I posted this before:
This is how the white dominated entertainment industry has functioned. There is a factor of purposeful exclusion and discrimination for sure but I suspect the bigger factor is...they just
DON'T THINK OF NONWHITES when they create their stories.
They just naturally don't factor that in. And that's not necessarily racist.
now to my point about the video...you see this technology they are creating and its mostly used for white people...why because white people developed it. And while they did show the scale from light skin to dark skin...all the working examples they showed were light skin (white or near white) people. Its not a coincidence that the first facial recognition technology didn't recognize dark skin people becuase it was generally calibrated to recognize white people. Nonwhites weren't factored in in any significant way during development. Again is that racist or is it a team of white geeks working on shit for their own purposes just plain not thinking about how it would or could work for people who don't look like them.
IMO the answer ISN'T demanding and screaming they include us it should be for US to get a team of black tech geeks working on that for us. So it can have real-world and entertainment applications that work for US.