POWER Book all seasons discussion thread (Power Book II: Ghost canceled )


Man of the People
Holly fittin' to come out of that grave. Fif already proved at the end of last season, Power isn't afraid to go supernatural.

She gon' be back. Watch!


Thinking of a Master Plan
BGOL Patreon Investor
It was funny how Holly was looking at Tommy and his mom when they were doing coke together and when they showed Holly after Tommys mom kissed him in the mouth while saying goodbye you could tell she was disgusted:lol:


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
last time i was this happy about a triflin bitch gettin killed was when Tara was killed on Sons Of Anarchy.......lol.


Been here longer than you think!
Platinum Member
I actually thought that Holly would linger on a little more but glad she is gone. The way she kept asking Tommy and Tasha about cleaning the money had me suspicious she was going to put her name on the documents then run away with the cash.

Kinda feel for Tommy tho. He badly wants a family like Ghost. It's gonna hit him hard if he finds out Holly was pregnant.

I think Tasha tells Ghost about Holly being pregnant and Ghost will have a dilemma on whether to tell Tommy or not.

Don't forget about Angela's ex, Greg. He isn't taking the fact that his plan to get Ghost has failed. I actually think he may go rogue. Possible set up for Ghost?

It has become more apparent that Tasha is an important part of the biz. Wonder how it will play out.


BGOL Legend
It was funny how Holly was looking at Tommy and his mom when they were doing coke together and when they showed Holly after Tommys mom kissed him in the mouth while saying goodbye you could tell she was disgusted:lol:

Holly ain't never had shit. I doubt she even loved Tommy that broad is a Schemer she ain't have to do SHIT REAL. She was not giving up that lifestyle for anybody
If Tommy said I'm giving up the life and all the money gonna get a 9 to 5
she'd had left a dear john letter MAYBE

TFN Crew

Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Holly fittin' to come out of that grave. Fif already proved at the end of last season, Power isn't afraid to go supernatural.

She gon' be back. Watch!

I can definitely see them bringing Holly back from that shallow ass grave that Ghost put her in. Holly being gone just seems to good to be true. Just like everybody thought she was gone in season 2 and then she popped up out of nowhere when Tommy was walking the dog.


BGOL Legend
mmmphmmm. Molly was not at fault anywhere in that. She got killed for wrong place wrong time. And a dead child. That blundered into the situation bad. lol it's ok to hate white bitches.

Molly been an annoying person the entire series lol. The child was an out. Before that she had to go.
Basaam is there cause he listened to her talking bout its no big deal..in the first place smh.
he had been there she hadn't


Phat booty lover.
BGOL Investor
can't say anything else that hasn't been said....I want to see greg knox dead tho...way too bitchmade...I used to think the actor playing lobos was garbage then I realized a couple eps back he was in bloodline playing the cop's partner that was dating his sister...and it made me appreciate just how completely diff this role is for him...the lobos character has me cracking up now...cuz dude's persona was the complete opposite in bloodline lol...great ep tho...I agree w/ someone that 50 should stayed in DC...I hope they incorporate some of the DC characters into future eps...I hope we haven't seen the last of them


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
50 Cent continues to be the worst part of the show. He is not a good actor.
Rotmi tried to act scared in that scene with his daughter and Fif.
However Fif took all the energy out of the scene.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
I have tried to choke out several bitches and they don't die that easy.
They all been black but I find it hard to believe that Holly went out so easy.


Phat booty lover.
BGOL Investor
I have tried to choke out several bitches and they don't die that easy.
They all been black but I find it hard to believe that Holly went out so easy.

same lol na but seriously that was too fast tho


BGOL CSI: Connoisseur of Sluts on Instagram™
BGOL Investor
This was me watching Holly die:



BGOL Elite Poster
Platinum Member
Nothing makes me happier then seeing the indie artists that I post in my thread finally getting some air play.

Jones' Indulge EP last year was nice. Can't believe it took over a year to finally get airplay in the states.
Her US Debut "New Skin" comes out Oct 7, 2016.

I think the link in my thread is still good. Fonz's New Age R&B and Soul Music Drop!! (ON GOING)



Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Angela's BEEN riding for Ghost. This ain't the first time she's put herself on the line for him, and it damn sure won't be the last. She's fully vested in him as a person, not what he can do for her bank account, ala that backstabbing, ghetto accountant of a wife he has.

As much as people hate on her, she's that niggas ride or die and has been since day one.

Yeah, i feel you on this and shes riding with him thru out the show..but we will see..just cant put my trust in angela not yet!1..but she riding with him so far!!


Well-Known Member
BGOL Investor
Yeah, i feel you on this and shes riding with him thru out the show..but we will see..just cant put my trust in angela not yet!1..but she riding with him so far!!

They'll probably run into some rough patches and maybe even split for a sec, but in the end, those two ride for each other, unlike any other.