Re: Quick Porn Comix Dump and an interesting Indian (dot) porn comic
Angel Corp - or maybe it should be called Angel CORPSE! The set up is kinda interesting (but its mostly what you've seen before) its about a bunch of sexy female operatives trained by the gov't to do clandestine missions and its got the usual sex and violence but GAT DAYUM

!! The creator (can't find his name) is apparently into violent necrosex. Talk about finding a niche...geeeezz!
The art work is fantastic and outstanding and it would have to be in order to keep people even partially interested. I found myself looking at it just to figure out what the hell is going on. Its a typical hero vs villains set up but the heroes keep getting killed and raped (and in that order too) over and over again. And I'm like

WTF?? How the fuck can you tell a story if the good guys keep getting killed? Are they clones? Do they have regenerative powers? Do they just keep sending more different people? Then it dawned on me..THATS THE POINT! They're SUPPOSED to get killed and raped cuz THATS THE NICHE!
So check it out....IF YOU DARE!!!
File name: AC 1.rar File size: 14.37 MB
File name: AC 2.rar File size: 12.18 MB
File name: AC 3 not complete.rar File size: 6.24 MB
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Guro: Ero Guro Nansensu, frequently shorted to Ero guro, (エログロ ero-guro?) is a wasei-eigo term that describes a literary and artistic movement from 1920s and '30s Japan.[1] Ero guro puts its focus on eroticism, sexual corruption and decadence.[1] While ero guro is a specific movement, many of its components can be found throughout Japanese history and culture.[citation needed]
The term is often used incorrectly by western audiences to mean "gore"—depictions of horror, blood, and guts. In actuality the "grotesque" term implies malformed, unnatural or horrific.[1] Items that are pornographic and bloody are not necessarily ero guro, and ero-guro is not necessarily pornographic or bloody.
Incorrect (according to wiki) definition:
Ero-Guro, most frequently shortened to just 'Guro' is short for 'Erotic Grotesque'. It is a sub-genre of hentai featuring blood, gore, disfiguration, torture, and bloody amputees. Many, if not most people to see it either see it funny, cool, or gross, although there are some that see it sexually attractive. Guro is just art, not real.
Guro is essentially grotesque pornography, more common in hentai and Go Nagai anime. Extreme examples of Guro include diarrhoea scat, necrophilia, amputee sex, skull-fucking and violent rape.