i swear, every time someone makes a plan, the people on the other side just happen to do what the planner expects.
Gay son - "i'm gonna go meet with gay baller and he will leave his wallet in his pants in the bathroom, thats when i will say i have to use the bathroom and take his wallet."
Gay baller - I'm just gonna leave my pants right here in the bathroom with my wallet in them, in case someone wants to find it"
Diane - "i'm gonna go cry to to Tariq and he will put his phone down in plain site so that when i start crying, he can offer to go get me some water. That's when i will snag the code",
Tariq - "Nah, i'm not gonna put my phone in my pocket like i always do, i will just leave it right here on the stand just in case i leave the room room and someone wants to go thru it"