POWER Book all seasons discussion thread (Power Book II: Ghost canceled )


Rising Star
BGOL Patreon Investor
Is he the coldest? Tommy still the coldest, dude is a serial killer, Ghost don't even want it with Tommy

They're saving that for the final season. If everything would have truly ended with Milan, they can both ride out in the sunset in their respective hustles, but nah, this shit's going down the stretch.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
What was up with Angie going to Greg's crib and then leaving like 60 seconds later when Ghost just so happens to be there?
I think that is how Ghost is going to prove to Angie that he is not the killer because he is going to tell her that he was there while she came into the apartment when he was looking for what Greg had on him and that explains the fingerprints.


Rising Star
Platinum Member
Horribly written
Everybody just became dumb
Prison are filled because of just that.
During the meeting she made a comment about Knox never leaving his windows open, but if that's the case, why didn't the cops dust there for fingerprints, if they noticed the window open.
Legitimate gripe. A full crime scene investigation- certainly one of a US Attorney- would include a print sweep of that entry way.
That makes the writing even worse though.

She's bitter and emotional yet rational enough to go to Knox's apartment and go directly to the window (and knows to go out in the fire escape to dust the outside for prints.)
Shes emotional... and an investigator by profession... and a scorned lover. I see noting outlandish about her connecting those dots and dusting for prints.
My question is why is she not the prime suspect in his death?

From the FBI point of view Angela would have the easiest access and most motive to frame and have Greg killed if they were investigating a inside leak.
She was eliminated as a suspect in the leak. Once the phone was traced back to Lobos the logical conclusion was Greg was the leak and killed as a result.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Doesn't make sense

She's not trying to clear his name, she's trying to find out who killed him...but she wouldn't think they could be connected

Remember, she doesn't know Knox was still investigating her & building a case against her.

His cousin is the one that came up with the "kipnapping" plan.

I think that's the point. He's never been the brains, just the muscle...Ghost was the brains when he came up under him. Appears season 4 will be all about them two.


Rising Star
Remember, she doesn't know Knox was still investigating her & building a case against her.

I think that's the point. He's never been the brains, just the muscle...Ghost was the brains when he came up under him. Appears season 4 will be all about them two.

And angela.......Tommy going to try and kill her for sure now..... and theres still that tape out there....


RawStrippers&Nut N Models
Certified Pussy Poster
Well there goes my Tommy Evolving theory. He still same as he ever been.

Mulan still was my favorite part of this season. Not fearing death, just waiting patiently. The scene was shot too corny he deserved a better death.

I hate how they set up next season in every finale, 1. That is def some female writing, and 2. Next season looks to be even more ridiculous then this one.


Rising Star
OG Investor
ghost is a dumbass for even trying to leave his wife for angela in the 1st place. knox is a dumb ass for not putting 2 and 2 together with mike and for letting mike kno that he know. mike was prepared to kill greg. he had the silencer on the gat just in case. angela is a dumb as for thinking ghost killed greg when there's a leak in the dept. how the fuck is she doing better fed work when she is suppose to be a prosecutor ?


Superstar ***
BGOL Legend
Where is Keisha ?! was her Kwaanza canceled

Dre may become a problem, he has a lot of leverage.

Jukebox is cold hearted

Karen Bassetts father's body language said "******" when ghost was arrested

Attorney Turtle is funny... he shits on ghost weekly

Ghost needs to accept he's a criminal and stop pretending to be Jerry Rice

Mike offered Angie a burrito and some pipe in a 48 hour period


Rising Star
OG Investor
oh yeah mj, ( the female fed investigating the office) knew angela gonna have a hard time around those dudes. 24 hrs later greg dies, their co worker offers to throw she some dick to console her lol. they never said what sick shit he's into.


Son of Community
Well....I'm officially done with this show. Once 50 miraculously came back from the dead like Jesus Christ, I knew there were no boundaries the writers were concerned of breaking.

The characters don't have any real character development. We get ridiculous twists and plots which can't be even a little bit realistic, but, since we are emotionally invested in most of the main characters from the first two seasons, we all were eager to see which direction the show would go in season 3. It's safe to say, most of us are disappointed, especially when we all know this show had potential to be a whole lot better. The only thing most were happy about was Tommy killing Holly. Lol. Besides that, they created a maze of a show, where there seems to be zero logic or common sense to a lot of the scenarios we were subject to stomach this season.

The whole Lobos killing was a big joke of a scene. Ghost is supposed to be the smartest dude on the show, but, somehow the writers were succesful of dumbing his character down this season. A big mistake overall because there needs to be some type of consistency with the main character. This move by the writers made it nearly impossible to get behind any of the main characters, when it is now impossible to apply logic to the decisions being made by them.

The Tariq and Kanaan scenes are so over the top, but, it somehow fits with Kanaan's character of just being a sick sociopath, except for one thing, Tariq is still alive and physically unharmed. Kanaan who killed his own son, brutally murdered some unknown and unexplained old lady, is all of the sudden a little sympathetic to Ghost son? Cmon son.

Where is Keisha? She just disappears with no explanation. Lol, weak shit.

I'm not even gonna tackle the whole Angie, Greg, Ghost debacle. This messy shit went on for way too long and is now just plain silly to even try to understand why and how for so many situations.

I'm happy for the black people who are making a name and money off this show, but, I just can't take anybody seriously anymore.
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The Technician

Formerly Commandernchief
BGOL Investor
Reading comments about the episode on social media has me thinking us bgol cats are some discerning and critical muthafuckas. People, men and women are losing their minds, talking about how great this episode was. I'm like, did we watch the same episode? I'm probably going to watch the next season, because I'm invested in the show, it's something to watch on a weekend, and there are some nice titties to see. However, I'm not waiting in anticipation of season 4 one bit, like the majority on social media appears to be.

