POWER Book all seasons discussion thread (Power Book II: Ghost canceled )


Rising Star
OG Investor
This shit is getting bad. Drug dealers talking about offing a federal agent like it's nothing. :hmm:

I'm so sick of her. I roll my eyes everytime she's on my screen. Ghost gotta stop fuckin her every episode too-tired of that shit.


Rising Star
BGOL Legend






Rising Star
Tasha plays her position well...

Greg is gonna blow the department up, fool took two shots and showed up for work ?

Lobos has Ghosts DNA all over him

Those Serbians are like bees ...one drone down the hive operates normally

Angela looks better dressed ...nude she's built like the crypt keeper

Tommy returning to the scene of the crime to Mary J Blige "reminisce" over Holly ?

Ghost isn't even aware of Kanans return ...smh. It's all fucked up now
I agree with everything you said except the dna part..


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
I wanted that FBI agent to get kill and I hate th e whole scene where they killed Lobos. I do agree that the show is getting awful.


Rising Star
I swear to gawd I fucking hate this show so damn much but yet I just can't stop watching.

Why didn't he just tell her about the Siberians. Angela has shown that she is down. Breaking up with her isn't going to stop the Siberians from coming after her..... Ughhhhh frustration.
He didnt break up with her to keep the Serbs from killing her; He broke up with her because he didnt want to lie to her everyday about what hes doing; Their whole relationship is based upon him getting out the game; main reason why he left tasha is because she wanted him to stay in the game, angie didnt; So remember serbs are making him get back into the game; you think Angie gonna want to go thru that with him??; Naw he did the right thing; to me there exchange at the end was the best part of this episode...


Rising Star
C'mon, son.

I've gotten to the point where I enjoy the show for what it is, which is a spotty-at-best suspense/drama, with late 90's soft core porn elements thrown in for good measure.

My biggest gripe with it has and always will be the casting. I find it impossible to take the dude with the mohawk-fade seriously as a gangster. He looks like a background dancer from R&B videos.
I agree; I dont think its a great show, but its solid/good; entertaining as well; I can watch it for sure....


Rising Star
Soap with some tits:yes:
Got to add ..
I don't find Angela attractive
Ghost make some dumb moves to be a gangster
will I stop watching
:hmm: nope
If the show is supposed to somewhat represent real life, what gangster in real life didnt make dumb moves???Gangsters are human and humans do dumb shit sometimes...


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
I don't understand why they didn't shoot Lobos in the truck? They claim it's because the cartel would know it was them but they know it's them anyway since Lobos guy put Tommy on the job to help him escape. Them not searching Lobos and finding his phone was :hmm: and them letting him escape was :hmm::hmm: These dudes were efficient hitman last season and now they looking like idiots.

Maybe if Ghost didn't say "not right now" whenever somebody tries to tell him something he could've had some foresight to all this fucked up shit going on. This show has officially jumped the shark. :smh:

Ming Fei Hong

Rising Star
BGOL Investor
I love that Tasha hasn't slept with Ghost. Too many women make that mistake.
Tasha probably would sleep with Ghost if not for his perpetual barrage of dick moves. He does hella petty shit, as if he's either a complete moron or simply couldn't care less about her. If he knocked that shit off, they might have a shot at a Billary (Bill & Hillary) "arrangement." He's a dumbass, though.


RawStrippers&Nut N Models
Certified Pussy Poster
I just....man. Lettin Angie go. Lettin her flounder in the wind....Man that's good shit.

I'm so sick of her. I roll my eyes everytime she's on my screen. Ghost gotta stop fuckin her every episode too-tired of that shit.

I was thinking the same thing, "Like they gone fuck every episode"? No homo, just boring is all.

nigga didnt even cry when his son could die few ep ago. but cried like a lil girl for angie haha simpdealer

I keep trying to tell all of yall that Ghost is an asshole, who only thinks about Ghost, but no one will listen to me.

Something that was happening that was lowkey that no one is talking about and im sure the writers might not follow up on, it is that Tommy was trying hard to plant in ghost head to kill angie. Like he want her dead more than ever since Holly dead.


BGOL Elite Poster
Platinum Member
I'm so sick of her. I roll my eyes everytime she's on my screen. Ghost gotta stop fuckin her every episode too-tired of that shit.

I've got zero problems with Angela now... It's freaking Tasha and her "well what are me and kids going to get if you go to jail" bullshit. Since Season 1...dude had this legitimate business set up that still brings in major money and this chick on
He didnt break up with her to keep the Serbs from killing her; He broke up with her because he didnt want to lie to her everyday about what hes doing; Their whole relationship is based upon him getting out the game; main reason why he left tasha is because she wanted him to stay in the game, angie didnt; So remember serbs are making him get back into the game; you think Angie gonna want to go thru that with him??; Naw he did the right thing; to me there exchange at the end was the best part of this episode...

