People be very careful this virus is not done yet


Rising Star
I keep telling y’all this virus keeps mutating it’s going to hit the jackpot and we all going to be in super trouble.


Who is "we"?

YALL Larry Holmes, Klump ass dudes, yeah.

The rest of us who have made the effort to stay fit and eat right gonna shake off the virus in a day or two.

Once again, whole lotta social distance/wear a mask fear-mongering, no telling people to drop pounds, eat right, and get your herbal medicine game up for the winter. Same people will demand lockdowns again when the numbers climb. Just watch.

gene cisco

Not A BGOL Eunuch
BGOL Investor
fuck Covid...I need the new version...right now... brah
Fam, you ain't the average, skinny fat American who can barely lift a bag of groceries and gets winded going up the stairs. And those the ones who ain't cosidered fat(even though they got a high body fat percentage). Then we can move on to the ones who are actually overweight/obese.

Average American ain't in any condition for this shit -- and it's there own fucking fault.

gene cisco

Not A BGOL Eunuch
BGOL Investor
I'll leave this here for all the BGOL members who take this seriously and might need some motivation to unpuffy themselves. Is standford a good enough source? :lol: Covid is a wakeup call for fat Americans.



Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster
I'll leave this here for all the BGOL members who take this seriously and might need some motivation to unpuffy themselves. Is standford a good enough source? :lol: Covid is a wakeup call for fat Americans.

Bro you gotta be real careful talking like that.

We got folks on here who got people who died still have long term symptoms etc off this covid thing.

And it wasn't because they were fat or weak.

and I'm speaking from personal experience.

That may mean nothing to you but any extra precautions people take means a whole lot to me.
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gene cisco

Not A BGOL Eunuch
BGOL Investor
Bro you gotta be real careful talking like that.

We got folks on here who got people who died still have long term symptoms etc off this covid thing.

And it wasn't because they were fat or weak.

and I'm speaking from personal experience.

That may mean nothing to you but it any extra precautions people take means a whole lot to me.
I posted during the height of this that this disease wiped out my mother's friend and her family. She was cool people. My mother loved her. She loved my mom. Good to my people, so they were mine. They weren't fat either, just older(another at-risk demo). They ain't coming back.

But the facts are the facts and I don't hold them back from no one. Not myself, my mom, kids, ol' lady, or anyone. CDC, Standford, and science don't care about feelings man. Mine or anyone else's. If people want to reduce risk, drop fat(along with mask, vaccine, etc). This disease ain't going anywhere. Could get worse.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
One thing that disease exposed is the social determinants of health that exist in this country. Something that public health officials have been trying to get the government and other's to understand for years and now this country can not hide from it anymore.


Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster

"There’s probably a timing component to what we found – we were near the end of a delta peak in humans, and then we see a lot of delta in deer," Bowman said. "But we were well past the last alpha detection in humans. So the idea that deer are holding onto lineages that have since gone extinct in humans is something we were worried about."


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
No one is really gonna care unless that diarrhea symptom becomes super prevalent. People ain't trying to even think about masking and locking down again. Smmfh


Easy_b is in the place to be.
BGOL Investor
People get vaccinated because the way this virus is going even if you survive that you are going to have some difficulties around the edges if you’re not vaccinated. I don’t know why corporate America is not jumping up and down about this because they are losing employees left and right either through death or disability.


Rising Star
People get vaccinated because the way this virus is going even if you survive that you are going to have some difficulties around the edges if you’re not vaccinated.


gene cisco

Not A BGOL Eunuch
BGOL Investor
Well, they are quietly taking a different approach this time. They say people over 65(just look at the CDC death stats) should get boosters and those with compromised immunity. So if you are younger and otherwise healthy, they ain't talking to you like during the mandate madness of this a couple years ago.

Problem is some of the anti-vaxxers are just in fucked up health and should be the first in line. Bunch of fat, out of shape cacs talking about immune systems. :lol:


Easy_b is in the place to be.
BGOL Investor
Well, they are quietly taking a different approach this time. They say people over 65(just look at the CDC death stats) should get boosters and those with compromised immunity. So if you are younger and otherwise healthy, they ain't talking to you like during the mandate madness of this a couple years ago.

Problem is some of the anti-vaxxers are just in fucked up health and should be the first in line. Bunch of fat, out of shape cacs talking about immune systems. :lol:
Those the people you see it at Herman Cain Covid thread

gene cisco

Not A BGOL Eunuch
BGOL Investor
Those the people you see it at Herman Cain Covid thread
Man, I just went down the facebook rabbit hole of some folks up here. Found 2 bloated, dead white males(over 40). Both were talking that big shit on facebook while clowning people like myself who masked up and took precautions.

One was the husband of a girl I knew from my school days and the other was active in sports up here back in the day.

It just blows my mind that such bloated examples of humanity want to rely on their immune systems. Their fat bodies are literally covid factories once infected. :smh:


Easy_b is in the place to be.
BGOL Investor

Long Cove it is really taking a lot of people out of the workforce. This is why corporations need to pay who they have very nicely because it’s very hard to get new talent in right now especially in some manufacturing.