Porn Attracts Dark Skinned Blacks More Than Brown/Light Skinned Blacks


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
My ears they buuuurrrrnnnnnnnn!!!!!

dude you got enough sugar in your tank to make gallons of lemonade.... when it rains..

only a bonafide fag would think that extensively on men in porn...

just fuckin sad....


The Get It Girl
BGOL Investor


Simply Sickenin'

Valar Morghulis ....
BGOL Investor

I read about 2 sentences and knew I should stop.

WTF is the deal with these 30 day dudes. I'm starting to think this is all the same person.



BGOL Investor
who the fuck cares about the men??
I mean besides the OP?

I think every single cat came in here because they thought you were referring to the WOMEN holmes. I know that's the ONLY reason I clicked this shit

Akata King

D3port @ll Th3m T3th3rs!ll!!
BGOL Investor
I'm a black man and I don't really watch a lot of black porn. My reasons are because it's mostly due to the black men in porn and not the black women. Most brothas in porn are just not as sexually inventive or perverted as their white male counterparts. For instance ass-to-mouth in porn is some shit white boys created. White boys also brought anal creampies, ass smoothies, fucking machines, ghetto gagging, squirting etc. to porn.

Most brothas in porn are are just basic performers: (The porn hoe sucks his dick, he eats her pussy, fucks her, he cums...scene over) and from time to time he may copy some whiteboy shit.

But there's something even more disturbing as to why I as a black man don't watch black porn. As a black man, I'm brownskinned but most brothas in porn are dark skinned, bald and tatted up. As a black man living in America, I relate to all black men and our plight in this country. But when it comes to porn...a dark skinned, bald, tattooed up, ghetto black man standing in proxy for me onscreen fucking a woman is unrelatable. I don't relate or see him as my "onscreen self" fucking a black woman because I'm not darkskinned like him. Alhough we're the same race our skin hues are different so it's hard for me to imagine the dark skinned brotha as the "on screen me"

No different than when dark skinned sistas don't relate to seeing light skinned sistas in music videos. The light skinned sista doesn't fully represent a "dark skinned" black woman.

Porn is a seedy business and attracts the rejects and degenerates of life. The low lives of society migrate to porn. Sexually abused women and men, gays, ex-cons, strippers, prostitutes, people who are willing to do anything sexual for a buck. So if dark skinned brothas are so drawn and are hired in porn more often than light skinned brothas what does this say about darkskinned black men in pornography? It says that dark skinned black men represent the lowest of all black men and I don't think that's true.

On the flip side, there are many successful dark skinned brothas in sports and entertainment.

But it does makes one think as to why a lot of darkskinned brothas gravitate to porn as oppose to light skinned brothas. There are also far more dark skinned sistas in porn than there are light skinned. There are 5 xs as many dark skinned black women in porn who engage in perverted/fetish sex acts with white performers (drinking pee, eating shit, beastiality, bondage) than light skinned sistas.

DARK SKINNED BLACK MEN IN PORN (the ones I could think of)

Justin Slayer
Mr. Marcus
Wesley Pipes (sorry, he's back)
Nat Turner
Jack Napier
Lex Steele
Sean Michaels
Deep Threat
Tee Reel
Shorty Mac
Alex Devoe (director)
Darren James (retired)


B. Pumper
Shane Diesel
Jake Steed (retired or locked up)
Julian St Jox (retired)

Interesting thread in that I also see porn as being a microcosm of society. However, I think you're overanalyzing things. Porn basically caters to sexual stereotypes. The skinny big titty blonde is still the standard of beauty in porn, just as in American society. Asian women permeate porn but there are no Asian men, just as in society white men covet Asian women but Asian men are portrayed as asexual. The dark-skinned, bald, tatted up Black man represents a sexual brute who both fascinates and scares White America, just as this has been the historical portrayal of Black men. Look at popular culture in general. Michael Jordan. Rappers and actors like Wesley Snipes, Tupac, DMX, Taye Diggs and, the latest incarnation, Idris Elba, all fall into role in one way or another.

As far as Black men not being perverted enough, I see that as a good thing because the white boys go to far with the dick touching, ass-licking, gagging and other shit I wouldn't want to see anyway.

You also say there are more dark-skinned Black women than light-skinned Black women in porn. That's where I disagree. I see far more light-skinned, mixed or Latina women in Black porn than dark-skinned. There only dark-skinned Black pornstar who immediately comes to mind for me is Jada Fire. And you probably see more dark-skinned Black women doing 'extreme" porn because there's less work for them in regular Black porn.