The Technician

Formerly Commandernchief
BGOL Investor
Mulan still was my favorite part of this season. Not fearing death, just waiting patiently.

Mulan (based on real person)




I'm just fucking with you


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Ep 10, The season finale was so so..The writers for this episode didnt do a good job on this!!.....i kinda knew that knox was going to get kill off the show!! and that milan kill at the end was weak..they could have done a better job on that!!.:smh::smh:.I guess tommy is trying to be the new king of NY in the drug game..but hes still a fucking lost cannon!!..

Angela was riding with ghost all this time and all of sudden she want to put him in jail cause of knox death...fuck outta here!!..:smh::smh:

so, next season is about Kannan and ghost going at it...well, we will see!!

Overall, Season 3 was ok..The writing of some episodes this season was kinda wack but it was a ok season!!....I like they gave us a sex scenes in almost in every episodes this season!!..:yes::yes:

Looking foward for season 4


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
The opening scene of next season will be Tommy laughing at Ghost saying I told him to kill that Fed bitch
Dre is definitely going to hit the sheets with Karen


X-pert Professional
Platinum Member
Reading comments about the episode on social media has me thinking us bgol cats are some discerning and critical muthafuckas. People, men and women are losing their minds, talking about how great this episode was. I'm like, did we watch the same episode? I'm probably going to watch the next season, because I'm invested in the show, it's something to watch on a weekend, and there are some nice titties to see. However, I'm not waiting in anticipation of season 4 one bit, like the majority on social media appears to be.
these same people rant and rave about how good empire is

the people i know.. even a few chicks that watch the show thought the show was bad.....i was getting WTF text all night about it


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Angela should've been dead

Ghost should rat her ass out if he goes down(I know he ain't going down)

Stupid bitch

Tommy should've murked that hoe fuck Ghost and his feelings

Lil Tariq lame ass, I see Kanan like the lil nigga now tho he ain't talking bout killing him at all


Rising Star
BGOL Patreon Investor
Don't know if this will make it into the story, but I noticed that Greg touched Ghost's door handle and car door around the window when he stopped Ghost. This corroborates what he told Angie at the diner. Once they determine time of death, then Ghost will have his club alibi.


Thinking of a Master Plan
BGOL Patreon Investor
Reading comments about the episode on social media has me thinking us bgol cats are some discerning and critical muthafuckas. People, men and women are losing their minds, talking about how great this episode was. I'm like, did we watch the same episode? I'm probably going to watch the next season, because I'm invested in the show, it's something to watch on a weekend, and there are some nice titties to see. However, I'm not waiting in anticipation of season 4 one bit, like the majority on social media appears to be.

Dumb as fuck, a federal agents gets got in his own apartment and they talking bout no forced entry and didn't check the window or dust for prints or say shit about all them photos of ghost and Angie in his house.

Season was fucking horrible, that 50 Krueger shit started the snowball effect

The people on social media are like casual sports fan, while cats on BGOL are armchair quarterbacks. People on social media just looking for the high and low moments of the show while BGOL cats playing connect the dots between those moments. I was like the people on social media, thinking the episode was pretty good UNTILLLLL i came into this thread and cats started pointing out all the holes in the stories and how things in the story don't match up, now i'm like Mannnnn this episode fucked up:lol::roflmao:. All in all i still enjoyed this season tho


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
yeah, who called that in?
Seems like they rushed not only this episode but the season...looks lije they are becoming a victim of their own success and rushing shit to get through a season..like develop Jukebox and her background...coming back fromDC too soon...making shit too easy and very predictable scenes
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RawStrippers&Nut N Models
Certified Pussy Poster
The return of Jukebox was probably the best part of the finale. I find her character to be very interesting

Aint no dyke that ruthless.

Don't know if this will make it into the story, but I noticed that Greg touched Ghost's door handle and car door around the window when he stopped Ghost. This corroborates what he told Angie at the diner. Once they determine time of death, then Ghost will have his club alibi.

Another thing is why would Angela arrest Ghost, knowing how closely connected in corruption they are?

You arrest him in his night club on his biggest night and you think "love" is going to keep him from fucking you over?


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Reading comments about the episode on social media has me thinking us bgol cats are some discerning and critical muthafuckas. People, men and women are losing their minds, talking about how great this episode was. I'm like, did we watch the same episode? I'm probably going to watch the next season, because I'm invested in the show, it's something to watch on a weekend, and there are some nice titties to see. However, I'm not waiting in anticipation of season 4 one bit, like the majority on social media appears to be.
Like someone said earlier I think the appeal of the show to many is it's the soap opera-ish feel to it. It's like Young & The Restless meets The Wire and Ghost is like Victor Newman/Stringer Bell of the show. Trying to find logic in soap operas will only frustrate you, so you either have to accept the fact that this show is a fantasy gangster drama or not watch it. The writing is bad only if you are holding it to the standards of The Wire or a more reality based show, but I think the writers are trying to be more sensational and over the top.

I kind of figured after the first season they would run into a writing problem. A show like The Wire could go on forever because no one character was bigger than the show (anybody could get it for the most part). But when the show is built around a main character that lives so dangerously then that will become a problem sooner or later. How can he keep dodging death with all the enemies he has collected. The Holly hit, Lobos hit, Tommy, etc. Sooner or later the writing is going to suffer. Even Stringer Bell was forced to lean back and to me he was like a star of the show. Without Ghost being able to die, the writing will only get more ridiculous. I like the show more now since I take it for what it is, without the high realistic writing expectations. Its a fantasy gangster drama.