Podcast: Premium Pete leaves Combat Jack Show, starts his own show!


Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster
better then him sitting around salty and then do the rounds being bitter on other podcasts.

and it aint bad which is actually surprising

And actually I always love combat's guest list and he has been in the game so long and he is great at that long form podcast but

he is quite corny and STILL doesn't do good follow up questions

He needs to just MASTER the interview format because he could be the BEST, hands down period.

But sometimes he forces it and the new co-hosts don't hold up. He isn't good at those intro segments but he COULD be but he really needs to find a regular partner...and I thought they could FIX Pete rather then go someplace else.

But the best thing since Pete left? Combat sounds much more CONFIDENT and thats important.

Because it is interesting how in Pete's first podcast he was very heartfelt and honest and STILL himself...but he didn't sound rushed or stuttered no jail talk no cross talk...good back and forth

its only 2 episodes so its EARLY but I wish he could have been THIS Pete on Combat's Show.

salute to them both.
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R.I.P. shanebp1978
BGOL Investor
better then him sitting around salty and then do the rounds being bitter on other podcasts.

and it aint bad which is actually surprising

And actually I always love combat's guest list and he has been in the game so long and he is great at that long form podcast but

he is quite corny and STILL doesn't do good follow up questions

He needs to just MASTER the interview format because he could be the BEST, hands down period.

But sometimes he forces it and the new co-hosts don't hold up. He isn't good at those intro segments but he COULD be but he really needs to find a regular partner...and I thought they could FIX Pete rather then go someplace else.

But the best thing since Pete left? Combat sounds much more CONFIDENT and thats important.

Because it is interesting how in Pete's first podcast he was very heartfelt and honest and STILL himself...but he didn't sound rushed or stuttered no jail talk no cross talk...good back and forth

its only 2 episodes so its EARLY but I wish he could have been THIS Pete on Combat's Show.

salute to them both.

Yeah if Combat would just mellow out and focus on the interview without being "extra" for lack of a better word his show and interviews would be that much better.

He tries too hard to be profound and deep while at other times trying to hard to be "cool" when he's neither.

I like his show and he's definitely improved but he just needs to tone it down.

I think not having people there with him makes him better and it will continue to.

Also they have to work on those damn commercials. The one thing I hate about most podcasts is when the hosts just read some shit about a product they're selling and they just ramble on.

Combat is a great producer away from having a perfect product, he just needs someone with experience in radio who can make him and his show a little more fine tuned
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Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster
Yeah if Combat would just mellow out and focus on the interview without being "extra" for lack of a better word his show and interviews would be that much better.

He tries too hard to be profound and deep while at other times trying to hard to be "cool" when he's neither.

I like his show and he's definitely improved but he just needs to tone it down.

I think not having people there with him makes him better and it will continue to.

Also they have to work on those damn commercials. The one thing I hate about most podcasts is when the hosts just read some shit about a product they're selling and they just ramble on.

Combat is a great producer away from having a perfect product, he just needs someone with experience in radio who can make him and his show a little more fine tuned

he needs to give you 10% and make you one of the loudspeaker networks consultants.


Rising Star
CJ should take guest quotes from each episode and put it on a tshirt/sweatshirt, keychain lighters etc, throw season parties or events ( milk river (bk)/ ac / mia/ la/ atl ) sell your merch there and online, more vid clips from past shows across various social media platforms, get rid of that broad , no hate-- she just seems out of place. charge website membership fee for shows before 2014 and throw in vids if you got it - do follow up interviews with some guest


Rising Star
BGOL Legend











Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster
Combat has a weekly gig on Sirius now

It's a shame that Dallas and Pete helped build the ship, but aren't profiting from it


I remember Combat regularly SH*TTED on radio at every opportunity and sad he don;t need them...


Rising Star
Platinum Member
Combat has a weekly gig on Sirius now

It's a shame that Dallas and Pete helped build the ship, but aren't profiting from it

Get money, all you can. I do feel a kind of way, that he is fucking with Sirius now. Fuck man I want dude to get on, money wise....but his show won't be the same unfortunately.