Podcast: Premium Pete leaves Combat Jack Show, starts his own show!


Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster
I haven't heard him on the show in weeks and a tweet where he addressed it has been deleted.


Combat explains at the end of the interview...1:31:00
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Curry Is My God
BGOL Patreon Investor
remember when i first started listening they had quite a few folks on there. then folks started dropping off.
didn't even realize he wasn't around


Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster
He was annoying.
Always interrupting the guests mid story for a corny joke.
Then we always gotta hear some shit about, "you know I was locked up/did a bid"

OK I really can't argue any part of that...but its funny how I noticed when he was missing

he DID have his moments, I feel he was always SINCERE

but I think it is BETTER off Combat Jack and the show without him because Combat tended to get silly and dumb down stuff with him there...the pause game got old fast, the constant prison references (which to be FAIR weren't always HIS fault because so many of the guest had REALLY been incarcerated and he was able to relate on a different level and at times allowed you to see into the guest from a different vantage point) the sinlgle parent crazy ex stuff it just needed to be balanced out more.

But he got a Flava Flav quality in the best way about him I could see Pete doing like some type of Vlog visiting places.


Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster
got tired of the "I was in jail" references, and he doesn't really seem to be a hip hop historian to the level of Jack. Start his own podcast.


but he seems to be REALLY immersed in the culture and knows a lot of real hip hop pillars...and he is a big sneakerhead.

that maybe should be his lane.

Combat's interviews to me reached that classic point during the Chuck D interview it was THAT one I feel that he really started to take this thin seriously and respect the game the legacy and his potential.

The silliness really took AWAY from what he was doing

because his interviews were damn need historical audio documents....

and the pause game really isn't museum worthy.

He has been so professional informed relaxed he is asking almost PERFECT questions and he is LISTENING now and reacting not rushing to always ask his question...letting the interview flow naturally (and to be fair Pete helped with that)

But he needs to do this stuff solo now and be almost Charlie Rose level now.

His podcast is THAT good.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Thought he was missing because of his newborn. He really didn't bother me, I couldn't stand his rants at the end of the show

II Dxnum

Rising Star
So is there a link to anything official? He really didn't bother me but I'm not really tripping if he's gone.

And I think he already has his own sneaker podcast.


Rising Star
Combat Jack is Co-Owner of the Loud Speakers network and they are KILLING SHIT ! They got super podcast on their hands with The Read. That's their best shit and surprisingly, Tax Stone is growing on folks, especially since the Joe Budden shit. I don't think Premium Pete is important to their brand anymore. Maybe I'm wrong.


R.I.P. shanebp1978
BGOL Investor

Having extra people when you're new and figuring things out is fine but once Jack started to get comfortable and got good at interviews it just felt crowded.

Him by himself with everyone else assisting behind the scenes is the way to go.


R.I.P. shanebp1978
BGOL Investor
Combat Jack is Co-Owner of the Loud Speakers network and they are KILLING SHIT ! They got super podcast on their hands with The Read. That's their best shit and surprisingly, Tax Stone is growing on folks, especially since the Joe Budden shit. I don't think Premium Pete is important to their brand anymore. Maybe I'm wrong.

He never was IMO I think they were there initially because Jack was new and unsure so he didn't have the confidence to do it alone.


Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster

Having extra people when you're new and figuring things out is fine but once Jack started to get comfortable and got good at interviews it just felt crowded.

Him by himself with everyone else assisting behind the scenes is the way to go.

I can't argue this...

actually after hearing the Wendy Williams interview I actually think it is MUCH better when he is ALONE

he just really needs a good research person to make sure his notes are tight and maybe just slip him a reminder if he misses a question or goes off track

I miss Pete but the pause jokes and prison stories were a bit much.

They were just TOO friendly and buddy buddy they acted a fool with each other to the determent of the interview...

but interestingly enough the wild out humor of Pete actually HELPED during some of the tougher interviews because it either relaxed the guest of caught them off guard and they ended up revealing more.

I think he COULD do his own show actually

Mr. Met

So Amazin
BGOL Investor
Combat Jack can handle interviews on his own. Premium Pete hampered the flow with his predictable questions. I'm glad he's gone.


Potential Star
BGOL Patreon Investor
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II Dxnum

Rising Star
he confirmed it on the latest show. pete is no longer on the show.

In related news he's thinking about bringing on some lesbian chick as a sometime host.