PlayStation ® PS5


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
The only backward capability is only for certain games on the PS4. That's it, there was a video that came out a couple of weeks ago. Confirming the backward capability or lack there of.

Is this confirmed though, I keep seeing contradictory answers regarding backwards compatibility?


BGOL Elite Poster
Platinum Member
Holy fucking shit... I pray for my European Playstation owners

80 euro games!!! -- Demon Souls is 70 dollars!!!



Resident Cool Nerd
BGOL Investor
Ok so Demon Souls and FF16 are timed exclusives. I get it. It sucks but I'm not pumped about the FF15 engine again but I'll get it. But why is fuckin Five Nights at Freddy's on a 3 month exclusive deal?!


BGOL Elite Poster
Platinum Member
Ok so Demon Souls and FF16 are timed exclusives. I get it. It sucks but I'm not pumped about the FF15 engine again but I'll get it. But why is fuckin Five Nights at Freddy's on a 3 month exclusive deal?!

Oh shit you are right.. It is a timed exclusive



BGOL Elite Poster
Platinum Member
Oh shit you are right.. It is a timed exclusive


It is not a timed exclusive



Resident Cool Nerd
BGOL Investor

It is not a timed exclusive

Now I need word on Final Fantasy.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Ok so Demon Souls and FF16 are timed exclusives. I get it. It sucks but I'm not pumped about the FF15 engine again but I'll get it. But why is fuckin Five Nights at Freddy's on a 3 month exclusive deal?!
bro i said the same thing,nobody wants to play that kiddy crap.being honest demon souls graphics didnt look to good.that game didnt impress me at all an i was upset cause i had hope.

Is the Playstation Plus collection going to be available for current PS4 owners?
NO which sucks cause all those games are in the $10 bin lol i mean it felt desperate for sony to come up with that but hey its cool.i bought mines earlier no line waiting for me.


Sleeping Deity.
BGOL Investor
I was impressed with many of the games shown just wish they had some "God Of War" footage. That Spider Man MM game looked bonkers!!!:eek2: Wish I could say I'm there day one but nah I gotta wait a minute. I hope they can add full backward compatibility later with a software update.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
I grabbed one off of Amazon but shit is pretty pathetic on Best Buy’s part. I caught amazon less than a minute after Wario tweeted. Best Buy came back up but their whole website crashed now


BGOL Elite Poster
Platinum Member
Yeah Sony kind of fucked up on this shit... I signed up Months ago to get an email to let me know about Preorder and I got crickets

If I were micosoft ... i'd find a way to take advantage of this. There are going to be alot of people who missed out on PS5's looking for an upgrade ... I'd sign up for the xbox all access shit right now if I'm guaranteed an xbox day 1.