It was a Soap Opera move, done to extend the drama in their relationship and have him stay in the drug game.

Ghost told Angela that he wasn't going to lie to her in the beginning of the season. Ghost knows that Angela already knows that he was in the game. Again, Angela has already shown that he is down to protect him.

Ghost broke up with her because in his mind... he felt that if he told her about the Serbs that she would tell him go to the police and end up dead. He also thinks that if he stays in the game because of these Serbs that he will have to lie to her and he promised not to lie to her.

When the smarter thing to do would be to tell her, so they could both come up with a plan to take down the Serbs together... even if it means that he has to temporarily get back in the game to do this. Hell the show has already shown that she doesn't have a problem with this tactic case in point.. Season 1 Angela. There is no win, by him not telling her... Once weight starts moving again the first thing the FEDS are going to think is that Ghost has found a new distributor. Leading right back to Angela being pissed off at Ghost....

We all know that she can't snitch on dude, because she is an accomplice at this point... So again the break up didn't have a point.

Anyway... It's shitty writing. The show is basically going around in circles now. I'm going to still watch... because of the titties and violence, but it has never been a deep show at all. This isn't Boardwalk Empire. It's just a SOAP.


Rising Star
I've got zero problems with Angela now... It's freaking Tasha and her "well what are me and kids going to get if you go to jail" bullshit. Since Season 1...dude had this legitimate business set up that still brings in major money and this chick on

It was a Soap Opera move, done to extend the drama in their relationship and have him stay in the drug game.

Ghost told Angela that he wasn't going to lie to her in the beginning of the season. Ghost knows that Angela already knows that he was in the game. Again, Angela has already shown that he is down to protect him.

Ghost broke up with her because in his mind... he felt that if he told her about the Serbs that she would tell him go to the police and end up dead. He also thinks that if he stays in the game because of these Serbs that he will have to lie to her and he promised not to lie to her.

When the smarter thing to do would be to tell her, so they could both come up with a plan to take down the Serbs together... even if it means that he has to temporarily get back in the game to do this. Hell the show has already shown that she doesn't have a problem with this tactic case in point.. Season 1 Angela. There is no win, by him not telling her... Once weight starts moving again the first thing the FEDS are going to think is that Ghost has found a new distributor. Leading right back to Angela being pissed off at Ghost....

We all know that she can't snitch on dude, because she is an accomplice at this point... So again the break up didn't have a point.

Anyway... It's shitty writing. The show is basically going around in circles now. I'm going to still watch... because of the titties and violence, but it has never been a deep show at all. This isn't Boardwalk Empire. It's just a SOAP.
I feel ya on that..not the greatest writing and i do feel its soap operaish..a lot of tv is like that including these fake reality shows..it is entertaining though


Supreme Porn Poster - Ret
BGOL Investor
I'm watching season 1 episode 3. What is the liquid or gel that Tommy pours on the robber. I know that it wasn't gas or kerosene because it came out like a gel, but it is flammable.

Any ideas


BGOL CSI: Connoisseur of Sluts on Instagram™
BGOL Investor
Keeping Lobos alive will send them soaring over the shark.

After the Kanan fight and the failed attempt to kill Lobos in jail, I can't take another one of Ghost's "I'mma just assume he dead" moments.

Shoot the muthafucka in the face! That's like Murder 101. Finish the muthafucka with a head shot.


Curry Is My God
BGOL Patreon Investor
man i looked up at the ceiling and blinked twice when Angela started bawling as the door closed.

*slow clap*


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
The show runner and creator needs to be fired. She is believing her own hype.
The show is getting ratings because of Season 2.
Once Season 3 settles in it will be cancelled at Season 4.
Total burn out.


Phat booty lover.
BGOL Investor
The show runner and creator needs to be fired. She is believing her own hype.
The show is getting ratings because of Season 2.
Once Season 3 settles in it will be cancelled at Season 4.
Total burn out.

it's been renewed for 2 more seasons...season 4 is more than likely a sure thing


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
This past week was my last episode. The characters are becoming sillier by the week and it is just getting a little to soap oper-ish for me.
I am not impressed with the Milan reveal. As a matter of fact, it just seemed lazy and a simplistic way to keep him in the game. I overlooked a lot of silliness in the shoe because it was decent to see a black protagonist but I'm done!