I dont pay attention to the dudes, if the dudes are talking or anything, i mute the volume. if the camera zooms in on the dudes face or anything like that, i close hte video and find a different porn.


Potential Star
Interesting thread in that I also see porn as being a microcosm of society. However, I think you're overanalyzing things. Porn basically caters to sexual stereotypes. The skinny big titty blonde is still the standard of beauty in porn, just as in American society. Asian women permeate porn but there are no Asian men, just as in society white men covet Asian women but Asian men are portrayed as asexual. The dark-skinned, bald, tatted up Black man represents a sexual brute who both fascinates and scares White America, just as this has been the historical portrayal of Black men. Look at popular culture in general. Michael Jordan. Rappers and actors like Wesley Snipes, Tupac, DMX, Taye Diggs and, the latest incarnation, Idris Elba, all fall into role in one way or another.

As far as Black men not being perverted enough, I see that as a good thing because the white boys go to far with the dick touching, ass-licking, gagging and other shit I wouldn't want to see anyway.

You also say there are more dark-skinned Black women than light-skinned Black women in porn. That's where I disagree. I see far more light-skinned, mixed or Latina women in Black porn than dark-skinned. There only dark-skinned Black pornstar who immediately comes to mind for me is Jada Fire. And you probably see more dark-skinned Black women doing 'extreme" porn because there's less work for them in regular Black porn.

I don't pay attention to dudes in porn BUT, I can tell the diff between a dark skinned brotha and a light skinned brotha when I see one and how often his image is portrayed in the media.

No diff than noticing that most black male rappers are darkskinned. The point is when you don't see "you" in the media, you notice it.

If anything, the shit is subliminal. How many times have we heard after Obama's election, that light skin is back in. Obviously people have observed that dark skin brothas have been heavily portrayed in American media (mostly negatively) for almost 20 years.

And the darkskinned brotha is portrayed exactly as that in American porn: a domestic, animalistic threat. his appeal to whites is that he has no appeal.

And as far as black women in porn I'm not talking about mixed sistas. I'm talking about 100% black women. But the percentage is better for light skinned black women in porn than light skinned brothas.

And yes, there are 5xs as many darkskinned black women in extreme porn than light skinned.

Akata King

D3port @ll Th3m T3th3rs!ll!!
BGOL Investor
I don't pay attention to dudes in porn BUT, I can tell the diff between a dark skinned brotha and a light skinned brotha when I see one and how often his image is portrayed in the media.

No diff than noticing that most black male rappers are darkskinned. The point is when you don't see "you" in the media, you notice it.

If anything, the shit is subliminal. How many times have we heard after Obama's election, that light skin is back in. Obviously people have observed that dark skin brothas have been heavily portrayed in American media (mostly negatively) for almost 20 years.

And the darkskinned brotha is portrayed exactly as that in American porn: a domestic, animalistic threat. his appeal to whites is that he has no appeal.

And as far as black women in porn I'm not talking about mixed sistas. I'm talking about 100% black women. But the percentage is better for light skinned black women in porn than light skinned brothas.

And yes, there are 5xs as many darkskinned black women in extreme porn than light skinned.

You sound as if you have your own prejudices against dark-skinned Black men. You say that you don't see "you" in them. Would you feel more comfortable if all Black male pornstars looked like Brian Pumper, or even Jake Steed? Some of them aren't even African-American, but Latino, like Rico Strong, Jack Napier and that skinny, buck-toothed dude who wears a Dominican flag on his chain.

I'm just not getting your angle. You think there are too many dark-skinned Black people in porn or what? The social reality is that most Black people are dark-skinned, that's why we're called "black"!


Potential Star
You sound as if you have your own prejudices against dark-skinned Black men. You say that you don't see "you" in them. Would you feel more comfortable if all Black male pornstars looked like Brian Pumper, or even Jake Steed? Some of them aren't even African-American, but Latino, like Rico Strong, Jack Napier and that skinny, buck-toothed dude who wears a Dominican flag on his chain.

I'm just not getting your angle. You think there are too many dark-skinned Black people in porn or what? The social reality is that most Black people are dark-skinned, that's why we're called "black"!

1. If you want to know the truth, we as Africans are not black people. Africans are Africans. Black people is a fucking term that whites invented to define Africans. White people don't define us.

