MF DOOM ....RIP......
every superhero has an origin story....(I used to love this song)
I'm legit sad over this shit.... I remember back in the day,vone of us had his face and mask as his avatar before we knew who he even was. I was just listening to "Friends" featuring the sample off Friends, by Whodini (in which we JUST lost XTC).
Salute my guy, and rest in peace.
To this day, Doom doesn’t get the respect he deserves. I remember when I was trying to put folks on Doom back in 2004. Kats would look at me like I was crazy.
I realized that Doom was only meant for the ones meant to understand his style. This one hurts like Dilla’s passing.
Man WTF??? man, this shut just made my head and heart hurt...
Supposedly he passed 2 months ago and it's just now coming out. Damn. RIP
Wow. How did they hide this for 2 months?
DOOM was a very private person and his wife respected his wishes. Plus she needed time to grieve. She lost her son and her husband in a short span of time. I’m logging off til tomorrow lost too many close friends this year.That’s what I am wondering. His inner circle must have been real small.