PlayStation ® PS5


BGOL CSI: Connoisseur of Sluts on Instagram™
BGOL Investor


Supreme Porn Poster - Ret
BGOL Investor
I got fucked. Was I supposed to keep refreshing the page? I didn't have to refresh for it to get down to 1 minute


Rising Star
BGOL Investor

The new final fantasy xiv online expansion came out yesterday, it's a 5000queue wait on all the servers
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Rising Star
Platinum Member

The new final fantasy xiv online expansion came out yesterday, it's a 5000queue wait on all the servers

Early access started the 3rd- I'm on a eruopean server and it was taking me 90 minutes to 2 hours to get in over the weekend. After about 6pm (midnight in much of europ) it was a little easier to get in. <10 minutes.

Final Fantasy XIV is really the only reason I even want a ps5 right now- to play the game in 4k. (I currently play on a ps4) That being the case, I refuse to pay over retail or join a shopper club just to get one, so I acknowledge- it might be a long ass wait for me, lol
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