POWER Book all seasons discussion thread (Power Book II: Ghost canceled )


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Ghost is one calculating assed dude...and when Tommy got out it seemed like he knew the plan all along because he mentioned to Ghost how Angela was all fugged up when the lawyer brought up the fake sketch to get him off. Tommy might be a wild out cokehead at times, but Ghost knows that that's the only dude he can trust to have his back, and that is his boy and nothing's going to break that bond...he's been telling Angela all along that he wouldn't testify and now he told her "You can't have Tommy"...:lol:

Plus, last episode when Kanaan wanted to go to the meeting with Lobos and Tommy eyeballed and him and said he was good...Tommy is going to be the point man when they set Kanaan up for a fall...wouldn't be surprised if Ghost and Tommy flip it and tells the Serb that Kanaan and Ruiz set all that heist shit up and the Serb takes them out because of it...


Rising Star
I actually know Sean was fucked when he went to his deep voice talking about 'u ain't talking your way out of this shit' and then went into some ole 'gon with the wind' sharing bullshit! Ghost wrapped that nigga up like a son of a bitch once he started talking and confessing :lol:


Phat booty lover.
BGOL Investor
yup that and just like Tasha thought Ghost had set him up because they set up kanaan.

ghost looked like he was feeling him out when he picked him up tho...tommy was happy-go-lucky as usual but it looked to me like ghost was scheming


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
When Ghost heard that Tommy didn't snitch that was more motivation to use the trump card and get him out.

Ghost has thought about all different options. When it comes to every scenario he is in. He is less emotional but love and loyalty is his weakness.

He has to be willing to kill the people he loves in order to get Power.

You cannot keep Power and love at the same time. That is why he wants to get out of the game and get love. His wife doesn't want to get out of the game ... that is why he went to Angela. Also because of pussy but you know what I mean.


Rising Star
Wondering who, and why did they tear Dudes office up at the end? My thoughts were, Ghost had it done to fuck up his 'books' that he was feeding Stern at the end of the week, so Stern couldn't fuck with his numbers from that watch launch, and he would have no issue getting his club back, since Stern probably had Dude cooking the books... Thoughts?

A to Dah K

Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Glad yall liked the episode told yall shits crazy...just peeped something now I'm watching the episodes again.....Ghost and Angela love each other because of how alike they were....which also means how alike they are now. Ghost said it, they're from the same neighborhood and are similar which is why they have been playing each other this entire season, but they both in a stalemate cause she knows hes ghost, but she also aided him so now they can never blow each other up without blowing themselves up...remember that fact going into the next episode...

Sorry to be a pain, but Yall gonna flip on how the finale goes down...some predictable but some not, Season 3 cant get here soon enough!

How u know what happens next week?

A to Dah K

Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Wondering who, and why did they tear Dudes office up at the end? My thoughts were, Ghost had it done to fuck up his 'books' that he was feeding Stern at the end of the week, so Stern couldn't fuck with his numbers from that watch launch, and he would have no issue getting his club back, since Stern probably had Dude cooking the books... Thoughts?

Ghost stole the info he neded and trashed the place to make it look like someone came looking for something


Internet Superstar
BGOL Investor
Tasha got sloppy

Is she going to suspect Ghost killed DWade or would she believe Kanan would kill his own son after he failed

Would she believe Ghost saying DWade came to kill him?

Did Ghost tell him to leave because of Tasha or because he knew what Kanan was capable of?


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Tasha got sloppy

Is she going to suspect Ghost killed DWade or would she believe Kanan would kill his own son after he failed

Would she believe Ghost saying DWade came to kill him?

Did Ghost tell him to leave because of Tasha or because he knew what Kanan was capable of?
She gonna think ghost smoked his ass


International Member
cable cutters fiending like as crackhead in a blizzard


Tasha, she bad and all... but she poison, and Dude really needs to watch his back with her triflin' ass... She don't love that Nigga, she loves the lifestyle...


dude one more show ain't enough....this shit getting real real real

danm granpa u watching too:lol:

i cant front early eps 50 was looking shaky acting wise. but he turned it around


International Member


Rising Star
Platinum Member
Great ep.

We all knew Tommy was going to get off but it was hella fun watching it go down.

It's been said before but I'm going to say it again... Angie is a conniving birch and hypocrite. She throwing in ghost face that he will do anything to get what he wants when she was doing the same thing. Ghost was spot on when he told her they were both played each other and she's just mad she lost.

We all knew Sean want built for this game. But it was hard to watch him go because at the end of the day he was just a lost kid.

LaLa was right, wtf Tasha go with 200k and 2 kids??? Especially to "get away".

I have a feeling Greg is gonna die. And unfortunately it's going to be while helping Angela.

If Ghost makes good with Lobos after this (maybe he gets Lobos off also like he did Tommy) the Kanan is a dead man because Serbs and Latinos will know Kanan's plan failed.

Anyone noticed the symbolic shot where Kanan was playing chess move when his son walked in?

That will not happen since Ghost is already aware/suspects Lobos wants him dead a couple episodes ago. Ghost already has another supplier lined up. Remember, Ghost wants Lobos out (law or hit) of the equation.


Chopping it up
just watched it. 50 is one of the hardest characters on tv. EVER :lol: That muthafucka will wipe out anybody. I knew Sean was done when he showed up to the office.

Ghost did them in with that sketch evidence. That was dope :yes:


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
damn I thought Shawn would have been smart enough to give him back the gun empty and then when he saw how much of a monster Kanan was by attempting to kill him he would have no choice but to kill his dad with his other gun


International Member
<iframe width="560" height="315" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/VYrL3QgyMRI" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Tasha got sloppy

Is she going to suspect Ghost killed DWade or would she believe Kanan would kill his own son after he failed

Would she believe Ghost saying DWade came to kill him?

Did Ghost tell him to leave because of Tasha or because he knew what Kanan was capable of?


I Have Lunchmeataphobia
BGOL Investor
he said it, he don't think Lobos will stay locked up behind what they got and even if he does the cartel ain't going out of business..

when ghost is dead and kanaan is the one standing he banking that the cartel won't have a choice but come to him to do business because they still need a distributor in NY
Did you see how Ruiz looked at Kanan when he said Lobos would have no choice but to deal with him after murking Ghost? Remember he wants a seat at the head of the table in dealing with Lobos. Looks like the Ricans will probably be scheming to take Kanan out.Just a thought.

eagle force

Rising Star
Platinum Member
ghost saved tommy but at great cost:
lobos knows he set him up
tasha don't trust him at all
angie knows who he truly is
kanan been want him dead - and he's rallying the troops(ruiz, the serbs, marlo) against him.
the wildcard is dre - if he's truly loyal to ghost - that could save him.

lol @ the shawn gifs.


BGOL Legend
Bullshit, Tommy is a coke head and sitting in that cell was fukkn with him.

They lucky they got him out when they did cause he was bout to fukk everything up.

remember they walked into the dismissal hearing and he was talking bout he gotta say something to the judge and the lawyer told him to stfu..

then when he saw what was going on his whole demeanor changed

everybody knows, almost doesn't count - Brandy


Rising Star
Glad yall liked the episode told yall shits crazy...just peeped something now I'm watching the episodes again.....Ghost and Angela love each other because of how alike they were....which also means how alike they are now. Ghost said it, they're from the same neighborhood and are similar which is why they have been playing each other this entire season, but they both in a stalemate cause she knows hes ghost, but she also aided him so now they can never blow each other up without blowing themselves up...remember that fact going into the next episode...

Sorry to be a pain, but Yall gonna flip on how the finale goes down...some predictable but some not, Season 3 cant get here soon enough!


that dialogue btwn ghost and d. wade in the club basement was on point (specifically ghost's dialogue)...good insight into the father dynamic btwn his natural father & that psychopath kanaan



BGOL Legend
Tasha got sloppy

Is she going to suspect Ghost killed DWade or would she believe Kanan would kill his own son after he failed

Would she believe Ghost saying DWade came to kill him?

Did Ghost tell him to leave because of Tasha or because he knew what Kanan was capable of?

depends on if he mentions he knows about them fucking or not.


International Member
gottdammit man!

lil man after seeing d wade fly to jesus
<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" lang="en"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">lil man goin through some deep shit.. <a href="http://t.co/UgUYlT2kIK">pic.twitter.com/UgUYlT2kIK</a></p>&mdash; Dory (@Dory) <a href="https://twitter.com/Dory/status/630112265686118400">August 8, 2015</a></blockquote>
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Thinkn with My 3rd Eye!
Platinum Member
lil man after seeing d wade fly to jesus
<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" lang="en"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">lil man goin through some deep shit.. <a href="http://t.co/UgUYlT2kIK">pic.twitter.com/UgUYlT2kIK</a></p>&mdash; Dory (@Dory) <a href="https://twitter.com/Dory/status/630112265686118400">August 8, 2015</a></blockquote>
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