knowing any better. Even in old age, people are so closed minded to the benefits of an open mind.



Land of the Heartless
Platinum Member
The main problem is that Art is getting taken out of schools,unless you go to a specialized school or something...Folks would have rather it out of the schools than expand on it.

Then,you have some parents,who believe Art is a waste of time not knowning what the fuck it is.....:smh::smh::smh:


Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster
The main problem is that Art is getting taken out of schools,unless you go to a specialized school or something...Folks would have rather it out of the schools than expand on it.

Then,you have some parents,who believe Art is a waste of time not knowning what the fuck it is.....:smh::smh::smh:

* boom


Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster
Who’s Getting Rich Off of Hamilton? Everybody!

How does a bastard, orphan, son of a whore and a Scotsman, dropped in the middle of a forgotten spot in the Caribbean, by providence impoverished in squalor, make a rich man of Lin-Manuel Miranda's father? To find the answer, all you have to do is readTHR's reporting on the finances ofHamilton, which recently paid off its $12.5 million capitalization after less than a year on Broadway. Now that that's happened, a bunch of people and institutions associated with the show are about to get paid. Lin-Manuel Miranda's father, Luis A. Miranda, for example, gets one percent of the profits for serving as the show's "political consultant."

The Public Theater, where Hamilton began, gets five percent, up from the one percent of the gross it got previously. Lin-Manuel himself gets three percent of the profits, on top of his fee for playing the title role and the royalties he gets for writing the whole damn thing himself. (Ron Chernow gets his own cut out of Miranda's royalties.)

To give you a sense of the scale, Hamilton reportedly pulls in around $1.5 million a week, with overhead running more than half a million. Give a toast to the newly not-poor of them!


Land of the Heartless
Platinum Member
Scientists especially need the arts for creativity.

I know that my exposure has allowed me to leapfrog my contemporaries in the sciences

So thinking it's on or the other is not good.

Back in the day Africans mastered the arts and science

A mofo would be an astronomer, surgeon, philosopher

These days, single career humans are the stupid way forward



Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Get away from those close minded folks. Expose your children to arts and have them participate.

I haven't worn a football helmet since my senior year in high school. Music and the arts are for a lifetime.


Rising Star
Platinum Member
Daughter been dancing since she was 5, competively since she was 8....lyrical,ballet,jazz and my favorite ...Tap.,
practicing on the beach in Daytona...



killing it on "the" red carpet @UNivERsaL studios...she can get big air when she wants to..

Mentor B

"All literature is protest."
Boxing lessons - train at the same gym as Pacquiao here in L.A.

I would like my son to become a boxer. If that is something he doesn't ultimately want to pursue in the long run, at least he has a skill and knows how to fight to some degree.

If we ever have a daughter, the wife wants dance lessons. She's addicted to that show Bring It.


Rising Star
Platinum Member
Boxing lessons - train at the same gym as Pacquiao here in L.A.

I would like my son to become a boxer. If that is something he doesn't ultimately want to pursue in the long run, at least he has a skill and knows how to fight to some degree.

If we ever have a daughter, the wife wants dance lessons. She's addicted to that show Bring It.
cuz...what about CTE? that doesnt concern you?

Mentor B

"All literature is protest."
cuz...what about CTE? that doesnt concern you?
Football and hockey players are more susceptible to CTE than boxers.

Still, I know it is a dangerous sport that could possibly result in life-long difficulties provided that career is too prolonged. Above all, I still stress education and just want the option to be there.

Lastly, this isn't something I just conjured. It is indeed a family tradition. My father is in his 60s and doing just fine.


Rising Star
OG Investor
Potential doesn't always immediately reveal itself. There are many careers opportunities in the arts besides being on stage or putting brush to canvas. Entertainment companies need lawyers, graphic designers, IT specialists and accountants just like any other business they aren't just limited to creative types. On the creative end of things, the arts also need more producers, curators and content developers from communities of color to keep pathways open for stories by communities of color.

A big part of parenting is reminding children to keep their minds open and to always be looking at the world as a place where they have many options to excel and express themselves. Taking the arts off the table removes a path that they can explore.
this is the very heart of the matter , always allow your kids to seek out new experiences as long as it not harmful to them sometimes you might find something new yourself.


Platinum Member
Two months ago my lil lil Michael Jackson girl had a small part in a opera play called Porgy and Bess.

I must say that was really really nice.


Mello Mello

Ballz of Adamantium
BGOL Investor
I think I will start doing something like this for younger kids I mentor. Thanks for the idea.

The arts have been shoved aside in many schools in favor of STEM and I have nothing against STEM but I feel like a part of culture is being lost when we don't engage in the arts.

It's the arts that make the culture what it is. Also how can we keep up the tradition of other greats if we don't expose our children to it and encourage it. Then complain when someone else makes it big inspired by black artist we supposedly cherish.

I started playing the drums early at 5 years old after watching the drummers at my church. There was always some type of performance at my church if not the choir then their was a re-enactment of stories in the bible, or musical performance or song written by a church member, or the the band in church. We had several piano, organ, bass guitar, drummers, conga players, electric guitar players, singers. It was pretty well rounded. That was my first exposure to theater arts and performance.

Many of the kids I grew up in the church with also developed some musical talent in one way or the other.

Theater and Arts is a must have imo.