2. Speaking of whites, where the fuck do you think the white and lighter skinned races came from like the Asians? They evolved from lighter skinned Africans who migrated to Northern parts of Africa and the world!

3. And no. I don't see "me" in darkskinned brothas because I'm not darkskinned. Buffie (a dark skinned sista) used to say when she first got into modeling she always saw light skinned sistas in the game. She never saw "herself" in them cause they didn't represent her skin tone. That's understandable.

4. There are just as many brownskinned and light skinned blacks in America as there are dark skinned BUT it seems to be mostly dark skinned brothas who migrate to porn. An industry that's designed to attract the lowlives of society.

Just makes you wonder.


Rising Star
OG Investor
1. If you want to know the truth, we as Africans are not black people. Africans are Africans. Black people is a fucking term that whites invented to define Africans. White people don't define us.

2. Speaking of whites, where the fuck do you think the white and lighter skinned races came from like the Asians? They evolved from lighter skinned Africans who migrated to Northern parts of Africa and the world!

3. And no. I don't see "me" in darkskinned brothas because I'm not darkskinned. Buffie (a dark skinned sista) used to say when she first got into modeling she always saw light skinned sistas in the game. She never saw "herself" in them cause they didn't represent her skin tone. That's understandable.

4. There are just as many brownskinned and light skinned blacks in America as there are dark skinned BUT it seems to be mostly dark skinned brothas who migrate to porn. An industry that's designed to attract the lowlives of society.

Just makes you wonder.

PROPS TO THE OP AND TO VAiz4hustlaz ...

Muhfuccas are too shell-shocked by 30 day-members in my opinion...

Although I may not agree with the OP entirely, he does bring up a valid issue...

Being a dark-skinned cat myself, I can still feel where OP is coming from...


All of your FTP paranoia is really beginning to look redundant and foolish...

What makes it worse is, some of ya'll (who have posted) I've had mad respect for in the past, because you've expressed your opinions come hell or high water (you know who you are, I won't name names)...

But now you've turned into some BANDWAGONNING, MONKEY-SEE-MONKEY-DO type muhfuccas????



VAiz4hustlaz , thankyou for your mature input into this thread, whether you agree or not...

OP, thank you for this thread. Although it's being treated as classless by many posters within it, it deserves to be listed amongst the thousands of thought-provoking threads within the BGOL archives... :hmm:



Rising Star
BGOL Investor
No offense but I have no idea what you talking about..

the op comes off as a fag at best or a hater at worst..

so fuckin what you see more dark skinn brothers, get the fuck over it..

if you see more its because they are selling more, how fuckin obvious is that.. you think the business men and yes porn is a business first, are goin to market shit that dont make money..

if you see more then fuckin DUUUUHHHH...

the only other obvious reason for this post was to release some of that non stop dick in the brain thoughts that flow through his head..

or to subtley spread hate that dark skinn brothers are represented very well in the porn game.

and whether you think it was set up to attract low forms of society which I think is another lil hater shot you are taking...

these dudes have fuckin fans, what low end member of society has fuckin fans...

stop all the hate, it only makes you seem like a hater at worst, a bonfide sugar packin, cock jackin sperm lip smackin faggot!!!

and that shit is blasphemy up here....

since we on the subject

fuck gay marriage too!!!

the only thing thought provking about this thread is trying to fiqure out whether the op is a fag or a dark skin brother hata!!!

Mo Pizorn

What you see in porn is reflective of what you see on television because basically the same busters are paying for it - rich, white males. What you see is the white man's fears and fantasies at work. Only white men (and dumb brainwashed negros) truly believe there are "degrees" of blackness. To a white guy, the darker the black man, the more feared he is even though dark-skinned and lighter-skinned brothas go through generally the same life experiences. To the dumb cracka, the darker the black man, the "more black" he is by default. By the same token, lighter-skinned black women are more likely to catch a white man's eye because they look "exotic" to him. Because they are lighter, he sees them as better and desires them because sometimes he sees his own Euro features in them. Notice that high yellow chicks like Faith Evans and Keyshia Cole get more attention from BLACK PEOPLE because of their features. They look like black women. They just have lighter skin. You can take a more tan-toned sista with more Euro features and watch the white boys flip over her. Zoe Saldana, for example. They see themselves in her face.
Some of what people are attracted to is genetic encoding; some is learned exposure. White CACs controlling what you are exposed to, they paint the picture they want you to see. This is why I have been saying for years that brothas need to acquire more television stations, etc. We need to take back our image and show how multi-dimensional we all actually are.

