Because he requested to personally meet himWhy do you believe teresi is Tommy’s dad?
I'm comfortable as hell sacrificing Saturday nights for this showFuck everyone at 12:01 I say fuck going out and I'm my starz app
I don't see it that way. He's able to show ghost shit from eyes that proctor can't. Like when he baited him to get swole in their meeting, and then finished the lesson when proctor pissed off the black FBI agent which helped them get the gun thrown out as evidence. He's approaching Ghost from a different angle and better preparing him for the trial... Brother is on point...That black lawyer a hatin ass nigga
Nah he on some preachy shit. Nigga don't believe St PatrickI don't see it that way. He's able to show ghost shit from eyes that proctor can't. Like when he baited him to get swole in their meeting, and then finished the lesson when proctor pissed off the black FBI agent which helped them get the gun thrown out as evidence. He's approaching Ghost from a different angle and better preparing him for the trial... Brother is on point...
I wanna believe this but dude has this "I'm better than you.." aura about him.I don't see it that way. He's able to show ghost shit from eyes that proctor can't. Like when he baited him to get swole in their meeting, and then finished the lesson when proctor pissed off the black FBI agent which helped them get the gun thrown out as evidence. He's approaching Ghost from a different angle and better preparing him for the trial... Brother is on point...
- yeah he reminds me of this cat from Soul FoodI wanna believe this but dude has this "I'm better than you.." aura about him.
From the initial meeting in the attorney's room when Ghost told him he had everything in life handed to him, to the behind the back convos with Proctor about their relationship and why it's so tight..
There's just something about him I can't pinpoint.
But I won't make any judgement on him yet cause he is doing his job. Just keeping both eyes on him til the end of this to see what's what.
- yeah he reminds me of this cat from Soul Food
She saw that Ghost DID NOT hide the murder weapon and is being framed.
She also saw that Sandoval was last person to view the footage.
Mr. Death is coming for Angela.
the writing aint strong enough for all of that butI can see that happening.
Then those Mulan Cameras better come into play or Im calling or better yet confirming bullshit on the writing.
but if I was writing I would have Jamie angle for the 3 some when he gets out ...
No he's not. Tommy killed him last season. Afterwards, Sandoval went to dude's crib to retrieve any incriminating evidence that old boy had on him. And Greg saw him walking out dude's apt building and put 2 and 2 together and here we are nowlobos' man is still out there trying to get out of the country. that will come back.
Finally some progress on season 4.
Tommy's a wild animal. He murdered Beacher on some Jason shit. I knew Beacher was a goner, but I thought Sandoval would do the honors. Proctor nearly shit himself. I wonder if that ID Beacher was looking at on a episode 3 will come into play.
It's been said before and I'll say it again, Kanan story is pointless. Wrap that shit up and send him packing.
The Teresi story line feels like thrown together mess to give Ghost something to do, but they seemingly put an end to it right away with Ghost learning about Teresi's past. I wonder who Teresi thought Ghost was that he could recognize his pedigree, punk him, and not have the favor returned?
This series is an organized mess, but I enjoy it for the most part.
That black lawyer a hatin ass nigga
- yeah he reminds me of this cat from Soul Food
- yeah he reminds me of this cat from Soul Food
Proctor and Angela, the two attorney rogue specialists are gonna have their loyalties tested to get their guy outta jail. They'll most likely team up to make that happen with Angela feeding Proctor info, relayed to Silver for the win.So, now she knows Ghost didn't put the gun where they found it. Now what? I think Dre's gonna tell Tommy about Tariq. He has to do that or kill Kanan.
There was just something about this dude that I didn't like.
Dude was a bitch ass nigga supreme
This isn't a spoiler, because it's a known fact that he's part of the cast this season and the other statement I'm about to make is on the season trailer, but who sees Larenz Tate coming in as Ghost's new lead attorney? And if you rewatch the trailer you'll see that Ghost is going to beat Charlie Murphy's ass and the white dude in jail looks like he's going to send ol boy, whose fingers Ghost broke, in to shank him. Then there's a scene with him covered in blood, so I guess it's safe to say that he kills someone. What part will this play in his trial?
that's nice...keep it to yourself please
Bye bye Beacher
You all are killing me calling dude Beacher (OZ).... LOL
weak writing - illogic of same agent found all of the incriminating evidence = tainted especially after an angry black man eruptioni watched the episode again and I still don't understand how they got the gun threw out