Players Magazine Scans FOUND


Rising Star
BGOL Investor


Rising Star
Platinum Member
Man, I had damn near EVERY Players and Players Girls Pictorial! Had to get rid of them because it was too much to move around. Please post more scans!

I also had one nude Jet calendar, the last one that was printed in 1984. If anybody has scans of these calendars, please post them!


Rising Star
Platinum Member
I always bought calendars with Black women in them, because they were so damn scarse back then. There was one calendar in particular that I used to buy that was made by a Black photographer named Harold Morehead. He had some bad ladies in his calendars! I also used to get the Shades of Black calendars, and calendars made by a guy named Mark Thompson. If anybody has any Black women swimsuit or nude calendars, please post them.

Also, I'm sure at least one of you guys saved the Jet Beauty of the Week pictures. I had a bunch of them as well, but they're gone. I wrote to Johnson Publishing and gave them a suggestion to sell a book with a collection of all of the Jet Beauties only - that would have been a best seller!

Hey, a post with all the Jet Beauties...what a thread idea! If anybody has a bunch of these, start a thread!


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
True story. I was working for Long Beach school district and had a homegirl that was an aid for a class. I thought she was around my age (19) because she looked young but she told me she was married before. We started just hanging out, having lunch together during our breaks, just chilling. Never got sexual or anything because she had a boyfriend and I had a girlfriend. Later in that year my dad passed away. While cleaning out his house I came across his Players magazines. I looked through some and to my surprise my homegirl was in one of them. At first I was like no way that's her but her name was Karama and the model in the magazines name was Kara. I never told her I saw her in the magazine but definitely looked at her differently.