Oh, and OP - stop dick watching, nigga. :D


Rising Star
so the argument is

the lighter the skin, the more the fucking like beast?

Did you really think this out? while sober? and without dick in hand?

or better yet... thanks?

[exits thread to wash hands while laughing]


the voice of reason
BGOL Investor
Hey I don't like watching a white man fucking a sister, and I am not on no cock shade watching shit, I cut it off before the fucking starts, (after watching goodbye Uncle Tom, the thought of a black woman doing that shit with a CAC kills my mood, sort of the way my mood is killed watching porn with a porn star who I know has Aids). No sweat I don't by porn, and I have so much that I am not hard up for it to the point that I can't be selective towards my taste!

However this shit that this 30 day member is on, is some homo bullshit!:smh: Duke is rating dick according to color code!


Rising Star
Platinum Member
Interesting thread in that I also see porn as being a microcosm of society. However, I think you're overanalyzing things. Porn basically caters to sexual stereotypes. The skinny big titty blonde is still the standard of beauty in porn, just as in American society. Asian women permeate porn but there are no Asian men, just as in society white men covet Asian women but Asian men are portrayed as asexual. The dark-skinned, bald, tatted up Black man represents a sexual brute who both fascinates and scares White America, just as this has been the historical portrayal of Black men. Look at popular culture in general. Michael Jordan. Rappers and actors like Wesley Snipes, Tupac, DMX, Taye Diggs and, the latest incarnation, Idris Elba, all fall into role in one way or another.

As far as Black men not being perverted enough, I see that as a good thing because the white boys go to far with the dick touching, ass-licking, gagging and other shit I wouldn't want to see anyway.

You also say there are more dark-skinned Black women than light-skinned Black women in porn. That's where I disagree. I see far more light-skinned, mixed or Latina women in Black porn than dark-skinned. There only dark-skinned Black pornstar who immediately comes to mind for me is Jada Fire. And you probably see more dark-skinned Black women doing 'extreme" porn because there's less work for them in regular Black porn.

Ummm...Taye Diggs?:smh:

Aren't we overanalyzing this just a bit? It's not that what you like, do your thing, and K.I.M...damn, life's too short...

Akata King

D3port @ll Th3m T3th3rs!ll!!
BGOL Investor
1. If you want to know the truth, we as Africans are not black people. Africans are Africans. Black people is a fucking term that whites invented to define Africans. White people don't define us.

So, you don't mind identifying yourself as an African, but you don't want to be called Black? The reality is that dark-skin is a trait that is most associated with Africans, even if all Africans aren't dark. Same thing with kinky hair, full noses and lips, etc. All people of African descent don't have these traits but they're still traits you most identify as belonging to them.

2. Speaking of whites, where the fuck do you think the white and lighter skinned races came from like the Asians? They evolved from lighter skinned Africans who migrated to Northern parts of Africa and the world!

Point being?

3. And no. I don't see "me" in darkskinned brothas because I'm not darkskinned. Buffie (a dark skinned sista) used to say when she first got into modeling she always saw light skinned sistas in the game. She never saw "herself" in them cause they didn't represent her skin tone. That's understandable.

Your argument makes more sense with Buffy because she's a model and video chick. Her "look" is what she sells. The male pornstar ain't really selling his look. A couple, like Mandingo and Lex, may be selling their dick size, but that's about it. It's the females and/or the genre that sells porn.

4. There are just as many brownskinned and light skinned blacks in America as there are dark skinned BUT it seems to be mostly dark skinned brothas who migrate to porn. An industry that's designed to attract the lowlives of society.

Do you equate dark-skin with "low-life"? As another poster said, you must believe in "degrees" of blackness. Porn exists to cater to the fantasies of its white male fanbase, and a dark-skinned big-dicked buck nigga is part of their fantasies.

Now, you could be on to something here, in that Black America has a color caste system, so light- and brown-skinned African-Americans are more likely to be middle-class, go to college, hold professional jobs, etc. and dark-skinned African-Americans are more likely to be in the lower-classes, work menial jobs and be incarcerated. And, assuming that porn tends to employ lower-class people, then it will attract more dark-skinned people. But, this is highly debatable and I'd have to see some empirical evidence to support it.