Post The Unhip/Nerdiest Music Artist/s That Made One Of Your Favorite Jams Of All Times

World B Free

Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Especially at the beginning, with the drums, the hot bassline, and the bells.

I remember hearing this at an NBA pregame shoot around. Players were jamming off of this.

The remix of this is still hitting.
Man, I wonder who came up with the idea of those bells; those sound like church bells. Crazy outta the box ideas can really work somtimes.


Rising Star
Platinum Member

This song brought up some emotional memories. I was in a situation where I couldn't go home just yet...I'll leave it at that. When I was finally able to go home, I turned on the radio, and this song came on. Let's just say that there was something in my eye the entire trip back home.


Rising Star
Platinum Member
Thomas Dolby as well, but Hyperactive is my shit.

That, and Steppin’ Out by Joe Jackson.

Along those lines, Howard Jones as well.

Sorry to post so much here, but these were my formative years when I related many songs to what I was going through my life at the time. I still do that now, but not as much (the 70s, 80s, 90s, and early '00s just hit differently).

World B Free

Rising Star
BGOL Investor
He's on coke
Corey said "I wear my sunglasses at night
So I can, so I can
Watch you weave, then breathe your story lines
And I wear my sunglasses at night
So I can, so I can
Keep track of the visions in my eyes"


Yeah, you're right, it sounds like he was on that 80s Coke...

Stop these faggits!

Jackie Reinhart is a lady

I pocked this song because theres a longer version of this video where de la soul are high school kids in a lunch line and trugouy is being bullied and mushed in the head for his spot in the line. The song is about being easy and not aggro(aggressive) and that sentiment wasn't wasnt popularity during hat era in hip hop although people got love for de la soul.
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