How did they catch it early, was it by accident or regular check ups or you were having some other problem that lead them to it, If you don’t mind me asking? What symptoms or signs to look for?Fuck cancer...6 years ago I had colon cancer, mine was caught early and cut out. So far so good for me, hang in there and fight the good fight.
How was it discovered? Did you have symptoms?Fuck cancer...6 years ago I had colon cancer, mine was caught early and cut out. So far so good for me, hang in there and fight the good fight.
I became anemic, the iron in my blood was hair was falling out...and I was always tired, no blood in stool. They cut half my colon out...took out my appendix and spleen to be sure it didn't spread. Then 5 years of scoping and blood work. Never needed I go out and encourage other brothas to get checked....some just won't do it until it's too late and cancer spreads...How was it discovered? Did you have symptoms?
I became anemic, the iron in my blood was hair was falling out...and I was always tired, no blood in stool. They cut half my colon out...took out my appendix and spleen to be sure it didn't spread. Then 5 years of scoping and blood work. Never needed I go out and encourage other brothas to get checked....some just won't do it until it's too late and cancer spreads...I was in my early 40s
Thanks.I became anemic, the iron in my blood was hair was falling out...and I was always tired, no blood in stool. They cut half my colon out...took out my appendix and spleen to be sure it didn't spread. Then 5 years of scoping and blood work. Never needed I go out and encourage other brothas to get checked....some just won't do it until it's too late and cancer spreads...I was in my early 40s