Your thoughts on self-checkout?

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jack walsh13

Jack Walsh 13
BGOL Investor
:lol: We got the same shit here in Ohio. Yeah I remember before the Rona, Ohio was ready to get rid of the plastic bags in all grocery stores. Well not in Target yet. But they put it on hold. Up until a couple of months ago. I absolutely hate paper bags. I be thinking how the hell did they get through this shit back in the day. When they only had paper bags.
We ain't got shit now Dirt. We gotta bring our own reusable bags to all stores now. Stupid ass shit!! :smh: :smh: :smh: :smh: :smh:



Rising Star
Platinum Member
We ain't got shit now Dirt. We gotta bring our own reusable bags to all stores now. Stupid ass shit!! :smh: :smh: :smh: :smh: :smh:

:lol: :hithead:The local grocery store i go to has reusable bags, for you to buy. I use to buy them all the time. Because im so use to using new bags when i shop, I throw the reusables away. I finally had to order a few distinguishable reusable bags. So I have no worries when bringing in my own bags.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
:lol: :hithead:The local grocery store i go to has reusable bags, for you to buy. I use to buy them all the time. Because im so use to using new bags when i shop, I throw the reusables away. I finally had to order a few distinguishable reusable bags. So I have no worries when bringing in my own bags.

They got those Arctic shopping bags now that keep ice cream and frozen food cold through the trip home


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Meijer has this Shop & Scan, where you scan your objects and can bag them as you shop and once you go to checkout a cashier comes over to validate a few items to make sure you purchased them, pay and leave. It is super convenient!


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Instead of clerks behind a counter gathering products for customers, Piggly Wiggly allowed shoppers to roam the aisles, pick items off the shelves and pay at the register. In exchange for doing more work, the model promised lower prices.

I found this interesting...so Piggly Wiggly replaced the "General Store" model in the South where you walk in (or send your kid to the store) with a list and the clerk pulls your items for you.

Definitely forward thinking but I wonder if race relations had anything to do with it as well...white clerks pulling items for Black customers in the South...might try to do more research on this.


Rising Star
Platinum Member
Most of the time when I go to Whole Foods they stop my transaction. I read somewhere security does that so a employee can on the cool check to see if you paid for everything. Mind you. I go every three weeks to get the same shit. Apples water & veggies. All of us don't steal.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Walmart by me only has self checkout. Going to a store with cashiers means paying higher prices. It's like going to a 4 or 5 star hotel rather than a 2 or 3 star to get better service and a better customer experience.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Weird how it kinda depends on the setup, the store, and the clientele.

I don't mind it nearly as much at Costco as I do at Walmart or Kroger.

Costco always has someone FRIENDLY to help you at self checkout and I don't hear grumblings or people behind you trying to rush you. For the most part Costco customers don't want no smoke with the occasional Karen.

Walmart, Kroger? Associates scoping you for stealing, catch attitude if you need help, and everybody behind you got something to say!


Rising Star
BGOL Investor

I know ya'll didn't read this.

Here's a follow up article



Rising Star
BGOL Investor
I know what you mean.....and I found out a year ago that there is a trick....easier to see it than for me to explain, so let me see if I can find the clip. ...and when I say trick, I mean some simple little shit that some people already knew, but my dumb ass was spending 10 minutes fighting with bags for years. Shit, in NJ plastic bags are illegal now, so as soon as I learned the damn trick, I can't use it no more :angry:

Edit: here it is

What I thought about writing in her comments section:

News flash Margie, I don’t live in fuckin Bismarck, North Dakota or whatever fly over state you live in. I live in a major city so that means I’m always rushing. You’re about to have me in a self checkout ripping bags apart because I can’t see those 2 points you’re referencing in your video. And I can’t see them because the industrial strength fluorescent lights are beaming down light that is so bright when it reflects off the floor at certain angles it blinds me. And where am I placing that plastic bag down to spread it like that anyway. They don’t have bag spreading tables in self checkout lines Margie. I’m just going to continue to use my method of putting the 15 items I purchased into the one bag that I managed to get open and leave all the others I failed to open at the sell checkout lane for the next person in line into deal with.

Soul On Ice

Democrat 1st!
Certified Pussy Poster
I find it convient when youre at a store and you have like 2 or 3 items and everyone else has a minimum amount of items.
i think in that situation the line moves rather swiftly.

But I HATE when there's a dumbass with a whole ass basket using that shit!
:smh: :( :fuckyousay:


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
I've actually seen people run out without paying, or attempt to and leave a cart full of groceries to get away. Just embarrassing behavior.

Also be sure to check your receipt before leaving. Last Saturday at Walmart things were scanning higher than the prices on the aisles. I confronted the manager and he said, "Oh the guy that was supposed to change the aisle prices called out. I can give you the lower price on a couple items but not all that you bought".


Best believe I went to customer service and made them ring my stuff up again on the lower price and got about 10.00 back on a bill of 100.



Rising Star
BGOL Investor