POWER Book all seasons discussion thread (Power Book II: Ghost canceled )


BGOL CSI: Connoisseur of Sluts on Instagram™
BGOL Investor
Yeah, I bet the finale cliffhanger/last scene will be that Ghost finds out Kanan is still alive.

And Season 4 will mainly be about Ghost trying to get Tariq out from under Kanan.


aka * My Name Is Not $lam *
Super Moderator
Tasha and them titties:rise:




aka * My Name Is Not $lam *
Super Moderator
Is ghost gone go get that button

off of ruiz body?

one of the few times i hate the writing...

i hope they address that in a way that makes sense in the finale..smh

cuz ruiz clearly told him he was recording the convo...

& i thought thats why he asked him where the body was but then they just left it like that...:dunno:


2009 & 2010 POY!!!
Certified Pussy Poster
It's crazy how when Angie smashed Greg I felt some type of way but when Ghost smashed Tasha again the shit felt right

Cuz Technically Ghost is still married to Tasha and that's the mother of his kids. He still has love for her.
Angie fucking Greg for info. Glad Greg sees through that shit.


Rising Star

....Don't say this don't say that change ya lyrics, everybody's a critic......

Tasha wants the Power
Tommy wants the Power
Ghost wants the Power
Milan has the Power
Mike wants the Power
Knox wants the Power
Angela has that Power U but still gets fucked for being not so smart yet is brilliant/sharp
Tariq wants the Power
so does Kanaan


BGOL vet down since the “56k stay out!” days
BGOL Gold Member
Dre is carrying a ton of info right now. I don't see how Ghost finds out he's not only knows Kanan is alive but has been hanging with his kid and lets him live.


RawStrippers&Nut N Models
Certified Pussy Poster
After me giving praise on that one episode , this show has slipped backed into ridiculousness.

Angie A fucking genius for still holding on to that phone.

Asshole Ghost strikes again, lying to Tommy.

Tommy told him the truth earlier even though he didn't have too.

The Technician

Formerly Commandernchief
BGOL Investor
Glad to see Tasha's titties are back. They were sorely missed.

I was expecting Tariq to get caught with the kicks somehow and get hung out to dry by Kanan.

I'm looking forward to Kanan's death for no other reason than the character being a drag on the story. The only way he becomes interesting to me again is if they bring back Jukebox and make her character a major part of the revenge on Ghost. Despite looking forward to Kanan's death, him recognizing the the notfuckwithitness of the Serbs is smart. Fall back.

Angie calling the number in the burner cell and the head guy (forget his name) answering it while they both listen to the helicopter outside was a great scene for the suspense.

Despite Greg's stalker like ways and him ultimately wanting to see Angie go down because she left him for Ghost, I respect his work. He is a trooper and under-appreciated. Glad he saw dude come out of Lobo's building and connected the dots. Now it's time for him to refocus, but he'll probably be killed while trying to expose the leak.

Not sure whether or not to feel bad for Ruiz. That moment of relief on his face after seeing the gun still in the glove box was short lived.

I think Tasha broke snitching code by feeding info to Tommy. She rightfully trusts Tommy. However, Ghost should get the trust and benefit of the doubt to get them out of the Milan situation. Ghost was the man in the drug business she trusted to rise to the top and take over. Technically, he did become top dog, but not how Tasha wanted. If Ghost had decided to stay in the drug business like Tasha wanted, he would still have the Milan issue and possibly a war on his hands. I don't see her running to Tommy without Ghost blessing if Ghost is running the drug business. Now that Ghost is under the thumb of an incredibly dangerous person, she's all tight about her situation and that of her family. She's learning right now why Ghost wants to go legit and be as far away from the drug business as possible.

I hope Tommy's intention on killing Ghost is real and not a plot to take down Milan. I've said it before and I'll say it again, I think the character would be a a much better adversary for Ghost in a future season. I want to see them truly against one another.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Ep 9 was good as well..I like how slick ass ghost set those Club Promoters up so Karen can come back to his Club to do business!!..I knew he was going to get them back!!...:yes::yes:...Damn, Tommy is a loose cannon for real!1..I bet his plan is going to be a fucked up one!!..he need to get it together!!..

Aslo, we finally got a sex scene from Tasha!!..It was a kinda weak sex scene she did but we saw those titties again!!..:dance::dance:

season finale next week...can't wait!!


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
that look on her face tho...lol

like.." u dont deserve this pussy ...cheatin mutha fucka..."..lol

Yeah, i notice her face expression when she was riding ghost as well...her face look funny!!..lol..Like she didnt want to give him all that pussy but it was nice to finally see tasha to do a sex scene this season!!...:yes::yes:


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
To many issues still to address in the finale episode? The ending will probably be Ghost seeing Kanan with his son.
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Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Tasha angry fucking Ghost
The look on those club owner's faces...PRICELESS Kind of reminded me of when Giancarlo Esposito got set up in the movie Fresh
Damn that was the easiest sneaker grab ever
Fucking Tommy i dont know if he's playing Ghost or Milan
Tasha's titties Tasha's titties Tasha's titties Tasha's titties


Rising Star
Platinum Member
one of the few times i hate the writing...

i hope they address that in a way that makes sense in the finale..smh

cuz ruiz clearly told him he was recording the convo...

& i thought thats why he asked him where the body was but then they just left it like that...:dunno:
See one of my last responses. Yall don't watch the preview of the next episode? It touched on that.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Final shot of the season will be Ghost viewing the tape of his son shoplifting and he will see Kanan sitting there with him. Fade to Black


aka * My Name Is Not $lam *
Super Moderator
Hey slam, you're not alone homie!!..I'm feeling Angela as well..Damn Angela knows how to give up that pussy on this show!!!.:dance::dance:...I need a chick like angela in my life!!..lol

my face was screwed up during this scene....:angry:
