Professor Dave just destroyed Lord jamar


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Had to look up Professor Dave's credentials....In the words of Kevin Garnett, "Why Lord, Why Lord, WHY"? LOL

MD's will probably tell you Organic Chemistry is probably the hardest class they had to take in undergraduate....SMH


Welcome! I have a knack for explaining stuff and I want to share some knowledge with you.

I received a BA in chemistry from Carleton College, and performed graduate studies in both synthetic organic chemistry and science education at Cal State Northridge, receiving an MA in the latter. Prior to this I taught for about a decade in various high school and undergraduate settings, specializing in organic chemistry but also teaching general chemistry, physics, and biology.

This channel is for students at the high school and undergraduate level, but it is also for members of the general public who just want to know more about the world and how things work. My goal is to increase science literacy in our society, so please share these tutorials with anyone that you think might enjoy them. Happy learning!

Black Sexxxploitation

Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Now he says Godfrey set him up
I think we all pretty much saw that one coming from miles and miles away. Jamar bodied himself by knowingly punching well above his intellectual weight class and making a public spectacle out of it. He now has no other recourse but to go this route. I honestly would not be shocked if he started calling Godfrey a Nigerian scam artist. No blow is too low for an intellectual coward.

He's actually saying that the Nation of Gods and Earths should change it's teachings in regards to the shape of the earth. ALL of his Five-Percent peers need to put him on blast IMMEDIATELY instead of letting him rock with this kind of nonsense. Stupidity should be called out, not tolerated and enabled.
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Rising Star
BGOL Investor
It is difficult to get a man to understand something, when his salary depends on his not understanding it.

That's the thing he isn't making anything off of this flat earth shit and may be damaging his ability to book interviews king term even in those ignorant sites he frequents who won't have any interest in hearing him discuss this outside of possibly one to address this situation and the blowback.

After that no one is going to pay him money to sit there and try to explain that bullshit science.


Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster
That's the thing he isn't making anything off of this flat earth shit and may be damaging his ability to book interviews king term even in those ignorant sites he frequents who won't have any interest in hearing him discuss this outside of possibly one to address this situation and the blowback.

After that no one is going to pay him money to sit there and try to explain that bullshit science.

I am surprised Vlad petty ass hasn't chimed in yet.
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Hey Julian!

Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Had to look up Professor Dave's credentials....In the words of Kevin Garnett, "Why Lord, Why Lord, WHY"? LOL

MD's will probably tell you Organic Chemistry is probably the hardest class they had to take in undergraduate....SMH
Yeah organic chem is where I tapped out when I was trying to do my pre-reqs for dental school back in the day. Shit still bugs me.
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A crowd pleasing man.
OG Investor
That's the thing he isn't making anything off of this flat earth shit and may be damaging his ability to book interviews king term even in those ignorant sites he frequents who won't have any interest in hearing him discuss this outside of possibly one to address this situation and the blowback.

After that no one is going to pay him money to sit there and try to explain that bullshit science.
At this point, he's the modern day "bearded lady" that used to tour with carnivals. If he does get bookings, it'll be attended by curiosity seekers.

Walter Panov

Rising Star

I lost a little respect for Tyson for acting as if the flat-Earth debate was real. And even wasted his time making Twitter posts about it like he was serious about educating people. I was like yeah I know he's smart, but maybe he's not that smart. He gained my respect back when he said there's not a chance in hell that Aliens have visited Earth. One of the smartest things that man has publicly said.

4 Dimensional

Rising Star
Platinum Member
I just finished attending this conference. It was incredibly enlightening.

I sat in several NASA and NOAA presentations talking about the latest innovations in satellite observations. There was many private tech companies that launches their own satellites, too. So for the people in the back with their hands over their ears, NASA isn’t the only company monitoring the earth!

I conversed with so many scientists, engineers, programmers, technicians, directors, deputy directors, pilots (for god’s sake), and CEOs. And the list goes on.

You wouldn’t believe the connections I’ve made and at the level they are at.

I even connected with several brothers and there is one with his own federal contracting company. And I’m setting up a pipeline to be get more of US into STEM.

I had to evaluate where I’m at in life and the positions I am in. Being a supervisor, manager, and CEO is not natural to me and something I must learn to do. I don’t speak the language of those in high level positions because I’m too real and my niggatry comes out unexpectedly at times. Lol.

I am learning how to answer questions to diplomats in a way they want to hear and not how I want to say it. This shit is a game and it must be played correctly in order to reach certain levels in this field.

So again, Lord Jamar and others can YouTube all the fuck they want to while the rest world leaves their dumb ass behind.
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Rising Star
BGOL Investor
:lol:Bro what is this 50 sec video. Where’s the rest of the video

And for the record. I’m not a flat earther. I go the lazy route. Everything else is a ball. Why wouldn’t the earth be.

Bruh, the video was straight forward if I hold a light 17 ft off the ground through a hole at one point, then set up a camera peering through a hole 17ft off the ground some distance away, say 2 miles, well if the earth is flat, then I should be able to see the light through my camera

If the earth is curved then he needs to hold the light up a higher than 17 ft for my camera to see it at my point of 17ft.....

There is a longer video where they actually break it all down in the Nevada desert over a distance of like 3 miles and the math lines up perfectly with the calculated curve of the earth. I'll try to find it later


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Bruh, the video was straight forward if I hold a light 17 ft off the ground through a hole at one point, then set up a camera peering through a hole 17ft off the ground some distance away, say 2 miles, well if the earth is flat, then I should be able to see the light through my camera

If the earth is curved then he needs to hold the light up a higher than 17 ft for my camera to see it at my point of 17ft.....

There is a longer video where they actually break it all down in the Nevada desert over a distance of like 3 miles and the math lines up perfectly with the calculated curve of the earth. I'll try to find it later
That was the theory. And I agree you should.

But I didn’t see them measure near any body of water to know they are at level or show the distance they used in that 50 second clip. Other than a cartoon they drew.


the voice of reason
BGOL Investor
Someone needs to @ Casshie to let'em know that this entire thread is what the world thinks about him.

But he's too much of a dumbass to realize it.
That is like a man who served 2 years away in the military, coming home to find his wife five months pregnant, then posting on Facebook how his wife is having an immaculate childbirth and his son will be the savior. Fast forward a year when he realizes his savior looks exactly like the mailman.
My point is that admitting you got scammed to the public is a bitter pill to swallow.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
That is like a man who served 2 years away in the military, coming home to find his wife five months pregnant, then posting on Facebook how his wife is having an immaculate childbirth and his son will be the savior. Fast forward a year when he realizes his savior looks exactly like the mailman.
My point is that admitting you got scammed to the public is a bitter pill to swallow.

The level of stubbornness and ignorance to tell yourself and everyone around that the Earth's flat is amazingly stupid.

I just don't get it.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Look at these dumbasses, makeup excuses, and convince themselves of the bullshit in real-time. :lol:

So just imagine being so dumb that you can't tell those guys are idiots. :smh:



A crowd pleasing man.
OG Investor
That is like a man who served 2 years away in the military, coming home to find his wife five months pregnant, then posting on Facebook how his wife is having an immaculate childbirth and his son will be the savior. Fast forward a year when he realizes his savior looks exactly like the mailman.
My point is that admitting you got scammed to the public is a bitter pill to swallow.