POWER Book all seasons discussion thread (Power Book II: Ghost canceled )


Rising Star
That black lawyer a hatin ass nigga
I don't see it that way. He's able to show ghost shit from eyes that proctor can't. Like when he baited him to get swole in their meeting, and then finished the lesson when proctor pissed off the black FBI agent which helped them get the gun thrown out as evidence. He's approaching Ghost from a different angle and better preparing him for the trial... Brother is on point...


BGOL Investor
I don't see it that way. He's able to show ghost shit from eyes that proctor can't. Like when he baited him to get swole in their meeting, and then finished the lesson when proctor pissed off the black FBI agent which helped them get the gun thrown out as evidence. He's approaching Ghost from a different angle and better preparing him for the trial... Brother is on point...
Nah he on some preachy shit. Nigga don't believe St Patrick


Well-Known Member
BGOL Investor
I don't see it that way. He's able to show ghost shit from eyes that proctor can't. Like when he baited him to get swole in their meeting, and then finished the lesson when proctor pissed off the black FBI agent which helped them get the gun thrown out as evidence. He's approaching Ghost from a different angle and better preparing him for the trial... Brother is on point...
I wanna believe this but dude has this "I'm better than you.." aura about him.

From the initial meeting in the attorney's room when Ghost told him he had everything in life handed to him, to the behind the back convos with Proctor about their relationship and why it's so tight..

There's just something about him I can't pinpoint.

But I won't make any judgement on him yet cause he is doing his job. Just keeping both eyes on him til the end of this to see what's what.


Rising Star
BGOL Patreon Investor
I wanna believe this but dude has this "I'm better than you.." aura about him.

From the initial meeting in the attorney's room when Ghost told him he had everything in life handed to him, to the behind the back convos with Proctor about their relationship and why it's so tight..

There's just something about him I can't pinpoint.

But I won't make any judgement on him yet cause he is doing his job. Just keeping both eyes on him til the end of this to see what's what.
- yeah he reminds me of this cat from Soul Food


Rising Star
BGOL Patreon Investor
I can see that happening.

Then those Mulan Cameras better come into play or Im calling or better yet confirming bullshit on the writing.
the writing aint strong enough for all of that but
you now what?
Angie and Tasha are going to team up now - just watch that ish

but if I was writing I would have Jamie angle for the 3 some when he gets out ...


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Finally some progress on season 4.

Tommy's a wild animal. He murdered Beacher on some Jason shit. I knew Beacher was a goner, but I thought Sandoval would do the honors. Proctor nearly shit himself. I wonder if that ID Beacher was looking at on a episode 3 will come into play.

It's been said before and I'll say it again, Kanan story is pointless. Wrap that shit up and send him packing.

The Teresi story line feels like thrown together mess to give Ghost something to do, but they seemingly put an end to it right away with Ghost learning about Teresi's past. I wonder who Teresi thought Ghost was that he could recognize his pedigree, punk him, and not have the favor returned?

This series is an organized mess, but I enjoy it for the most part.

Teresi saw Ghost as just some Black street hoodlum. Nothing more or less so he thought it was one way when it was another.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
WOW!!..ep 4 was damn good!!..Shit just got real !!...Damn, Proctor was winning and had them on the ropes before he got taken off the case...Yo, I really don't trust that black lawyer..his vibe ain't right ghost need to be careful with this dude!!...Tommy is fucking ruthless this season!!..He don't give fuck!
I believe that Dre might have to take out Kannan to be on the safe side.that shit is crazy!!..Also, i think Tasha and Keisha might bump heads a little in this season i think something is going to happen between them two!!..

Also, that was nice sex scene by Keisha(LaLa)..damn her ass looks nice and tits too!!..:yes:

Can't wait for next week!!


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
That black lawyer a hatin ass nigga

I thought so as well, but he's right ghost came into his world. Wasn't like the lawyer rolled up in truth. Drug dealers end up dead or in jail most of the time. Ghost may not of murder Greg. But Ghost has murder people before. The fans have grown to love ghost, but the reality of it is he's a cheater, left his family, drug dealer, killer.

Black lawyer just seeing through his shit. And calling him out on it. We all have choices to make out here in the world. Ghost choose that lifestyle. Because this is his world ghost has enter. Black lawyer push his button to see if he would get pissed which he did. Then showed him in court how the black cop got pissed on the stand! Caught ghost when he said I wouldn't kill a DEA agent. Instead corrected him on I wouldn't kill anybody. Small little words in court gets you in trouble!


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
This isn't a spoiler, because it's a known fact that he's part of the cast this season and the other statement I'm about to make is on the season trailer, but who sees Larenz Tate coming in as Ghost's new lead attorney? And if you rewatch the trailer you'll see that Ghost is going to beat Charlie Murphy's ass and the white dude in jail looks like he's going to send ol boy, whose fingers Ghost broke, in to shank him. Then there's a scene with him covered in blood, so I guess it's safe to say that he kills someone. What part will this play in his trial?


Well-Known Member
BGOL Investor
So, now she knows Ghost didn't put the gun where they found it. Now what? I think Dre's gonna tell Tommy about Tariq. He has to do that or kill Kanan.
Proctor and Angela, the two attorney rogue specialists are gonna have their loyalties tested to get their guy outta jail. They'll most likely team up to make that happen with Angela feeding Proctor info, relayed to Silver for the win.


Well-Known Member
BGOL Investor
This isn't a spoiler, because it's a known fact that he's part of the cast this season and the other statement I'm about to make is on the season trailer, but who sees Larenz Tate coming in as Ghost's new lead attorney? And if you rewatch the trailer you'll see that Ghost is going to beat Charlie Murphy's ass and the white dude in jail looks like he's going to send ol boy, whose fingers Ghost broke, in to shank him. Then there's a scene with him covered in blood, so I guess it's safe to say that he kills someone. What part will this play in his trial?

Two things about this trailer:

1) It was posted on the 11th of May. Charlie Murphy passed away about a month later on April 12th.

I'm willing to bet they rewrote Charlie's scene hence Proctor working on getting him transferred.

Kinda distasteful to remember Charlie Murphy's final moments on screen gettin the shit beat outta him but we'll see.

2) Tasha is riding someone that don't seem to be Ghost..

Do you think Tasha and Ghost should ultimately end up together in the end?

Naturi Naughton:
They’re married, but at the same time, they’re dysfunctional as hell. I don’t know. Maybe she’s starting to wise up. I think this season you’ll see Tasha has a love interest. Over time, you’ll see that she’s like I’m tired of your crap [to Ghost]. At some point, a woman’s got say, “I’ve had enough.”


Larenz Tate or Silver?


BGOL Legend
kiesha gone snitch
angela knew he didn't do it her jealousy made her do this now she has fact he didn't do it
proctor was a really good lawyer.
tommy recklessness is the reason everyone is where they are now.
julio gonna die or try and kill tommy
andre a mark
tariq is completely gone
lil sis was wrong for snooping in the room.
i don't like whenever they say fbi mole they show sandoval and his reaction "is this the moment they found me out?"
we know he's the mole no need to just keep showing his reaction whenever someone says it.


Rising Star
BGOL Patreon Investor
i watched the episode again and I still don't understand how they got the gun threw out
weak writing - illogic of same agent found all of the incriminating evidence = tainted especially after an angry black man eruption